Suggest correction - #5564 - 2008-11-13

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    DD: $800 16
This author concluded a famous novel with the line "After all, tomorrow is another day"

Show #5564 - Thursday, November 13, 2008

2008-B Teen Tournament quarterfinal game 4.

Ask Alex #2: Mustache.


Jay Schrader, a junior from Lexington, Kentucky

Sarah Marx, a junior from Chevy Chase, Maryland

Haley Batz, a senior from Charlotte, North Carolina

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We'll name the governor. You name the state.)
    $200 17
Kitty coughs up these somewhat spherical masses because she licks herself a lot (hey, try combing her more often!)
    $200 2
The NFL's Titans tower over this town
    $200 1
Portland, Oregon
    $200 13
The Michauxes added pedals to the front wheel of a velocipede & became the "fathers of" this vehicle
    $200 5
Former presidential candidate Bill Richardson
    $200 6
In her June 2008 concession speech she admitted, "Well, this isn't exactly the party I'd planned"
    $400 18
Some acne creams contain the slime of these coil-shelled gastropods famed for their slowness
    $400 3
College football's Cornhuskers battle in this burg
    $400 14
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
    $400 27
One line of the Montreal Metro, this type of transportation, passes beneath the St. Lawrence River
    $400 10
Jeb Bush successor Charlie Crist
    $400 7
In 1901 he advised, "Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far"
    $600 20
When these medicinal worms finish sucking your blood, they drop off; alert your nurse when this happens
    $600 4
MLB's Rays shine over this place (St. Petersburg, specifically)
    $600 23
Provo, Utah
    $600 28
The Pan-American Highway's southernmost point is Puerto Montt, 560 miles south of Santiago in this country
    $600 11
Jon Corzine
    $600 15
At her inquest this woman who inspired a rhyme said, "I knew there was an old axe down cellar, that is all I knew"
    $800 21
In 2008, 2 teens from this Mass. cape went a little buggy & sold jewelry made from dead cicadas
    $800 8
The NHL's Coyotes have a howling good time here (well, Glendale, actually)
    $800 24
Birmingham, Alabama
    $800 29
First used in Japan in the 1870s, this 2-wheeled cart is pulled by a runner who may pull up to 30 miles a day
    $800 12
Bobby Jindal, who replaced Kathleen Blanco
    DD: $800 16
This author concluded a famous novel with the line "After all, tomorrow is another day"
    $1000 22
A tick bit me! I've got a blotchy rash! I'm vomiting! I may have this disease with a mountain range in its name!
    $1000 9
The MLS' Earthquakes shake things up for this city (they play in Santa Clara & Oakland, really)
    $1000 25
Quebec City,
    $1000 30
This light Russian sleigh, whose name means "a group of 3", is pulled by 3 horses
    $1000 26
Rick Perry
    $1000 19
This British physicist has been quoted as saying, "My goal is simple, it is a complete understanding of the universe"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Haley Sarah Jay
$0 $1,400 $2,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Haley Sarah Jay
$1,600 $2,600 $6,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 26
The flags of Berlin, Germany & this Swiss capital both have bears on them
    $400 1
Are you watching this CBS reality show that hit its 10th edition in 2008, or is it watching you?
    $400 4
"She Would Not Be Moved" is the story of this woman & the Montgomery bus boycott of the 1950s
    $400 21
Hyphenated term used in math to describe a line, & in movie reviews to describe a character without depth
    $400 2
Romantic painters liked nighttime, as in Friedrich's 1822 canvas showing this rising over the sea
    $400 3
The ASPCA is the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to these
    $800 27
Until 2002 the flag of this African nation had a large "R" on it
    $800 16
This fall '08 Fox show kicked off with a plane landing at Logan Airport with no one on it alive
    $800 5
This "Stuart Little" author also co-wrote the handbook "The Elements of Style"
    $800 22
This basic geom. figure contains 2 dimensions: on a map surface they're normally longitude & latitude
    $800 10
The Byzantines kept busy making these, in which small pieces form big pictures on floors, walls & ceilings
    $800 9
In 1999 Ellen Ochoa, the first Hispanic woman astronaut, visited this, the ISS
    $1200 28
American Samoa's flag includes this American bird grasping symbols of Samoan authority
    $1200 17
This '80s teen actress plays a mom on "The Secret Life of the American Teenager"
    DD: $1,000 6
This book that tackled the topic of football in a Texas town inspired a film & a TV series
    $1200 23
(Jon of the Clue Crew points to a diagram on the monitor.) To model space in three dimensions, you have to go beyond Descartes' usual letters & label points along this axis
    $1200 13
This British artist, known for a famous "Boy", gave us the girl seen here
    DD: $1,000 11
nsec stands for this very brief amount of time
    $1600 29
The stripes on Argentina's flag are in "celeste y blanca", this shade of blue & white
    $1600 18
Sam & Dean cruise the U.S. in a '67 Impala battling demons (& gas prices?) on this drama
    $1600 7
Mitch Albom's weekly visits with a dying teacher spawned this mega-bestseller
    $1600 24
Don't lose the thread--there are 10 or so dimensions in this physics theory
    $1600 14
A woodcut is this raised type of printing, also a kind of map
    $1600 12
When used of time, the abbreviation P.M. means this "meridiem"
    $2000 30
This North African nation's flag features a green... has a green... well, it's just all green
    $2000 19
Zooey's sister, this actress is the lovely "Bones"
    $2000 8
This 1950 classic by Thor Heyerdahl is subtitled "Across the Pacific by Raft"
    $2000 25
(Jon of the Clue Crew displays an animation on the monitor.) The snowflake curve, a geometric pattern repeated at smaller scales, has fractional dimensions; it's this type of shape related to the word "fractional"
    $2000 15
Otto Van Veen--here's his "Lamentation"--taught this greatest northern Baroque painter--here's his
    $2000 20
To look at soft tissue, you might need an MRI, which stands for magnetic resonance this

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Haley Sarah Jay
$8,800 $16,200 $15,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

Unveiled in 1923, the statue seen here of this man is located on the south side of the Treasury Building

Final scores:

Haley Sarah Jay
$6,800 $12,400 $17,000
3rd place: $5,000 if eliminated 2nd place: $5,000 if eliminated Automatic semifinalist

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Haley Sarah Jay
$9,600 $16,600 $15,000
10 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
23 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
19 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $41,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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