In July 2019 Megan Thee Stallion tweeted, "I feel it's only right I drop a" this "song before the summer is over" |
(Cameron: Uh, what is a banger?) ... (Ken: It was a banger, don't get me wrong, but it was called [*].)
hot girl summer
"The stricken whale flew forward"; this man "stooped to clear" the line, "but the flying turn caught him round the neck" |
(Ken: R.I.P. [*].)
(Captain) Ahab
Sorry, we don't have Coke, but at the South Carolina State Fair, we have served fried this beverage, created in N.C. in 1893 |
(Ken: Delicious fried [*], yes.)
As a noun it can mean pleated fabric added as a trim; as a verb, to annoy or fluster someone's feathers |
Whoooa... I was in Vegas last night, but that's the U. of Nevada's flagship campus... how'd I get to this city also big on gambling? |
(Ken: You ran that category, Josh, well done.) [Applause]
You can't fool me... or maybe you can! There are 22 major arcana cards in this type of deck; now go & empress us |
"I'm drunk in the back of the car, and I cried like a baby" while doing this, reported Taylor Swift of her "Cruel Summer" |
(Ken: I hope that's her [*], not the baby.) [Laughter]
coming home from the bar
"In the morning she was waked by a horrible nightmare, which had recurred ... even before her connection with Vronsky" |
Anna Karenina
How about this stuffed Chinese app with shredded veggies & meat? It's larger than the spring type & I'm in |
(Cameron: What is a, uh... summer roll?)
an egg roll
Said of some cats & dogs, it means in a wild state, perhaps after having once been domesticated |
Oh dear... am I on Killington Peak or Little Killington in this New England range? & Where the heck is Camel's Hump? |
(Ken: Yes, of Vermont?)
the Green Mountains
Lamed, vav & shin are among the 22 letters in this alphabet |
[The letters were read left to right, rather than the customary right to left.]
A Beach Boys song about a relaxing "Spring" this rhymes it (pretty much) with "Good Vibrations" |
(Josh: What are sensations?) (Cameron: What are vacations?)
He says, "You know, old sport, I've never used that pool all summer?" (he really should've stuck to that) |
allrecipes.com notes "you can also fry up red" ones with the recipe for these, a 1991 film title, but overripe ones "will be mushy" |
fried green tomatoes
Types of this device are either continuous wave or pulsed, which can produce a short release up to 10 quadrillion watts |
(Cameron: Uh... what is radio?) (Steve: What is a microwave?)
a laser
I'm not sure where I am now heading down this river, but I've passed El Paso, loped by Laredo & bounded by Brownsville |
the Rio Grande
"The knife came down, missing him by inches, and he took off" is the last line of this novel |
Nat King Cole, Bing Crosby & Frank Sinatra are among the many artists who've recorded the jazz standard "Autumn" these |
He/it says, "I think there's been a failure in the pod-bay doors... lucky you weren't killed... Dave... what are you doing?" |
(Ken: [*] from 2001, yes)
HAL (9000)
For fried chicken, "Joy of Cooking" says a marinade of this tangy dairy product "promotes tenderness" |
This member of the weasel family found in forests of Asia is highly values for its fur |
It's no tragedy to be lost in Othello, Wash., but I must bop down 395 & over on 12 & hit this double-named city in about 90 minutes |
Walla Walla
Bats entertainment! The pitch in this sport is 22 yards in length by 10 feet in width |
(Cameron: What is baseball?)
"Winter Lady" was a track on the 1967 debut album "Songs of..." this late singer-songwriter |
Leonard Cohen
He "cried out twice, a cry that was no more than a breath: 'The horror! The horror!"' |
(Ken: Yes Heart of Darkness.)
From the French, this deep-fried New Orleans staple is a yeast pastry that's soft as--but more delicious than--a pillow |
a beignet
This small fluid-filled sac reduces friction between tendons & bones at joints |
Oh, you know me, hoppin' on my Harley & heading for the annual August rally in this city, but my faulty GPS has me in nearby Deadwood |
The 22 bones that make up this structure account for 1/4 of your length at birth but only 1/8 by maturity |
a skull