Show #9296 - Monday, March 24, 2025


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Geraldine Rodriguez, an interlibrary loan assistant coordinator from Boca Raton, Florida

Mustafa Hameed, an attorney from Los Angeles, California

Josh Weikert, a politics professor from Collegeville, Pennsylvania (whose 1-day cash winnings total $23,601)

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Jeopardy! Round

THE LATE 1940s
    $200 30
Its 4th season saw Eugene Levy, Eva Longoria & Zach Galifianakis cast in a film adaptation of the title sleuthing podcast
    $200 29
On April 17, 1948 a Brigade led by Yitzhak Rabin brought relief supplies to a blockaded Jewish area of this city
    $200 28
Several buildings have been called this; in the 1900s, you'd go to the East Side to see the fights, while today it's farther west
    $200 27
This type of pressure is that of the Earth's atmosphere; it can be measured in millibars of mercury
    $200 26
From a word for "hidden", it's the process of making digital data unreadable to the unauthorized
    $200 13
Low register for pop's Barry White or opera's Boris Christoff
    $400 17
(Max Greenfield presents the clue.) I played Leo D'Amato, a deputy sheriff who helped Kristen Bell solve the murder of her best friend, on the first season of this series
    $400 4
The last gathering of the Grand Army of the Potomac, an organization for these people, was held in 1949
    $400 21
You can check out Longwood House, Napoleon's home from 1815 to 1821, if you brave the landing on this Atlantic island
    $400 8
Simmons, I'll need the document copied this way--one for Larry, one for Moe, one for Curly
    $400 25
In 2021, Colonial Pipeline paid $4.4 million to regain control of its systems after being hit with this type of malware
    $400 12
As a verb it means to make unskilled efforts at repairing or improving something
    $600 16
It's no mystery that Nathan Fillion starred as this title novelist who helped the NYPD on a murder or 100
    DD: $1,000 3
The Vatican said Pope Pius XII was guarding the newly found bones of this man, Pius' predecessor minus 259 other guys
    $600 20
Let's hike in this end-of-the-alphabet national park & check out sites like the 2,400-foot Great White Throne
    $600 7
Beginning with the Latin adverb meaning "well", this is a person who demonstrates generosity with financial help
    $600 24
Cybercriminals doing this are "angling" to get confidential info from you like credit card numbers
    $600 11
Partner of "whistles" when talking about something with every possible accessory
    $800 15
On "Poker Face", she stars as Charlie, sort of a female Columbo, who can always tell when people are lying
    $800 1
U.N. Secretary-General Trygve Lie was happy to take a check for $8.5 million from this junior philanthropist for the new HQ
    $800 19
Said to be around 800 years old, the Avenue of the Baobabs isn't just any old street on this large island nation off Africa
    $800 5
As a verb, it means to plan & direct a complex & possibly evil scheme; as a noun, it's a British game show testing on a specialized topic
    $800 23
Ethical hackers, also called by this headgear, use their skills to identify security risks
    $800 10
A geographic one on the Lower West Side of NYC begins below Canal Street
    $1000 14
On this series, Shawn Spencer just pretended to be clairvoyant & solved crimes by having great observational skills
    $1000 2
Starting in 1947 this Berlin-area prison, capacity 600, held Rudolf Hess, Albert Speer & 5 other war criminals
    $1000 18
Four tons of "Fist" honors Joe Louis near Jefferson & Woodward Avenues in this city where the champ grew up
    $1000 6
The place where 2 rivers join together, it can also mean a place where 2 forces or ideas come together
    $1000 22
MFA is short for this security measure; would you like that code sent via text or email?
    $1000 9
A public official responsible for documenting deeds

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Josh Mustafa Geraldine
$5,800 $800 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Josh Mustafa Geraldine
$6,800 $5,200 $2,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: There's a double "C" in each response.)
    $400 19
A business big shot:
    $400 30
In 1682 a total of 71 didn't get their vitamin C & fell to this disease
    $400 29
Calcium carbonate mixed with marble & glue can make this plaster-like substance that gives buildings that durable finish
    $400 27
Walt Whitman's line "Where on the deck my captain lies, fallen cold and dead" referred to this man
    $400 28
The word Arctic comes from the Greek for this animal--not from wildlife, but from a constellation in the northern sky
    $400 25
Rolling Stone called this Chuck Berry classic "the first rock & roll hit about rock & roll stardom"
    $800 18
In computerese: DoS with a little o is denial of service; DOS with a big O is this
    $800 23
Paired with something called tissick, this synonym for tuberculosis ate up 2,982 Londoners in 1659
    $800 14
This traditional Italian flatbread baked in thin squares is thought to have originated with the Etruscans
    $800 26
Poems by him include "Crowing Hen Blues",
"Po' Boy Blues" & "The Weary Blues"
    $800 9
This Arctic animal that can weigh up to 2 tons is nicknamed the "unicorn of the sea"
    $800 24
In 1957, this future country legend released an album called him "with... His Hot and Blue Guitar!"
    $1200 17
This government fact-finding agency is BLS for short
    DD: $4,200 4
In 1664 deaths from this one word were 6; in 1665, 68,596
    $1200 12
Eric Adams is fond of saying, "All my haters become my waiters when I sit down at the table of" this
    $1200 13
Her 2021 presidential inauguration poem included "For there is always light, if only we're brave enough to see it"
    $1200 8
With a name meaning "top of the world", Quttinirpaaq National Park is an Arctic landscape in this easternmost Canadian territory
    $1200 22
Mocked by fans as "Johnny Salami", he more than holds his own shredding on the guitar with Dead & Company
    $1600 16
It uses the Internet country code .bf
    $1600 3
"Lights" is an old word for these; "rising of the lights", possibly emphysema or croup, took out 81 Londoners in 1699
    DD: $3,000 11
It's a genus of succulents, like the Spanish bayonet or the Joshua tree
    $1600 1
This man better known for his Chicago poems won a 1919 Pulitzer Prize for his "Cornhuskers" collection
    $1600 5
Protecting against disaster, a seed vault on an Arctic island of this Scandinavian nation stores more than 1 million samples
    $1600 21
The "King of the Downstroke", he provided the buzzsaw guitar on punk classics like "Sheena Is A Punk Rocker"
    $2000 15
AED is short for this life-saving device
    $2000 2
This, inflammation of tissue at the back of the throat, isn't often fatal now, but in 1696 a complication called quinsy killed 9
    $2000 10
This adjective is the F in AFM, a condition in which muscles may become suddenly limp & weak
    $2000 7
A classic poem says, "Two roads" did this "in a wood, and I--I took the one less traveled by"
    $2000 6
One of the world's tiniest species of this tree, Salix herbacea, reaches about three inches high in the Arctic
    $2000 20
Morrissey got together with this 18-year-old Johnny in 1982 & an alt rock legend was born

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Josh Mustafa Geraldine
$21,800 $17,200 $3,200

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

After leaving a religious group, John & Arlyn Bottom changed their family's last name to this, to signify a rebirth

Final scores:

Josh Mustafa Geraldine
$9,199 $7,200 $6,400
2-day champion: $32,800 2nd place: $3,000 3rd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Josh Mustafa Geraldine
$20,000 $17,200 $7,400
23 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
22 R,
0 W
7 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $44,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2025-02-10
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