Show #9297 - Tuesday, March 25, 2025


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Eugene Huang, a teacher from Paramus, New Jersey

Sara Balmuth, an archeologist from Shasta Lake, California

Josh Weikert, a politics professor from Collegeville, Pennsylvania (whose 2-day cash winnings total $32,800)

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: That's an anagrams category.)
(Ken: These will be words found slightly before the word "pleasure" in the dictionary.)
    $200 30
Nepal's coat of arms features a garland of rhododendrons encompassing this summit
    $200 28
Hyacinth Hippo is the star of the "Dance of the Hours" segment of this Disney film
    $200 14
"I'm not pretty anymore"; "Note to the filmmakers... Margot Robbie is the wrong person to cast if you want to make this point"
    $200 13
Shake, rattle & roll:
    $200 20
Created in 1957, the Standard & Poor's index with this number tracks companies from energy to real estate
    $200 29
You can stand on a raised one to give a speech, or wear this kind of boot or heel to raise yourself up a few inches
    $400 4
This 3,000-mile mountain range extends from the U.S. into the northernmost reaches of British Columbia
    $400 27
In a confusing turn of events, this Hasbro game of "marble chomping madness" has a unicorn edition (but the same name)
    $400 7
"Metaman, express elevator! Dynaguy, snag on takeoff! Splashdown, sucked into a vortex! No capes!"
    $400 10
It's for the birds:
    $400 19
On a company's balance sheet, "AR" refers to this, money owed to the business by customers
    $400 24
When it comes to love, this adjective can be used in contrast to erotic
    $600 6
At an elevation of 8,100 feet, Great St. Bernard Pass through these mountains connects Switzerland & Italy
    $600 8
A viral sensation in 2024, Moo Deng is a pygmy hippo at the Khao Kheow Open Zoo in this country
    $600 2
"Now... sink into the floor... sink... now you're in the Sunken Place"
    $600 9
It's cutting edge:
    DD: $2,000 16
From the Latin for "body", this action offers more protection against liability than sole proprietorship
    $600 21
Facial features of this monotreme include a duckbill & white fur under its eyes
    $800 15
South America's highest peak, Mount Aconcagua is found near the border of these 2 countries
    $800 5
A blue hippo from Egypt's Middle Kingdom is the unofficial mascot of this New York museum that displays him
    $800 3
"Most people wanna borrow sugar. or even ketchup! You wanna borrow my car? Hell, naw!", leading to "Bye, Felisha"
    $800 11
Let's get physical or cultural:
    $800 17
Divide the benefit gained by the amount put in, then multiply by 100 to calculate ROI, this
    $800 22
If you don't know the details of a secret government operation, you've given yourself this kind of deniability
    $1000 26
Bearing the name of a country, it's the second-highest mountain in Africa
    $1000 25
From 395 to 430, this saint was bishop of the port city of Hippo
    $1000 1
Ted Knight: "I'm no slouch myself". Chevy: "Don't sell yourself short, judge. You're a tremendous slouch"
    $1000 12
Time to bone up:
    $1000 18
Used to secure repayment, it's assets or property pledged when a loan agreement is signed
    $1000 23
This guide says its yellow-&-black "logo has been woven into the theatregoing experience"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Josh Sara Eugene
$1,600 $3,600 $2,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Josh Sara Eugene
$7,200 $3,600 $1,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 26
"Erik the Red's Saga" says that this son of Erik was blown off course & ended up in grape-laden North America
    $400 10
Idiomatically, they're very small stages of progress
    $400 5
Scottish artist Eduardo Paolozzi anticipated this movement by a decade depicting brands in works like 1949's "Improved Beans"
    $400 25
Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, she played paralegal-turned-lawyer Rachel Zane on "Suits"
    $400 11
He was a senator, a governor & our 5th U.S. president; "Jeopardy!" 101... know the order of the presidents, folks!
    $400 17
In "Someplace Like Montana", Ada Limón recalls life in this New York City borough of bodegas, buildings & bridges--& Bushwick
    $800 27
Admiral George Anson lost half his ships trying to round this cape but later cashed in by seizing a Spanish galleon
    $800 9
Various sources say in the early 2000s, the length of these "toothsome" morsels of political persuasion was 7-9 seconds
    $800 4
The Rococo age was on a gilt trip & surviving pieces often use gilt this alloy, less valuable to strip & melt than silver
    $800 23
A regular on "30 Rock", she's more recently hosted a reboot of "Name That Tune"; I can name that actress in...
    $800 12
In 1924 this luxury fashion store addressed itself at a New York City location between 49th & 50th Streets
    $800 16
"The ghost of Père Lachaise/ Is walking the streets" in Hope Mirrlees' 1920 modernist classic titled this
    $1200 28
On July 25, 1579 this Englishman pulled up anchor near what is now San Francisco & headed out across the Pacific
    $1200 8
Fittingly, not much effort was needed in the 1980s to create this phrase meaning to take it super-easy; it's only 6 total letters
    $1200 3
Coin collecting was big in the Early Renaissance, maybe one reason portraits showed sitters like Matteo Olivieri this way
    $1200 22
Conchata Ferrell is perhaps best remembered for her roles on "L.A. Law" & as sarcastic housekeeper Berta on this sitcom
    $1200 18
Leeloo & Cornelius work together to save the Earth in this 1997 sci-fi epic, from an idea Luc Besson had at age 16
    $1200 15
The Vale of Tawasentha & the shore of Gitche Gumee are settings in the "Song of" him
    $1600 29
Aboard the ships São Gabriel & São Rafael, this explorer made it to Mozambique in 1498 & got help from the sultan there
    DD: $2,400 6
With scenes like the hide & clap in "The Conjuring", director James Wan has mastered this effect--it literally moves the viewer
    $1600 2
In the Hellenistic period Greeks interacted with Africans more than before, but in art still ID'd them all as this nationality
    $1600 21
Her TV roles have included She-Hulk & on another series, Sarah Manning, Alison Hendrix & Rachel Duncan
    $1600 19
A nationalist Gen. in the Spanish Civil War is said to have coined this idiom for a secret group trying to undermine a nation
    $1600 14
In a Coleridge classic, this locale is where Kubla Khan did "a stately pleasure-dome decree"
    DD: $3,000 30
Jacques Cartier discovered this island, but its French name later gave way to one honoring a son of King George III
    $2000 7
In realtor-speak it's a big, open area on the main floor; it's not just good, it's a...
    $2000 1
Around 1800 Antonio canova was the greatest sculptor of this old-is-new style with works depicting Cupid, Perseus & Daedalus
    $2000 24
She returned to TV as "The Diplomat" Kate Wyler
    $2000 20
Do we have an E.T.A. on that? Oh yes, 1810, when his glowing review of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony helped immortalize the work
    $2000 13
The ruins of this abbey on the River Wye were namechecked in the title of a poem by William Wordsworth

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Josh Sara Eugene
$20,000 $1,600 $10,600

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

A biosphere reserve in Michoacán is named for these creatures that turn the forests orange & black every November

Final scores:

Josh Sara Eugene
$21,201 $3,200 $20,001
3-day champion: $54,001 3rd place: $2,000 2nd place: $3,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Josh Sara Eugene
$19,200 $1,600 $15,600
26 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
7 R,
3 W
19 R,
3 W
(including 2 DDs)

Combined Coryat: $36,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2025-02-10
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