Jeopardy! Round responses
(Cameron: Uh, what is a banger?) ... (Ken: It was a banger, don't get me wrong, but it was called [*].)
hot girl summer
(Ken: R.I.P. [*].)
(Captain) Ahab
(Ken: Delicious fried [*], yes.)
(Ken: You ran that category, Josh, well done.) [Applause]
(Ken: I hope that's her [*], not the baby.) [Laughter]
coming home from the bar
(Cameron: What is a, uh... summer roll?)
an egg roll
(Ken: Yes, of Vermont?)
the Green Mountains
[The letters were read left to right, rather than the customary right to left.]
(Josh: What are sensations?) (Cameron: What are vacations?)
(Cameron: Uh... what is radio?) (Steve: What is a microwave?)
a laser
(Ken: [*] from 2001, yes)
HAL (9000)
(Cameron: What is baseball?)
(Ken: Yes Heart of Darkness.)
Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):
Cameron |
Steve |
Josh |
-$200 |
$3,800 |
$3,400 |
Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:
Cameron |
Steve |
Josh |
$400 |
$6,000 |
$7,400 |
Double Jeopardy! Round responses
(Cameron: What is Arizona?)
Santa Fe
(Cameron: Is it [*]?) (Ken: It is [*], well done.)
Chimp Crazy
(Steve: What is... The Hague?) (Cameron: What is Amsterdam?) ... (Ken: You two are close, right next door in Belgium--[*], the capital.)
(Steve: What is Cuba?)
Puerto Rico
(Ken: R.I.P. [*], yes.)
(Josh: What is a holy cow?) ... (Ken: Close, but this would be [*]; I think holy cow's a little different.)
a sacred cow
Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:
Cameron |
Steve |
Josh |
$6,400 |
$11,800 |
$16,400 |
[wagering suggestions for these scores]
Final Jeopardy! Round responses
(Ken: [To Cameron] Juffure in the Gambia was Kunta Kinte's village.)Cameron | What is Roots? | $6,400 | Steve | What is Roots? | $6,000 | Josh | What is Roots? | $7,201 | Roots |
Final scores:
Cameron |
Steve |
Josh |
$12,800 |
$17,800 |
$23,601 |
Game dynamics:
Cameron |
Steve |
Josh |
$6,400 |
$14,000 |
$15,000 |
Game tape date: 2025-02-10
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