Haru is this season, the time of sakura, & yuku haru is departing this, a traditional haiku theme |
Time to belly up to the bar, & the drink is on me! It's the main potent potable in a Cuba libre |
A measuring device, a musical series, a part of a fish |
a scale
"Why was Pete Campbell 'not great?"'; "man falling in opening credits, survive?"; "whiskey & cigarettes healthy?" |
Mad Men
Throw doubles 3 times in a row in Monopoly & you're off to this place, & it ain't Marvin Gardens |
The Yangtze runs nearly 4,000 miles to the East China sea from its source in the plateau named for this autonomous region |
(Ken: The [*]an Plateau, you got it.)
Edgar Allan Poe had these title objects "tinkle, tinkle, tinkle", "clang, and clash, and roar!" |
(Alex: What are the pit and the pendulum?)
the bells
Established in 1947, this Major League Baseball award has never been won twice by the same player |
Rookie of the Year
An angler's toss, an acting ensemble, an orthopedic device |
"East Highland High School dress code"; "Who sings 'Still Don't Know My Name"'; "Zendaya last name" |
(Alex: What is... Glee?)
I used a roll of the d20 to attack in this game created in 1974; my strength isn't great, but my charisma will open doors |
Dungeons & Dragons
Home to 25 million, this city at the mouth of the Yangtze became a word meaning to kidnap a mariner |
A Shakespeare sonnet begins, "Let me not to the marriage of" these 2 words "admit impediments" |
true minds
Forensic anthropologist Temperance Brennan returned for book 19 in the series, "A Conspiracy of" these body parts |
A structure, a dental device, a card game |
a bridge
"Shortbread Biscuit recipe"; "offside soccer rule"; "Is there really a Nelson Road Stadium in London?" |
Ted Lasso
In craps, you're truly playing the this if you bet on the shooter rolling 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11 or 12 |
the field
Parts of the Yangtze are home to the giant type of this amphibian, which can weigh over 100 pounds & wails like a crying infant |
(Cameron: What is a frog?) (Alex: What is a toad?) ... (Ken: Even more horrifying, it's a 100-pound [*] that wails like an infant; I really wish I didn't know about that.) [Laughter]
Now this was a guy big into odes, but if I had to pick, that one on the urn, with "mad pursuit" & "wild ecstasy"? that's a nifty ode! |
(Ken: Yes, "Grecian Urn".)
Established in 2021, it's the next federal holiday after Memorial Day |
A set of elevators, a steep slope, a blood-storage depot |
a bank
"Mandalorian but with Princess Leia as baby Yoda"; "Tatooine cave Air BnB"; "How do you properly pronounce Ewan McGregor?" |
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Dice rolls will lead you to getting the orange wedge after knowing your sports & leisure in this game |
Trivial Pursuit
Completed in 2006 after displacing 1.3 million people, this structure stretches more than a mile across the Yangtze |
the Three Gorges Dam
"Let the Irish vessel lie / Emptied of its poetry", says W.H. Auden's 1939 poem "In Memory of" him |
This school whose Welsh name means "high hill" was the first women's college to offer the Ph.D. |
Bryn Mawr
A debit, an electrical accumulation, an attack |
a charge
"Noir TV show but with aliens"; "forgot Apple account password"; "Colin Farrell joins Blue Man Group?" |
(Ken: That show was called [*] & sorry about the spoilers.)
A Chinese game combines with a Vegas one in this 3-word casino game, but the added joker can be an ace & dice are often involved |
pai gow poker
3 Yangtze river cities merged to form this city known for its metallurgy industry & as COVID-19's epicenter |