Show #9294 - Thursday, March 20, 2025

Alex DeFrank game 5.


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Cameron Berry, a data analyst and college administrator from Brighton, Massachusetts

Hillary Hess, an export policy analyst from Arlington, Virginia

Alex DeFrank, an inventory specialist from Brooklyn, New York (whose 4-day cash winnings total $102,400)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 16
Haru is this season, the time of sakura, & yuku haru is departing this, a traditional haiku theme
    $200 17
Time to belly up to the bar, & the drink is on me! It's the main potent potable in a Cuba libre
    $200 27
A measuring device,
a musical series,
a part of a fish
    $200 10
"Why was Pete Campbell 'not great?"';
"man falling in opening credits, survive?";
"whiskey & cigarettes healthy?"
    $200 30
Throw doubles 3 times in a row in Monopoly & you're off to this place, & it ain't Marvin Gardens
    $200 22
The Yangtze runs nearly 4,000 miles to the East China sea from its source in the plateau named for this autonomous region
    $400 5
Edgar Allan Poe had these title objects "tinkle, tinkle, tinkle", "clang, and clash, and roar!"
    $400 23
Established in 1947, this Major League Baseball award has never been won twice by the same player
    $400 28
An angler's toss,
an acting ensemble,
an orthopedic device
    $400 29
"East Highland High School dress code";
"Who sings 'Still Don't Know My Name"';
"Zendaya last name"
    $400 13
I used a roll of the d20 to attack in this game created in 1974; my strength isn't great, but my charisma will open doors
    $400 21
Home to 25 million, this city at the mouth of the Yangtze became a word meaning to kidnap a mariner
    $600 4
A Shakespeare sonnet begins, "Let me not to the marriage of" these 2 words "admit impediments"
    $600 24
Forensic anthropologist Temperance Brennan returned for book 19 in the series, "A Conspiracy of" these body parts
    $600 8
A structure,
a dental device,
a card game
    $600 15
"Shortbread Biscuit recipe";
"offside soccer rule"; "Is there really a Nelson Road Stadium in London?"
    $600 12
In craps, you're truly playing the this if you bet on the shooter rolling 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11 or 12
    $600 20
Parts of the Yangtze are home to the giant type of this amphibian, which can weigh over 100 pounds & wails like a crying infant
    $800 3
Now this was a guy big into odes, but if I had to pick, that one on the urn, with "mad pursuit" & "wild ecstasy"? that's a nifty ode!
    $800 25
Established in 2021, it's the next federal holiday after Memorial Day
    DD: $2,400 7
A set of elevators,
a steep slope,
a blood-storage depot
    $800 14
"Mandalorian but with Princess Leia as baby Yoda";
"Tatooine cave Air BnB";
"How do you properly pronounce Ewan McGregor?"
    $800 11
Dice rolls will lead you to getting the orange wedge after knowing your sports & leisure in this game
    $800 19
Completed in 2006 after displacing 1.3 million people, this structure stretches more than a mile across the Yangtze
    $1000 2
"Let the Irish vessel lie / Emptied of its poetry", says W.H. Auden's 1939 poem "In Memory of" him
    $1000 26
This school whose Welsh name means "high hill" was the first women's college to offer the Ph.D.
    $1000 6
A debit,
an electrical accumulation,
an attack
    $1000 9
"Noir TV show but with aliens";
"forgot Apple account password";
"Colin Farrell joins Blue Man Group?"
    $1000 1
A Chinese game combines with a Vegas one in this 3-word casino game, but the added joker can be an ace & dice are often involved
    $1000 18
3 Yangtze river cities merged to form this city known for its metallurgy industry & as COVID-19's epicenter

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Alex Hillary Cameron
$200 $2,200 $6,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Alex Hillary Cameron
$2,400 $2,600 $9,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

THE 1300s
____ OF THE ____
    $400 8
Seal skin was one of many media of George Ahgupuk, a famed artist from this state
    $400 13
Culture in China flourished under this dynasty that began ruling in 1368
    $400 18
As well as letting one actor play multiple parts, these projected the voice like a megaphone
    $400 15
This group was joined by their friend Roland on a 2000 No. 1 hit in which they tell a lover to "Say My Name"
    $400 25
Paired with "jolly" in the U.S., this plant was called Christmas in parts of England & used as a Christmas tree
    $400 30
In the rom-com "Leap Year", Amy Adams seeks love in Ireland & we get to hear this movie-traditional Irish greeting
    $800 7
Who else but this artist would give us the oil-on-canvas "Bear Lake, New Mexico, 1930"
    $800 12
In 1314 this king won a great Scottish victory over the English in the Battle of Bannockburn
    $800 20
In Euripides' drama about this title woman, a phantom version is abducted to Troy while the real one stays in Egypt
    $800 14
A Roland beat is heard on "One More Night" by this singer who first gained pop fame as a human drummer
    $800 28
Popular in wedding bouquets, white lilies are also known as these lilies, another name for the Virgin Mary
    DD: $4,000 29
When it comes to certain acts such as arson, there's some truth to the cliché about guilty folks returning to here
    $1200 6
In 2008 this Saturday Evening Post icon became Massachusetts' official state artist
    $1200 3
Call her Hedwig or call her Jadwiga, she was only a child when she became queen of this country in 1384
    DD: $2,500 19
As part of a play, the parodos was the song recited or sung as this group of commentators made its entrance
    $1200 11
The title of his album "808s & Heartbreak" refers to the death of his mother Donda, & to the Roland TR-808 used on the songs
    $1200 24
Blow on the seeds of this plant to make a wish; pick its flowers on St. George's Day to make its wine
    $1200 23
From their garb, the minister, priest & rabbi who walk into a bar could each be called this
    $1600 5
"Pennsylvania Landscape", or "Lafayette's Headquarters", is by this artist who passed away in Chadds Ford in 2009
    $1600 2
He wrote more than 300 Italian sonnets to a woman named Laura, though Laura may not have existed
    $1600 17
The unscrupulous Athenian politician Cleon was satirized as a manipulative slave in "Knights" by this comedic playwright
    $1600 10
Echo in this band's name was their drum machine, but Echo was retired in favor of machines including a Roland TR-66
    $1600 26
On Pentecost, rose petals are dropped through the oculus of this storied Roman building
    $1600 22
Plural phrase for the real mastermind of a plan or action
    $2000 4
Appropriately, Thomas Hart Benton's mural depicting the history of this state can be found in its capitol building
    $2000 1
In 1381 he led a peasants' revolt in England over heavy taxation of the poorer classes
    $2000 16
In "Eumenides", the goddess Athena casts the deciding vote for this man's acquittal after he kills his mother
    $2000 9
There's a Roland on this classic LL Cool J track whose album version doesn't include any of the ringing its title suggests
    $2000 27
Berries from this tree were once used as medicine by the Greeks & Romans, but we are more familiar with their use in gin
    $2000 21
Shown here, it's a song title by The Replacements & shorthand for independent & college radio

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Alex Hillary Cameron
$4,000 $7,500 $28,600
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Named for a 1775 battle, this city contains the graves of John Breckinridge & Henry Clay

Final scores:

Alex Hillary Cameron
$8,000 $0 $24,600
2nd place: $3,000 3rd place: $2,000 New champion: $24,600

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Alex Hillary Cameron
$4,000 $6,200 $23,800
16 R,
8 W
9 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
27 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $34,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2025-01-28
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