Show #9293 - Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Alex DeFrank game 4.


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Adam Silverman, a scientist from Arlington, Massachusetts

Ann Velenchik, an economics professor from Brookline, Massachusetts

Alex DeFrank, an inventory specialist from Brooklyn, New York (whose 3-day cash winnings total $75,600)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $200 14
When it lacks a shell, a snail relative is generally called this
    $200 27
Long before its use in gaming, it was slang for a baseball bat
    $200 26
"Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom"
    $200 30
A film about St. Francis is "Fratello sole, sorella luna"; Fratello & Sorella are brother & sister, sole & luna are these
    $200 9
Increasing the population more than 50% starting the year after WWII ended through 1964 was how this 2-word gen got its name
    $200 25
Who indeed! He wrote, "My town is called Who-ville, for I am a who and we Whos are all thankful and grateful to you"
    $400 13
Darwin did an in-depth study on these commonplace annelids; one species can grow to 11 feet in length!
    $400 3
It's the term for a cocktail stirrer, often with a little ball on one end
    $400 19
"Good Will Hunting"
    $400 29
Meaning "my soulmate", "mi media naranja" is literally my half this fruit for which many parts of Spain are famous
    $400 10
Covering births from 1965 to 1980 & obviously the best generation, it's aka the MTV generation, but that's just too many letters
    $400 2
She's the who who led her party to a landslide victory in 1983, winning a 144-seat majority & retaining her Downing St. address
    $600 12
One vowel off from the name of a stinky mammal, this lizard likes to burrow & live in the ground
    $600 15
Something that provides stability or the insect seen here
    $600 18
    $600 22
Gyaku-Gire, the anger of one who's in the wrong, is also a Panda trading card in this world that sometimes outsells Pokémon
    $600 24
Those born from 1997 to 2010 like Greta Thunberg & Jenna Ortega are letter-perfect as this generation
    $600 6
Why, he's the 19th century genius who made a major invention & also started the Volta Bureau for the Deaf
    $800 11
Despite the name, this type of arthropod comes up a bit short, usually maxing out at only 200 pairs of feet
    $800 5
At the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, you can enjoy a meal at this tavern with the same name as the one in the books
    $800 17
"The Guns of Navarone"
    $800 21
Sometimes delicate, sometimes decadent, art of the period before & even after 1900 is called Fin de siècle, or end of this
    $800 28
1981 to 1996 kids are called these; a 2017 business book has the alliterative title "Motivating" them
    $800 7
Who, what, where, when:
Catherine the Great, becoming empress, this then Russian capital, July 9, 1762
    DD: $1,000 1
There are many types of these, named for how they move; only one is an American rattlesnake, so it's the one used as an insult in Westerns
    $1000 4
Often occurring in kids, this "colorful" fracture happens when a bone bends & cracks, instead of separating totally
    $1000 16
"Sergeant York"
    $1000 20
"Not for all the butter in Småland" is the Swedish equivalent of this English phrase involving an Asian country
    $1000 23
A Tom Brokaw book title defined this group that covers those born from 1901 to 1927
    $1000 8
"Who am I? Why am I here?", asked James Stockdale, the running mate of this then independent candidate at a VP debate in 1992

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Alex Ann Adam
$5,000 $2,200 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Alex Ann Adam
$8,000 $4,400 $3,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 28
This physicist followed up "A Brief History of Time" a few years later with "A Briefer History of Time"
    $400 20
The Spandau Citadel &
the Tiergarten
    $400 29
Gertrude Stein fêted Teresa of Avila & others, working with Virgil Thomson on the opera titled "Four" of these "in Three Acts"
    $400 30
He first appeared in the short film "Frog Baseball" alongside his compatriot-in-crass Beavis
    $400 27
In Oct. 2023 its ambassador & former PM Kevin Rudd naturally threw a barbie for the opening of its new D.C. embassy
    $400 24
From the Latin for "blot out", it's what you want the authorities to do to the records of that crime you committed years ago
    $800 11
"The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul" was the second novel by this author to feature his holistic detective Dirk Gently
    $800 19
The Holmenkollen Ski Museum &
the Munch Art Museum
    $800 4
Not only do the Snow King & Queen turn up in this popular ballet, the Mouse King also makes an appearance
    $800 26
"Rolling Stone" called the members of this band "five brainy lads" & lauded "Hail to the Thief" as an "anxious digi-rock masterpiece"
    $800 22
Gardiner Hubbard, a founder of this world-spanning society, once owned the present-day Hungarian embassy
    $800 25
A day on which night & day are of the same length
    $1200 7
"A Time to Kill", John Grisham's novel about a murder trial in the South, takes its title from this Bible book
    $1200 15
Casa Vicens Gaudí &
the Palace of Catalan Music
    $1200 3
This Virgil work inspired the opera "Les Troyens" by Hector Berlioz
    $1200 13
In 2024 Idris Elba voiced this title character in a Paramount+ show set in the Sonic the Hedgehog universe
    $1200 23
Where did this president live after the Brits trashed the White House? A complex called The Seven Buildings, where Mexico's embassy is now
    $1200 8
Add an "E" to a word for a wife or husband & you get this verb you use when you adopt a cause
    $1600 6
Proust's "À la recherche du temps perdu" is sometimes translated, very literally, as this
    DD: $6,000 17
The Leonard Cohen Mural &
Place des Arts
    DD: $7,000 2
This German composed "Ritterballett", or "Knight's Ballet", while he was still living in Bonn
    $1600 14
In this colorfully named 2023 Netflix show, Maya Erskine voices Mizu, a female warrior bent on revenge in feudal Japan
    $1600 16
The sons of this late architect designed the Chinese embassy
    $1600 9
Beginning with an early month abbreviation, it means "feverish"
    $2000 5
In H.G. Wells' "The Time Machine", an explorer travels to the future & meets 2 races: the Eloi & these subterranean workers
    $2000 18
Juventus Stadium &
the Museo Nazionale dell'Automobile
    $2000 1
"The Fallen Woman" in Italian, this opera centers on the courtesan Violetta
    $2000 21
Jennifer Lawrence received her first Oscar nomination for Best Actress as Ree in this film set in the Ozarks
    $2000 12
France's embassy has a reception room named for this Frenchman whose 1831-32 visit led to a classic book on American democracy
    $2000 10
This word for a hero or upright person is the term for one of Charlemagne's legendary champions

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Alex Ann Adam
$37,400 $6,000 $13,000
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Named for an 1807 battle & valiant in one 8 years later, Copenhagen was this man's steed; society ladies donned strands of his hair

Final scores:

Alex Ann Adam
$26,800 $6,000 $13,000
4-day champion: $102,400 3rd place: $2,000 2nd place: $3,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Alex Ann Adam
$27,600 $6,000 $13,000
32 R
(including 3 DDs),
2 W
9 R,
2 W
15 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $46,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2025-01-28
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