You can go from I-80 to U.S. 101 at Showplace Square in this city & head south for Los Angeles |
(Ken: That's a good guess, you got it.)
San Francisco
Founded during the Great Depression by Black mothers, this leadership organization bears the name of 2 kids in a nursery rhyme |
Jack and Jill
Possibly based on the uniforms of an 18th century Milanese militia, the Italian flag is made up of stripes of these 3 colors |
white, red & green
This Nebraska state tree is named for the fluffy white seeds that can often be seen drifting in the wind |
a cottonwood
"That's enough. Off with their heads" |
the Queen of Hearts
We'll accept either the 4-letter or 9-letter versions of this vehicular instrument panel |
dash (the dashboard)
You get on I-95 & eventually west on 70 to go from a borough of 1.6 million to this same-named Kansas burg of 54,000 |
The Loyal Order of this deer has roughly 1,600 lodges, including some in Canada, where the creature is an iconic symbol |
(Lily: What is an elk?) (Alex: What are elks?) (David: What are the Benevolent Elks?) (Ken: No, I'm sorry, there is an Order of Elks, but this is the Loyal Order of [*], which would be the Canadian symbol.)
On an Italian menu, capelli d'angelo means this type of pasta |
angel hair
Plants of the genus Capsicum are better known as these, for the widely used cooking fruits of several species |
"All that's left now is to kill Elsa... and bring back summer" |
I hope you're all doing your this superlative, a euphemistic way of saying trying your hardest |
I'm going to this state capital, I'm gonna mess around; hopping on I-55 S. out of Oakland, Mississippi, maybe stopping in Madison |
A nonprofit that works to restore forests around the world is called this, like a biblical garden |
The top prize at the Venice Film Festival is a winged one of these, which also adorns that city's St. Mark's Basilica |
a (Golden) Lion
There are winter & witch species of the shrubs & small trees with this once again popular female name |
"The daughter of the great sea king is a very precious commodity" |
(Ken: [*] from The Little Mermaid, yes, well done.)
A common piece of advice to writers is to "kill your" these near & dear ones, meaning delete ornate stuff you're proud of |
East on I-80 out of Sparks, past Elko & eventually to (ah!) Oasis will take us most of the way across this state |
A news organization that covers the criminal justice system is named for this first Black Supreme Court justice |
Thurgood Marshall
After about 140 years of using this monetary unit, in 1999 Italy made the euro its official currency |
the lira
Greek for "rose" & "tree" gives us the name of this popular flowering shrub |
"Without the genie, boy, you're nothing" |
As an adjective, it means showing despicable cowardice or treacherousness, you cartoon villain you! |
The building with this company's name overlooks the Chicago River from the northwest corner of Michigan Avenue |
the Wrigley Building
Not to be confused with the Daughters of the American Revolution, these "Daughters" maintain a library in San Antonio |
(Alex: Who are Daughters of the Texas Revolution?) (Lily: Who are the Daughters of the Confederacy?) ... (Ken: You were closer, Alex--[*].)
Daughters of the Republic of Texas
Italy's 60th UNESCO World Heritage Site is this road that dates to 312 B.C. |
the Appian Way
Highly poisonous belladonna is also known by this fatal 2-word name |
(Alex: What's nightshade?) ... (Ken: We needed the 2-word name, Alex, it's [*].)
deadly nightshade
"You poor simple fools, thinking you could defeat me. me? The mistress of all evil? Well here's your precious princess" |
To apply paint with crude strokes, or to use mud to build a wall or nest, like some wasps |