Show #9292 - Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Alex DeFrank game 3.


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Lily St. Laurent, a student assistant from Bakersfield, California

David DeBacker, an architectural designer originally from Ypsilanti, Michigan

Alex DeFrank, an inventory specialist from Brooklyn, New York (whose 2-day cash winnings total $56,401)

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Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: But it's not as sexy as it sounds; these are words that come slightly after "dark" in the dictionary.)
    $200 26
You can go from I-80 to U.S. 101 at Showplace Square in this city & head south for Los Angeles
    $200 27
Founded during the Great Depression by Black mothers, this leadership organization bears the name of 2 kids in a nursery rhyme
    $200 21
Possibly based on the uniforms of an 18th century Milanese militia, the Italian flag is made up of stripes of these 3 colors
    $200 13
This Nebraska state tree is named for the fluffy white seeds that can often be seen drifting in the wind
    $200 19
"That's enough. Off with their heads"
    $200 30
We'll accept either the 4-letter or 9-letter versions of this vehicular instrument panel
    $400 25
You get on I-95 & eventually west on 70 to go from a borough of 1.6 million to this same-named Kansas burg of 54,000
    $400 23
The Loyal Order of this deer has roughly 1,600 lodges, including some in Canada, where the creature is an iconic symbol
    $400 20
On an Italian menu, capelli d'angelo means this type of pasta
    $400 15
Plants of the genus Capsicum are better known as these, for the widely used cooking fruits of several species
    $400 18
"All that's left now is to kill Elsa... and bring back summer"
    $400 29
I hope you're all doing your this superlative, a euphemistic way of saying trying your hardest
    $600 24
I'm going to this state capital, I'm gonna mess around; hopping on I-55 S. out of Oakland, Mississippi, maybe stopping in Madison
    $600 22
A nonprofit that works to restore forests around the world is called this, like a biblical garden
    $600 16
The top prize at the Venice Film Festival is a winged one of these, which also adorns that city's St. Mark's Basilica
    $600 14
There are winter & witch species of the shrubs & small trees with this once again popular female name
    DD: $1,000 17
"The daughter of the great sea king is a very precious commodity"
    $600 28
A common piece of advice to writers is to "kill your" these near & dear ones, meaning delete ornate stuff you're proud of
    $800 10
East on I-80 out of Sparks, past Elko & eventually to (ah!) Oasis will take us most of the way across this state
    $800 11
A news organization that covers the criminal justice system is named for this first Black Supreme Court justice
    $800 4
After about 140 years of using this monetary unit, in 1999 Italy made the euro its official currency
    $800 12
Greek for "rose" & "tree" gives us the name of this popular flowering shrub
    $800 7
"Without the genie, boy, you're nothing"
    $800 2
As an adjective, it means showing despicable cowardice or treacherousness, you cartoon villain you!
    $1000 9
The building with this company's name overlooks the Chicago River from the northwest corner of Michigan Avenue
    $1000 8
Not to be confused with the Daughters of the American Revolution, these "Daughters" maintain a library in San Antonio
    $1000 3
Italy's 60th UNESCO World Heritage Site is this road that dates to 312 B.C.
    $1000 5
Highly poisonous belladonna is also known by this fatal 2-word name
    $1000 6
"You poor simple fools, thinking you could defeat me. me? The mistress of all evil? Well here's your precious princess"
    $1000 1
To apply paint with crude strokes, or to use mud to build a wall or nest, like some wasps

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Alex David Lily
$2,000 $5,000 -$1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Alex David Lily
$4,000 $6,200 $600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 30
This city was founded in 1701 by French adventurer Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac
    $400 29
Oprah said this woman was her greatest mentor, a mother, sister, friend she could go to no matter what was going on
    $400 26
Sir, if you want to transport a dozen wildebeests on our railroad, you'll have to pay the this, a synonym for cargo
    $400 27
In this song's chorus, Lady Gaga sings, "'Cause God makes no mistakes, I'm on the right track, baby"
    $400 18
Nureyev helped the Boston Ballet stage a version of this classic story featuring imaginary dragons in the Spanish countryside
    $400 28
An ultimate defender one of these from Brunswick; its strong core lets me knock down them pins even on an oily lane
    $800 11
Last name of William, a loyalist governor seized by Yankee patriots on July 4, 1776; he & his famous dad never reconciled
    $800 24
Soon after the 1835 publication of "Tales, Told for Children", he began receiving a stipend from the Danish government
    $800 25
Say goodbye to the starting lineup, slugger! You've been this
    $800 6
This Auckland-born teen sang in a 2013 hit, "You can call me Queen Bee, & baby, I'll rule (I'll rule, I'll rule, I'll rule)"
    $800 17
A ballet using Benjamin Britten's music stars a clown who brings bad luck everywhere--he's this, the work's 4-letter title
    $800 22
A date with this WWI dancer whose name is a synonym for a seductive spy; I just need an OK from my wife--& a time machine
    $1200 3
China outlawed this for non-medicinal use in 1729, but the Portuguese & British kept bringing it in
    $1200 8
The fancy encyclopedias say he didn't really exist, but in that case how do I read to my kid from "The Fables of" him, huh?
    $1200 23
You'll find them in a desk or dresser or (we hope) under your pants
    $1200 1
Bowie sang that there was one of these "waiting in the sky, he'd like to come & meet us, but he thinks he'd blow our minds"
    $1200 16
The principal female role in the ballet "Ivan the Terrible" is his wife with this name, familiar in Russian history
    $1200 21
A permit to hike this California peak at the edge of Inyo National Forest; it's around 6,000 feet from trailhead to summit
    $1600 9
Havana's La CabaƱa, one of the largest Spanish fortresses in the Americas, was built by Charles III of this house, still reigning in Spain
    DD: $5,000 7
She worked as a journalist in Chile before she was forced to flee to Venezuela in 1975, her last name being a big problem
    DD: $6,000 12
This cat burglar asset is also an attribute of the B-2 bomber
    $1600 4
Vanessa Carlton said she'd go this distance "if I could just see you"
    $1600 15
"L'Oiseau de feu" is the French name of this high-flying Stravinsky ballet
    $1600 20
A mid-century lounge chair & ottoman designed by this married pair, first names Charles & Ray
    $2000 10
Spanish sailors going Mr. Blonde on this British captain led to the scuffle known as the War of his Ear
    $2000 2
This postmodern novelist who died in 2024 & gained fame with "The New York Trilogy" lived & worked specifically in Brooklyn
    $2000 13
Sorry if I was this with you, from French & meaning abrupt or rude
    $2000 5
This Foo Fighters song warns, "The only thing I'll ever ask of you, you gotta promise not to stop when I say when"
    $2000 14
Scottish ballet's staging of this Russian's tale sometimes had a Princess Charming dancing off with a Cinderfella
    $2000 19
A signed copy of "The Power Broker", about this man who was called New York's master builder

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Alex David Lily
$25,200 $15,600 $2,200

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Posted over the door of this show's setting was a notice reading, "Maximum room capacity 75 persons"

Final scores:

Alex David Lily
$19,199 $4,489 $2
3-day champion: $75,600 2nd place: $3,000 3rd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Alex David Lily
$20,800 $12,200 $1,800
24 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
20 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
7 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W

Combined Coryat: $34,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2025-01-28
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