Show #5848 - Wednesday, February 3, 2010

2010-A College Championship quarterfinal game 3.


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Rebecca Maxfield, a freshman from Brown University

James Hill III, a freshman from Santa Clara University

Robbie Berg, a freshman from the University of Pennsylvania

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Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Each correct response will be made up of the letters from the word "February".)
    $200 1
It joins Yokohama in a Metro area home to more than 30 million people
    $200 6
In "The Wizard of Oz", the Wicked Witch of the West watches these disappear & then finds them on Dorothy
    $200 22
Make room for guacamole & head to Fallbrook, California for its festival of this fruit
    $200 21
Like mice, chipmunks belong to this order of mammals
    $200 16
With the familiar 4-note opener, his Fifth Symphony has been called "the most popular orchestral work ever written"
    $200 9
The cost to ride a bus or subway
    $400 2
The Maly & Bolshoi theaters are on its Teatralnaya Square
    $400 7
In this holiday classic, Ralphie's dad's "leg lamp" causes quite a stir
    $400 23
Bridge City, Louisiana is famous for this festival where a lot of stewing goes on--seafood or chicken?
    $400 27
Down Under, a male one of these is called a buck, Boomer or jack
    $400 17
Our fifth president, he moved into a renovated post-torching White House
    $400 10
Extremely uncommon, or how I like my steak
    $600 3
It fell to British troops in 1917 & to U.S. troops on April 9, 2003
    $600 8
At the beginning of "Close Encounters", a bunch of these, missing since 1945, are found in the Sonoran Desert
    $600 24
You'll find deep dish pizza & more at the "Taste of" this city, in Grant Park
    $600 28
Our domesticated hogs are descended from these "wild" mammals of Europe
    $600 18
This fifth book of the Bible ends with the death of Moses
    $600 11
Exercise rail used by ballet dancers
    DD: $1,000 4
Once the capital of Spain's New World empire, this South American city was founded by Pizarro in 1535
    $800 14
This shiny title object from a 2007 fantasy film is actually an alethiometer, which cryptically answers questions
    $800 25
The largest ethnic festival in Arkansas highlights foods from this country, like gyros & souvlaki
    $800 29
The daily diet for this toothless mammal is some 30,000 termites & the insect in its name
    $800 19
The first American in space, he would later become the fifth man on the Moon
    $800 12
Grain for sandwich bread
    $1000 5
The Rideau canal separates this North American capital into upper & lower regions
    $1000 15
When Jimmy Stewart finds these items from his daughter Zuzu in his pocket in "It's a Wonderful Life", all is well
    $1000 26
The Valparaiso Popcorn Festival in Indiana has a parade named for this man, America's popcorn king
    $1000 30
One of 2 living water mammals, also called sea cows, that belong to the order sirenia
    $1000 20
You get a B if you know it's the fifth element on the periodic table
    $1000 13
For Mercury it's only 88 days long

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Robbie James Rebecca
$1,400 $800 $2,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Robbie James Rebecca
$6,000 $3,000 $4,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 7
In books 1 through 4 of his "Elements", he covered the rudiments of plane geometry
    $400 1
Though the show has ended, Joss Whedon still writes graphic novels about Angel & this title character
    $400 11
Elementary classroom culture & management is an offering from Stanford's school of this
    $400 10
United States Military Academy (class of 1843)
    $400 6
A 17th-century holder of this holy office in a 20th-century portrait
    $400 19
This "pleased" company is known for its drawstring trash bags
    $800 27
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a diagram on the monitor.) Two or more circles that have the same center point are said to be this, from the Latin for "together center"
    $800 2
"The Photographer" chronicles a trip to Afghanistan with this medical humanitarian organization
    $800 12
In the name of a Penn department, Earth Studies is paired with these earth-friendly studies
    $800 15
William & Mary College (class of 1762)
    $800 23
This English king in his coronation robes, a 1760 work by Allan Ramsay
    $800 20
Rapture, or the first name of Ms. Behar of "The View"... so what? who cares?
    $1200 30
You deserve straight As if you know that a straight angle has this many degrees
    $1200 4
A graphic novel by Robert Venditti & Brett Weldele was the basis for this Bruce Willis film about androids that live for users
    $1200 13
Don't bug me! I'm doing my reading for this class in which we study insects
    $1200 16
University of Michigan (class of 1935)
    $1200 8
This person seen here by Rembrandt, not Whistler
    $1200 21
In titles, it precedes "Adventures of Robin Hood" & "Wives of Windsor"
    $1600 28
(Sarah of the Clue Crew shows a diagram on the monitor.) Because the angle here is more than 90 degrees, both the angle & the triangle are classified as this
    $1600 3
Tim Hamilton illustrated the authorized adaptation of this dystopian classic by Ray Bradbury
    DD: $2,500 17
At Harvard, Introduction to Game Theory is a course on this
    $1600 18
Yale University (class of 1948)
    $1600 9
This super-impressionist, by fellow painter Renoir, 1875
    $1600 22
Greatly pleased, you're said to be this verb "pink" but to me, that sounds awful!
    DD: $2,500 29
When carried out to 5 decimal places, pi equals this
    $2000 5
Art Spiegelman tackled the holocaust in this graphic novel that portrayed Germans as cats
    $2000 24
Often paired with public health, it's the branch of medicine that deals with outbreaks of infectious diseases
    $2000 26
Whittier College (class of 1934)
    $2000 14
Seen here, Giovanni, a younger member of this Tuscan family
    $2000 25
Ron Burgundy sang--but I won't--"a-uh-aa-aa-aa... afternoon" this

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Robbie James Rebecca
$6,800 $17,600 $15,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

At above 7,000 feet, this Western Hemisphere city had the highest altitude ever of a Summer Olympics host city

Final scores:

Robbie James Rebecca
$3 $25,198 $11,974
3rd place: $5,000 if eliminated Automatic semifinalist 2nd place: $5,000 if eliminated

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Robbie James Rebecca
$6,800 $23,600 $15,000
16 R,
3 W
25 R,
3 W
(including 3 DDs)
14 R,
0 W

Combined Coryat: $45,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2010-01-05
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