Jeopardy! Round Daily Double statistics for Season 19

Out of 230 Jeopardy! Rounds analyzed:

Jeopardy! Round Daily Double found on clue #17.27, on average (standard deviation: 8.47).

Number of times each player found the J! Round DD:
Left lectern: 85; middle lectern: 67; right lectern: 77.

Average scores for each player when J! Round DD found:
Left lectern: $2,503 (standard deviation: $2,121); middle lectern: $1,929 (standard deviation: $1,779); right lectern: $1,915 (standard deviation: $1,771).

In the Jeopardy! Round, players on average risked 62% of their score on the Daily Double (standard deviation: 32%).

Jeopardy! Round Daily Double location breakdown

Row# cor./# rev.% cor.% rev.Avg. wag.Std. dev.Min. wag.Max. wag.Avg. gain/lossTDDsFearfuls

On average, the J! Round DD was located 3.87 clues down from the top of the board (standard deviation: 0.88).

Double Jeopardy! Round Daily Double statistics for Season 19

Out of 230 Double Jeopardy! Rounds analyzed:

First Double Jeopardy! Round Daily Double found on clue #11.66, on average (standard deviation: 6.47).

Number of times each player found the first DJ! Round DD:
Left lectern: 79; middle lectern: 73; right lectern: 73.

Average DJ! Round first DD wager: $2,737 (standard deviation: $1,893); wager range: $100 to $13,000; average gain/loss: $759

Average scores for each player when first DJ! Round DD found:
Left lectern: $7,536 (standard deviation: $4,155); middle lectern: $6,061 (standard deviation: $3,837); right lectern: $5,950 (standard deviation: $3,847).

Second Double Jeopardy! Round Daily Double found on clue #22.33, on average (standard deviation: 5.64).

Number of times each player found the second DJ! Round DD:
Left lectern: 89; middle lectern: 68; right lectern: 68.

Average DJ! Round second DD wager: $3,006 (standard deviation: $2,292); wager range: $5 to $14,000; average gain/loss: $542

Average scores for each player when second DJ! Round DD found:
Left lectern: $10,394 (standard deviation: $5,902); middle lectern: $8,153 (standard deviation: $4,714); right lectern: $8,153 (standard deviation: $5,666).

In the Double Jeopardy! Round, players on average risked 41% of their score on the first Daily Double (standard deviation: 26%) and 38% of their score on the second Daily Double (standard deviation: 31%). Among all Daily Doubles, the average wager as a percentage of the player's score was 47% (standard deviation: 31%).

Double Jeopardy! Round Daily Double location breakdown

Row# cor./# rev.% cor.% rev.Avg. wag.Std. dev.Min. wag.Max. wag.Avg. gain/lossTDDsFearfuls

On average, the DJ! Round DDs were located 3.8 clues down from the top of the board (standard deviation: 0.88).

Highest Daily Double wagers for Season 19

WagerTDDPlayer nameGameDDClue #CategoryScoreLeadResponse
1.$14,000Jake Maeroff#4140, aired 2002-09-06DJ!220SAINTS ON THE MAP$16,400$1,800R
2.$13,000Myron Meyer#4139, aired 2002-09-05DJ!114HUMPHREY BOGART MOVIES$18,000$12,400R
$13,000YKathleen Ellis#4232, aired 2003-01-14DJ!18FIRST LADIES$13,000$7,600R
4.$11,600YAlba Caraceni#4139, aired 2002-09-05DJ!228ALL I WANT FOR ISTHMUS$11,600-$27,400W
5.$11,000YWarren Usui#4332, aired 2003-06-03DJ!112COMPOSERS$11,000$1,800R
6.$10,800YKyle Pope#4210, aired 2002-12-13DJ!223PLANTS$10,800-$2,300R
$10,800YSeth Alcorn#4348, aired 2003-06-25DJ!227THE '76ers$10,800-$9,200R
8.$10,000Kunle DeMuren#4148, aired 2002-09-18DJ!228WHAT'S UP, DOC?$28,600$17,800R
$10,000Tyler Allard#4246, aired 2003-02-03DJ!225WORLD HERITAGE SITES$14,400-$1,200R
$10,000Tyler Allard#4255, aired 2003-02-14DJ!230DRIVER'S ED.$20,000$200R
$10,000Matt Caruso#4304, aired 2003-04-24DJ!120ASIA$22,200$17,200R
$10,000Bonnie Schwab#4347, aired 2003-06-24DJ!228GERMAN WORDS & PHRASES$10,400-$12,200W
13.$8,600YKatie Orphan#4193, aired 2002-11-20DJ!115JUST SAY "NO"$8,600-$9,600R
$8,600YWarren Usui#4333, aired 2003-06-04DJ!19FIND THE STATE$8,600$4,400W
15.$8,000Jim Weir#4280, aired 2003-03-21DJ!230COMPUTER SCIENCE$9,400-$6,400R
16.$7,800YRandy Harris#4272, aired 2003-03-11DJ!210FALL DOWN, GO BOOM$7,800-$7,000R
17.$7,500Todd Nacey#4196, aired 2002-11-25DJ!125ERIE COINCIDENCE$11,200-$4,400W
18.$7,400YPat Mobley#4193, aired 2002-11-20DJ!220DRUGS$7,400-$12,000W
$7,400YKay Reimann#4321, aired 2003-05-19DJ!215GUINNESS RECORDS$7,400-$6,200R
20.$7,200Mike Vethacke#4141, aired 2002-09-09DJ!229BOTANY$21,800$9,800R

Season 19 games in which the Jeopardy! Round Daily Double was not uncovered

#4365, aired 2003-07-18 George Dudley vs. Loren Duggan vs. Sam Ott Sam Ott game 1. Last game of Season 19.

Season 19 games in which one Double Jeopardy! Round Daily Double was not uncovered

#4308, aired 2003-04-30 Brad Paisley vs. Linda Park vs. Will Estes 2003 Celebrity Jeopardy! game 3.
#4270, aired 2003-03-07 Max Levaren vs. Joanne Daley vs. Ben Dufour Max Levaren game 3. (Jimmy: You know, Grace, it's getting...
#4161, aired 2002-10-07 Mark Brown vs. Steve Dalzell vs. Kris Markman Mark Brown game 3.
#4150, aired 2002-09-20 Josh Charnin-Aker vs. David McIntyre vs. Mike Scott 2002 Back to School Week game 5.
#4147, aired 2002-09-17 Maxwell Baldi vs. Anissa Chitour vs. Neal Freyman 2002 Back to School Week game 2.

[Click here to see the Daily Double statistics limited to regular play games only]

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