Attention, Colonel Sanders: the ghost of one of these birds has been seen flapping around Highgate since the 1600s |
(Stephanie: What is a rooster?)
"Football Coach Homer Makes Bart His QB" |
The Simpsons
$20 gold coins were a specialty of this mint whose mark is a "D" |
Alice in Wonderland could tell you that a looking-glass is a synonym for one of these |
In 1903 Mary Anderson invented this device that makes it easier to see when you're driving a car in the rain |
(Tyler: What are headlights?)
windshield wipers
It's the hole & flap in your portal that allows your schnauzer to go in & out |
doggie door
Dozens of drivers have reportedly seen a ghostly double-decker one of these careening around Kensington |
"Rachel Teaches Joey the Fine Art of Losing After He's Nominated for an Acting Award" |
In 1973 Congress thought about making pennies in this light metal, but the copper industry objected |
(Stephanie: What is tin?) (Tyler: What is zinc?)
2 of the 3 animals for which pachyderm is a synonym |
elephant, hippopotamus, rhinoceros
Margaret Knight invented a machine to make the square-bottomed variety of these grocery store items in 1870 |
paper bag
It's a burger with cheese & grilled onions on rye bread and toasted in an iron skillet |
patty melt
A ghost seen in a gutter at Whitechapel may be that of Polly Nicholls, this murderer's first victim |
Jack the Ripper
"Eddie Visits a Dog Psychiatrist" |
If you like to roll your own coins, you know there are this many pennies in a standard roll |
This synonym for the Netherlands technically refers to only part of the country |
The holder of 28 patents, Helena Augusta Blanchard invented the first of these that could do a zigzag stitch |
sewing machine
It's the abbreviation for a device that stores your data; a Palm Pilot, for example |
The Drury Lane, a famous one of these in London, is haunted by a "man in grey" who sometimes shows up for matinees |
"Grissom and Catherine Investigate the Murder of a Wealthy Couple..." |
(Tyler: What is "Moonlighting?")
Just prior to all those individual state designs, the quarter had one of these birds on the back |
(John: What is a bald eagle?)
As a verb, this Aboriginal weapon is a synonym for backfire |
A holder of 49 patents, Beulah Henry invented one of these to duplicate documents long before Xerox |
copy machine
It's a soft pad used to apply makeup to the face, or an old derby for female pilots |
powder puff
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from London) It's said the ghost of this nine-day queen appears on February 12, the anniversary of her execution on Tower Green |
Lady Jane Grey
"Amy Hears a High-Profile Paternity Case That Involves a Dead Billionaire with Big-Name Attorneys" |
Judging Amy
A study done in 1978 found people hated this coin even before it was issued; it looked too much like a quarter |
(Tyler: What is a silver dollar?) .... (Alex: Be more specific.)
the Susan B. Anthony dollar coin
If someone asks you for another term for one of these books made famous by Roget, tell him, "synonym finder" |
Lillian Moller Gilbreth invented the type of this household item with the step-on opener still used today |
garbage can
International travelers like this airport shop that eliminates import & export fees |
duty-free shop