In a poem inspired by this film, Amanda Gorman wrote, "Defending the good is how we defy gravity" |
The Romans called this Somerset city Aquae Sulis, then probably took a soak there |
Queen Victoria gave birth to her son Leopold in 1853, when this man (& sons) opened a piano shop in Manhattan |
(Ken: Yes, unfortunately, you beat Claire to that one who was buzzing in; she almost made it back but--[Claire snaps]--will not be joining us in Final. Thanks for being here, Claire; I hope Colin saw the audition.) (Claire: I hope so, I hope he wasn't deterred by my score.) [Laughter] (Ken: I think he tunes out after the first round. You're good.) [Laughter and Claire clicks her tongue and makes the okay sign.]
One of the larger items auctioned off by Sotheby's was Sue, one of these, now residing at Chicago's Field Museum |
(Shane: What is a dinosaur skeleton?) (Ken: Can you be more specific?)
a Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton
About two inches, give or take a whisker, Otocinclus laps up algae & is related to the bullhead as this type of fish |
If you've tabled an issue, you've put it on this proverbial spot, where it can simmer |
the back burner
Frank Bidart's poem about this actor notes "The Joker's voice, so unlike the bruised, withheld, wounded voice of Ennis Del Mar" |
This city on the Yamuna River in Uttar Pradesh is also home to the Pearl Mosque |
In the 1850s Mendel studied pea plants & this Dem. senator introduced his Freeport Doctrine allowing laws tough on slave owners |
(Ben!: Who's Wilmot?)
(Stephen) Douglas
A surplus of its office assets were auctioned off in 2023, including a neon bird sign from its San Francisco HQ |
It's the 6-letter word for the hairy flap of skin under a moose's chin |
Just the most basic, like a skeleton |
bare bones
Frank O'Hara wrote a poem for this film star after he died in a 1955 car accident |
James Dean
In 2015 Yemen's government fled to this port city after Houthi rebels captured Sana'a |
Mozart composed "Cosi fan tutte" around the time when this French guy was writing his "Elementary Treatise on Chemistry" |
[The accent mark in "Così" was not shown in the clue.]
Written mostly by Bill W., the original working draft for this organization's Big Book was sold in 2018 |
Alcoholics Anonymous
Fratercula, a genus name of this sea parrot, means "little brother", a reference to how its plumage looks like a monk's robe |
the puffin
In his 1941 State of the Union, FDR enumerated this quartet |
the Four Freedoms
John Murillo name-drops Bruce Lee & Jim Kelly in a poem named for this 1973 martial arts film |
(Claire: Um, uh, what is Rush Hour?) (Ken: No.) (Claire: That's totally wrong.)
Enter the Dragon
This picturesque Austrian city on the Danube claims its namesake torte is the oldest cake named for a city |
(Ken: That's a [*]er torte, yes.)
Cecil B. DeMille directed the hit epic "The Ten Commandments"; this 1923 insurrection led by Hitler was a failure |
the Beer Hall Putsch
The mahogany table on which he signed his abdication papers in 1936 was sold 62 years later for around $400,000 |
Edward VIII
An endangered species, the golden lion variety of this primate lives exclusively in forested habitats in Brazil in the wild |
This pair of words is in the title of books that collect the pithy quotes of Oscar Wilde, Abraham Lincoln & others |
(Ben!: What's quotable quotes?)
wit & wisdom
Allen Ginsberg's poem "The Blue Angel" begins with this German actress "singing a lament" |
In 2011 this city in Africa became the world's newest national capital |
(Ken: South Sudan, yes.)
While Molière was cornering the market on French comedy, this "Phèdre" playwright was the virtuoso of French tragedy |
In 2018 a bronze head by this "Bird in Space" sculptor sold at auction for $71 million |
These pointy denizens of the ocean were actually named after an earlier word for hedgehogs |
(Ben!: I'll do the minimum.) (Ken: You're betting $5, is that right?) (Ben!: Yeah, yeah, I'm not an "outdoors guy".) ... (Ben!: Pointy? Pointy? What are... no, that doesn't seem right--sea anemones?) ... (Ben!: That's--I love [*].)
sea urchins
This pair that tests one's forbearance sounds redundant; the phrase was used about St. Paul's epistle to the Romans |
(Ken: $3,500 at stake, wants to guarantee the lead heading into Final, if he's right.) ... (Ken: Shane?) (Shane: [Sighs] I don't--I don't have it.)
trials & tribulations