Jeopardy! Round responses
(Claire: What is a doctor?) (Ken: Can you be more specific?) (Claire: [Sighs] Sorry.)
a psychiatrist
(Ken: [*], named for the game, yes.)
(Ken: You act like you don't celebrate.) [Laughter]
cherry pie
(Ben!: What's cypress?) ... (Ken: That's actually [*].)
a sycamore
(Ken: Yeah, a [*] in her prime.)
(Ken: Look out, [*].)
(Ken: He's the [*] protagonist in The Firm.)
[Laughter] (Ken: You--you seem--you seem like an uncertain [*] fan.) (Ben!: Uh, I never played.)
(Ken: Second letter "Y"... [Ben! jumps] Oh, Ben! just got there but too late.)
(Ben!: What's groundskeeper?) (Ken: No, I'm sorry, you're halfway there, but he's actually [*] in Lady Chatterley's Lover.)
the gamekeeper
(Ken: That's correct, and you wiped out the -$1,000.) (Ben!: Right where we started.)
(Ken: In The Fountainhead, yes.)
Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):
Ben! |
Claire |
Shane |
$800 |
-$200 |
$5,600 |
Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:
Ben! |
Claire |
Shane |
$3,200 |
$800 |
$9,000 |
Double Jeopardy! Round responses
(Ken: Yes, unfortunately, you beat Claire to that one who was buzzing in; she almost made it back but--[Claire snaps]--will not be joining us in Final. Thanks for being here, Claire; I hope Colin saw the audition.) (Claire: I hope so, I hope he wasn't deterred by my score.) [Laughter] (Ken: I think he tunes out after the first round. You're good.) [Laughter and Claire clicks her tongue and makes the okay sign.]
(Shane: What is a dinosaur skeleton?) (Ken: Can you be more specific?)
a Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton
(Ben!: Who's Wilmot?)
(Stephen) Douglas
[The accent mark in "Così" was not shown in the clue.]
(Claire: Um, uh, what is Rush Hour?) (Ken: No.) (Claire: That's totally wrong.)
Enter the Dragon
(Ken: That's a [*]er torte, yes.)
(Ben!: What's quotable quotes?)
wit & wisdom
(Ken: South Sudan, yes.)
(Ben!: I'll do the minimum.) (Ken: You're betting $5, is that right?) (Ben!: Yeah, yeah, I'm not an "outdoors guy".) ... (Ben!: Pointy? Pointy? What are... no, that doesn't seem right--sea anemones?) ... (Ben!: That's--I love [*].)
sea urchins
(Ken: $3,500 at stake, wants to guarantee the lead heading into Final, if he's right.) ... (Ken: Shane?) (Shane: [Sighs] I don't--I don't have it.)
trials & tribulations
Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:
Ben! |
Claire |
Shane |
$18,395 |
$0 |
$14,700 |
[wagering suggestions for these scores]
Final Jeopardy! Round responses
(Ken: [To Shane] Andrew Johnson, also a Democrat, but not elected.)Shane | Who are Wilson and Cleveland? | $6,000 | Ben! | Who are B. Harri Garfield and Wilson Wilson? | $3,694 | Grover Cleveland & Woodrow Wilson |
Final scores:
Ben! |
Claire |
Shane |
$14,701 |
$0 |
$20,700 |
Game dynamics:
Ben! |
Claire |
Shane |
$19,400 |
$0 |
$18,200 |
Game tape date: 2025-02-05
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