Suggest correction - #4702 - 2005-02-01

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Show #4702 - Tuesday, February 1, 2005

2005 Teen Tournament quarterfinal game 5.


Anne Shivers, a senior from Peotone, Illinois

Wes Kovarik, a senior from Antioch, California

Amy Fletcher, a junior from Cincinnati, Ohio

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
This group of large, hairy spiders gets its name from a wolf spider found around Tarranto, Italy
    $200 21
In this 2004 film, Harry Osborn says "Now... let's see who's behind the mask"
    $200 16
    $200 11
In 2004, this "old" clothing store for the whole family celebrated its tenth anniversary
    $200 26
Seems this perp was the first murderer in the Bible & to top it off he iced his own brother
    $200 6
We love this winged, unclothed infant archer of mythology, the son of Venus
    $400 2
The green sea type of this swims over 1,000 miles from South America to Ascension Island, in order to breed
    $400 22
In a 2004 sequel, this ogre travels to meet his in-laws, King Harold & Queen Lillian
    $400 17
    $400 12
What began as a little surf shop in Newport Beach, California is now this mall-based retailer know as PacSun for short
    $400 27
When Herodias' burlesque-dancing daughter said she wanted to get ahead, she meant the head of this man
    $400 7
Uh oh! This outer nonvascular layer of your skin is showing
    $600 3
Species of this ray are sometimes mistaken for sharks because the tips of their wings resemble shark fins
    $600 23
With the help of Christina Applegate & James Gandolfini, Ben Affleck seeks to survive this holiday
    $600 18
El Salvador
    $600 13
At this bakery, take a break from shopping with a Pecanbon or its signature roll
    $600 28
We admire his faith, but it seems this guy almost knocked off his own son in Genesis 22
    $600 8
Wealth, or a city that the official seat of government in a state
    $800 4
In the scientific classification of animals, it's next in line after kingdom, phylum, class...
    $800 24
This film tells the story of the 1988 championship football season of the Permian High School Panthers
    $800 19
    $800 14
What started as Musicland in Minnesota is now the chain selling music, videos & games under this male name
    $800 29
Hey, we don't make the rules; this man's wife gazed back at Sodom against orders & was turned into a pillar of salt
    DD: $1,500 9
This animal's name comes from the Middle French for "thorny pig"
    $1000 5
In most toads this process of gradually developing from a tadpole into a fully formed toad takes 3-8 weeks
    $1000 25
In "Shark Tale" this famous director provides the voice of Sykes, a puffer fish with eyebrows
    $1000 20
    $1000 15
Start saving up for a video phone from this company whose store is a real "hot spot"
    $1000 30
We don't have to worry about collaring Uzzah; he was killed for touching this object in violation of divine law
    $1000 10
A plant belonging to the genus Angallis, especially having scarlet flowers

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Amy Wes Anne
-$600 $4,900 $800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Amy Wes Anne
-$400 $8,700 $4,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 3
This province's flag depicts a setting sun over wavy blue stripes that symbolize the Pacific Ocean
    $400 22
Frenchie Davis made news in 2003 by joining the cast of "Rent" after she was bounced from this TV series
    $400 19
In 1989 this president vetoed a bill that would raise the minimum wage
    $400 1
Appearing wrinkled & knotted, it's the largest part of the brain, making up about 85% of it by weight
    $400 8
After the trouble I took, Frederick Douglass tells me that most slaves haven't even heard about this proclamation
    $400 2
All root is the evil of money
    $800 4
This other flag is depicted on the flags of Ontario & Manitoba
    $800 23
You could say this singer was "N Sync" when he starred in "Little Shop of Horrors" in 2004
    $800 20
In 1980 the U.N. approved a resolution deploring this country's invasion of Afghanistan
    $800 25
The third leading cause of death in the U.S. is this 6-letter term
    $800 9
Here I am meeting this new Union commander for the first time
    $800 10
That gold glitters is not all
    $1200 5
The flag of this territory includes a malamute (or is it a husky?)
    $1200 24
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the Gershwin Theatre: "I'm on the Broadway set of Wicked.") In 2004, making his Broadway debut, this New Kid played Fiyero in "Wicked"
    $1200 16
In 1982 this country's Ayatollah Khomeini called upon the Iraqi people to overthrow Saddam Hussein
    $1200 26
Brain waves are measured using the instrument known by these 3 letters for short
    DD: $1,800 11
Enjoyed my April 4 visit to this city about 90 miles from Washington; General Van Alen nags about how dangerous it was
    $1200 14
Own your canoe paddle
    DD: $3,000 6
Its flag has the royal arms of Scotland & is the reverse colors of the Scottish flag
    $1600 30
This singer who's the voice of TV's "Kim Possible" was the Beauty in "Beauty and the Beast" in 2004
    $1600 17
In 1981 a federal judge ruled it illegal to indefinitely imprison refugees from this communist island
    $1600 27
Attached by a stalk to the base of the brain is this master gland which controls the others
    $1600 12
Treasury Secy. Chase just submitted this to me for the third time--guess what, pal. This time I'm accepting it
    $1600 15
The best is laughter medicine
    $2000 7
The flag of this province is seen here
    $2000 29
R&B sensation Deborah A. Cox reigned on Broadway in 2004 as this title African princess
    $2000 21
In 1985 Greek & Turkish community leaders failed to reach an agreement for this island's reunification
    $2000 28
These brain cells that transmit nerve impulses number in the billions
    $2000 13
The state militia system isn't cutting it, so I had to sign a bill authorizing this, also called conscription
    $2000 18
Hear once before you speak twice

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Amy Wes Anne
-$1,200 $16,900 $16,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

"The Pastor and His Parishioner" is Chapter 17 of this classic novel

Final scores:

Amy Wes Anne
-$1,200 $14,900 $12,399
3rd place: $2,500 + a computer package if eliminated Automatic semifinalist 2nd place: $2,500 + a computer package if eliminated

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Amy Wes Anne
-$1,200 $19,200 $15,600
9 R,
5 W
26 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
17 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $33,600

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