Suggest correction - #3712 - 2000-10-24

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    $300 3
Word that completes the Wordsworth line "Behold her, single in the field, yon solitary highland..."

Show #3712 - Tuesday, October 24, 2000


Adam Michaels, a trial lawyer from Brookline, Massachusetts

Donna Oltman, a third grade teacher from Plano, Texas

Kirsten Edwards, a college student from Chicago, Illinois (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $3,900)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We'll name the character, you have to name the work.)
(Alex: You name the song; we'll give you some lyrics.)
    $100 11
He was tutored by Aristotle, tamed Bucephalus & cut the Gordian Knot; then after lunch...
    $100 23
Travel is murder on hair: local water & levels of this, not the heat, can destroy even a perfect hair-care regimen
    $100 15
Freddy Eynsford Hill,
Col. Pickering,
Henry Higgins
    $100 6
Songbird seen here, or a girl's first name
    $100 16
"'Cause I try and I try and I try and I try..."
    $100 1
On September 18, 1999 Heather French got to put this before "America" on her resume
    $200 12
Exactly 600 years after the Norman Conquest, London suffered through plague & this other major disaster
    $200 24
Mademoiselle says, before you wed, try dating a wealthy older man described by this candy phrase
    $200 17
Natasha Rostova,
Pierre Bezuhov,
    $200 7
Yes sir! This term for the seeds or grains of wheat sounds like a military rank
    $200 18
"But if you try sometimes you might find you get what you need"
    $200 2
Brenner is a famous one of these in the Alps
    $300 13
While trying to figure out why there were 2 of these, the 1409 Council of Pisa elected a third one
    $300 25
These are back, not just combed over the forehead, but swept to the side & layered
    $300 26
Rusty Trawler,
Sally Tomato,
Holly Golightly
    $300 8
A variety of this endangered mammal is seen here
    $300 19
"Now you always say that you want to be free but you'll come running back, you'll come running back..."
    $300 3
Word that completes the Wordsworth line "Behold her, single in the field, yon solitary highland..."
    DD: $400 14
In 1864 the first Red Cross conference was convened in this city
    $400 29
Whether in tones of aubergine or plum, this, the color of royalty, is chic again
    $400 27
Bertha Mason,
Grace Poole,
Mr. Rochester
    $400 9
When destroying cotton seed pods, the snout beetle is more commonly known by this name
    $400 20
"It's a gas, gas, gas"
    $400 4
As good old Ludwig Mies van der Rohe used to say, this "is more"
    $500 22
In February 1961 violence erupted in this Portuguese possession in West Africa
    $500 30
Turning on the waterworks to avoid a fight is a girlfriend gaffe, so don't play this, the title of a 1992 Stephen Rea film
    $500 28
Amelia Sedley,
George Osborne,
Becky Sharp
    $500 10
One example of the six endangered varieties of this animal is seen here
    $500 21
"Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a man of wealth and taste"
    $500 5
This synonym for kiss also ends in "ss"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Kirsten Donna Adam
$900 $1,800 $0

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Kirsten Donna Adam
$1,600 $3,700 $1,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Name the title as known in English, please.)
    $200 1
Corfu is the most northerly of this country's 7 main Ionian islands
    $200 14
Pioneer heard here
    $200 3
"Otto e Mezzo", starring Mastroianni & Cardinale
    $200 19
A "vein" aristocrat may think of himself as one of these
    $200 2
Go through the 4-year Semikhah program at Yeshiva University & you're ordained as one of these
    $200 26
Goya, like his contemporary Beethoven, lost almost all of this at about age 47
    $400 10
Germany has Worms & this country that borders Germany has a district called Wormerveer
    $400 15
This judge was "The Law West of the Pecos"
    $400 4
1998's "Central do Brasil"
    $400 20
Cartman on "South Park" insists he isn't fat, he's this
    $400 6
U.S. president who recognized the new state of Israel; first president Chaim Weizmann gave him a Torah
    $400 27
Like his inspiration Velazquez did in "Las Meninas", Goya added this person to his painting of "Charles IV and his Family"
    $600 11
Easter Island lies about 2,300 miles from this country that governs it
    $600 16
The 15th Chief Justice of the U.S., he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1988
    $600 5
From Almodovar, "Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios"
    $600 21
"Infantile" African animal seen here
    $600 7
On the Sabbath table, you may see 2 of these with 3 braids each
    $600 28
One of Goya's few foreign patrons was Arthur Wellesley, first Duke of this
    $800 12
The Irrawaddy River flows about 1,300 miles before emptying into this bay
    $800 17
This recently retired "hot" Yankees DH was born in Kingston, Jamaica
    $800 8
The high-speed "Lola rennt"
    $800 22
An expression meaning "Just like that!", or a bar where TV's "The Sopranos" conduct business
    $800 24
Of the 12 Tribes, the number that inhabited the Kingdom of Judah; they didn't get lost
    $800 29
Goya was in this city May 2 & 3, 1808 when the populace rose against the French; later he did a painting about each day
    $1000 13
The Israeli town of Eilat is located at the head of this gulf
    DD: $1,000 18
Once a Secretary of the Treasury, he donated $15 million to the U.S. government to build the National Gallery of Art
    $1000 9
Bergman's "Sommarnattens leende"
    $1000 23
This astronomer seen here helped survey Washington, D.C.
    DD: $1,500 25
This Nobel Prize-winning author adapted a version of his mother's name, Bathsheba, as part of his pen name

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Kirsten Donna Adam
$4,000 $5,200 $1,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Do you remember it?)
The world's first one of these opened in 1925; it was in San Luis Obispo, Ca. & had parking in front of each door

Final scores:

Kirsten Donna Adam
$3,600 $3,200 $1
2-day champion: $7,500 2nd place: a trip on the Queen Mary 3rd place: High Sierra A.T. Gear collection

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Kirsten Donna Adam
$4,400 $4,700 $2,800
14 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
17 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $11,900

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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