Suggest correction - #4703 - 2005-02-02

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    DD: $2,000 13
If Henry IV & Henry VIII travelled 4/8 of a mile from London to Windsor, their coach has gone this many feet

Show #4703 - Wednesday, February 2, 2005

2005 Teen Tournament semifinal game 1.


Orlando Zambrano, a junior from Tampa, Florida

Anne Shivers, a senior from Peotone, Illinois

Steve Golden, a junior from Brookeville, Maryland

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 11
Mary Magdalene wonders how she'll move this huge object from the door of Jesus' tomb, but things work out
    $200 1
Tom Welling plays this teen, a future mild-mannered reporter for the Daily Planet
    $200 6
He was sworn into his new job in California on November 17, 2003
    $200 18
Every P.M., I think of how I could have stayed in Canada & had this top government job abbreviated P.M.
    $200 26
This South Dakota national memorial is also known as "The Shrine of Democracy"
    $200 16
The earliest authentic copy of his "Star-Spangled Banner" sold at public auction in 1934
    $400 12
Andrew tells Jesus that a boy has "five barley loaves, and two" of these but "what are they among so many?"
    $400 2
Before attending Yale, Rory lived with her single mom & went to Chilton Prep on this show
    $400 7
He beat his opponent by more than 540,000 votes, but lost the presidential election
    $400 19
Like to swim underwater? You can train to be one of these lovelies at Weeki Wachee Springs in Florida
    $400 27
He wrote "The Tell-Tale Heart" when he lived in Philadelphia & a brick house he rented there is an historic site
    $400 17
The part of a door you spy through, or the Eta Carinae nebula you might spy in the sky
    $600 13
For strength to "resist" this, try James 1:12, "Blessed is the man that endureth" it
    $600 3
God gets surprisingly interactive with the title teen daughter of a police detective on this drama
    $600 8
She served as a staff attorney for the Children's Defense Fund
    $600 20
A Latin word for "beasts of burden" gave us the name of this medical specialty, a dream job for animal lovers
    $600 28
This company makes more than 80 million kiss-shaped products every day at its chocolate factories
    $600 21
Qwerty is a standard format for one of these
    $800 14
This Old Testament king's name is the first one mentioned after Jesus' in the New Testament
    $800 4
Matt Camden was 16 & his sister Mary 14 when this WB show premiered in '96
    $800 9
He was a U.S. Attorney for Manhattan from 1983-1989
    $800 24
If you make candles, you can call yourself one of these (also a character on "Friends")
    $800 29
On May 14, 1804 this duo's Corps of Discovery started up the Missouri on a fact-finding mission
    $800 22
Democrat Zell Miller of Georgia delivered this address at the 2004 Republican National Convention
    DD: $1,800 15
The fifth book of the Old Testament, its name comes from a word meaning "second"
    $1000 5
Bell & Peck are the real last names, respectively, of the title guys from this Nickelodeon show
    $1000 10
This governor probably had a bit more pull at the White House beginning in 2001
    $1000 25
You might really "dig" this job whose name is from the Greek for "the study of antiquities"
    $1000 30
A Chicago doctor who made orthopedic foot products gave his name to this brand of wooden-soled sandals
    $1000 23
In musical notation, it's the grouping of sharps & flats at the beginning of each staff

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Steve Anne Orlando
$3,600 $1,400 -$1,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Steve Anne Orlando
$8,000 $1,800 $1,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 11
If Marie Antoinette & her 15 siblings each want 2 pieces of cake, cut it into this many slices
    $400 2
In 2004 this Sugar Ray frontman became the co-host of "Extra"
    $400 16
This thirst quencher now combines lemon lime with strawberry: "Is it in you?"
    $400 26
Double talk slang slang for food food
    $400 1
Yang Kaihui, the first wife of this leader of China, was executed by Chinese Nationalists in 1930
    $400 21
It can mean even all over, or an outfit worn by all the students at a school
    $800 12
If Queen Beatrix had a potter who could make 3 vases a day, it would take him this long to make a gross
    $800 3
Jude Law plays the ace aviator mentioned in the title of this 2004 sci-fi film that's set in Gotham City
    $800 17
This brand known for its natural grapefruit soda leaped on the energy bandwagon with Energade
    $800 27
This bus company serves more than 2,200 destinations & has 16,000 daily departures across the country
    $800 5
Don't cry for her; in 1951, she was nominated for vice president of Argentina
    $800 22
Differing by a letter, the 2 words meaning an electrically charged atom & a very long time
    DD: $2,000 13
If Henry IV & Henry VIII travelled 4/8 of a mile from London to Windsor, their coach has gone this many feet
    $1200 4
She stole a recorder when she was 5 & could play it, the piano & violin by the time she was 10
    $1200 18
Glaceau has made drinking this even more healthy by adding vitamins
    $1200 28
This Canadian peninsula is shared by Newfoundland & Quebec
    $1200 6
On April 27, 1945 Italians captured this fascist leader trying to escape to Switzerland
    $1200 23
Derived from the Greek word for "space", it means total confusion or disorder
    $1600 14
If Haakon V had 1/4 of the herrings of Olav IV who had twice as many as Harold VI who had 600, he'd have this many
    $1600 9
Baseball Hall-of-Famer Candy Cummings is often credited with inventing this pitch in the late 1800s
    $1600 19
Consumers named this citrus drink "Code Red" because its cherry rush captured it spirit
    DD: $1,800 29
If Gerhard Schroder guarded a flock of animals of the family bovidae, he could be considered this
    $1600 7
The last leader of the USSR, he resigned his post on Dec. 25, 1991
    $1600 24
Term for one of the two times each year when day & night are of equal length
    $2000 15
Otto I's ottoman is 10"x14" & his heels take up 8 square inches, so he'd have this many sq. in. of free area
    $2000 10
New Jersey cartoonist Otto Messmer created this character, seen here
    $2000 20
Team Lizard rides hard for this brand's Tsunami, Lava, & Lightning
    $2000 30
Gosh, that Hamlet guy by Shakespeare is just super, he's such a...
    $2000 8
In 1982 this "Iron Lady" prime minister ordered an attack to stop Argentina from claiming the Falkland Islands
    $2000 25
Meaning inversely related, in math it describes what 2/3 is to 3/2

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Steve Anne Orlando
$12,200 $13,800 $12,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

Launched in 2004, a spacecraft named MESSENGER is on a mission to study this planet

Final scores:

Steve Anne Orlando
$3,200 $20,000 $0
2nd place: $5,000 and a computer package Finalist 3rd place: $5,000 and a computer package

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Steve Anne Orlando
$14,000 $14,800 $12,200
22 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
19 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $41,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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