Suggest correction - #5003 - 2006-05-17

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    $2000 15
"What's the rumpus?" the gangsters ask in this Coen Brothers picture

Show #5003 - Wednesday, May 17, 2006

2006 Tournament of Champions semifinal game 3.


Maria Wenglinsky, a teacher from Brooklyn, New York

Jason Richards, a pharmacy technician from Old Town, Maine

Michael Falk, a meteorologist from Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 7
This 100-passenger plane's final commercial flight took place on Oct. 24, 2003
    $200 21
This racetrack is home to the Kentucky Derby
    $200 3
In 1899 he painted "Tahitian Women with Mango Blossoms"
    $200 16
In Oklahoma, the scissor-tailed flycatcher is the official state one of these
    $200 26
The CDC reports that there are about 300,000 of these mild brain injuries each year as a result of sports
    $200 1
Mash-up "binary" & "digit" to make this single unit of information
    $400 8
He retired in 2006, 6 years after the N.Y. Post killed rumors of his demise with the headline "Fed Head Is Not Dead"
    $400 22
The bettor selects the first 3 finishers in the correct sequence in this type of bet also called a triple
    $400 12
A famous c. 1595 landscape by El Greco shows a "View of" this Spanish city
    $400 17
Since 1962 it's been a tradition to dye the Chicago River this color for a special day in March
    $400 27
Of the average adult human, camel or killer whale, the one with the largest brain
    $400 2
Plug in an Apple product & download an audio file for "broadcast" to make this word
    $600 9
The first Republican senator from North Carolina in the 20th century, he left the chamber in 2003
    $600 23
The name of this champion of the 1930s is a synonym for Hard Tack, his sire's name
    $600 13
A restaurant on New York's Greenwich Avenue inspired this 1942 Edward Hopper painting
    $600 18
Last name of the first family of feuding seen here in the 1890s
    $600 28
This outer layer of your brain takes its name from the Latin for "bark", as on a tree
    $600 4
It was named because it's a resistor that can "amplify electrical signals... transferred through it"
    $800 10
In July 2001 a court in Chile ruled that this former president was too ill to stand trial
    $800 24
In 1977 this horse "killed" the competition by winning 6 straight races, including the Triple Crown
    $800 14
Unveiled in 1967, his sculpture seen here was a gift to the people of Chicago
    $800 19
The National Prisoner of War Museum is adjacent to the site of this notorious Civil War prison
    $800 29
This disorder caused by excess signaling in the brain was called morbus herculeus, as it was thought Hercules had it
    $800 5
The product "McAfee Anti-" this 7-letter mashed-up word keeps prying eyes out of your computer
    $1000 11
Way back in 2005, & 10 years after an assassination attempt, he was reelected president of Egypt
    DD: $600 25
In 1711 Queen Anne saw the potential for this racecourse; its royal enclosure still has a formal dress code
    $1000 15
He called his abstract style in paintings like "Composition with Red, Yellow and Blue" Neoplasticism
    $1000 20
The bizcochito is this state's official cookie, so you can use it at Christmas as a "Santa Fee"
    $1000 30
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew reads the clue after hitting Jon on the knee with a small mallet.) The knee jerk reflex involves just one of these connection sites between neurons; most, like the blink reflex, use more than one
    $1000 6
ZQ47J9R is this type of password, from the 2 types of symbols it contains

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Michael Jason Maria
$3,800 $2,200 $1,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Michael Jason Maria
$6,800 $5,200 $3,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 6
Sir Walter Scott "read again, & for the third time at least," her "very finely written novel of 'Pride and Prejudice'"
    $400 11
In this film, Moe Green tells Michael Corleone to butt out of Las Vegas--big mistake
    $400 1
The first president of North Vietnam
    $400 16
Lasting from the 1337 Gascony Invasion to Castillon in 1453, it gets its name by rounding down
    $400 21
Stanley Miller showed possible origins of life by electrifying a gas-&-water mix to get these acids found in proteins
    $400 26
A moor, or the first name of actor Ledger
    $800 7
This poet said "Waverley" was a great novel; Scott said his "Childe Harold" was an extraordinarily powerful poem
    $800 12
For this 1980 film Wally Schneiderman applied John Hurt's elaborate make-up
    $800 2
He composed "Semper Fidelis"
    $800 17
Standard editions of Shakespeare contain these numbered 1-154
    $800 22
240 million years ago, the 2 main areas on the globe were Pangaea & Panthalassa, which was this
    $800 27
The name of this sweet or dry wine flavored with aromatic herbs comes from the High German for "wormwood"
    DD: $1,000 8
It was no "Modest Proposal" when Sir Walter Scott edited a 19-volume edition of this "Tale of a Tub" satirist
    $1200 13
Oscar-nominated Amy Adams was a pregnant charmer in this 2005 film
    $1200 3
The son of this "Old Ironsides" author was on the Supreme Court
    $1200 18
In a song from "The Music Man", the trombones & these total 186
    $1200 23
In 1755 Kant proposed that the Earth formed from this "solar" gas & dust cloud; today's scientists tend to agree
    $1200 28
This Minnesota city is the western terminus of the St. Lawrence Seaway
    $1600 9
In 1799, Scott translated into English this German poet's "Goetz von Berlichingen"
    $1600 14
The title female is seen here in this 1948 film

"Gamble? She's done it for a living."
"I'll bet you a dollar I've been to the place where you were born."
"It's on the China coast. Chifu! It's the second wickedest city in the world!"
"What's the first?"
    DD: $2,000 4
He lost to McKinley twice & Taft once, & for helping Wilson get elected was made Secretary of State
    $1600 19
This costumer garnered 35 Oscar nominations
    $1600 24
Lasting from about 2,011,000 to 11,000 B.C., this epoch featured glaciation cycles & a farewell to the mammoth
    $1600 29
It's the verb in the title of a classic 20th century play about the murderous Hickey
    $2000 10
Scott studied law at the University of Edinburgh under a nephew of this Scottish philosopher
    $2000 15
"What's the rumpus?" the gangsters ask in this Coen Brothers picture
    $2000 5
This founder of The Liberator was president of the American Anti-Slavery Society from 1843 to 1865
    $2000 20
Sub-zero temperature where the Fahrenheit & Celsius scales show the same reading for a set temperature
    $2000 25
This formation in the Rockies' Burgess Pass yielded weird 500 million-year-old fossils like Hallucigenia
    $2000 30
This fish was thought to be extinct millions of years ago until one was found off South Africa in 1938

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Michael Jason Maria
$13,800 $10,000 $11,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

The last British monarch who was not the child of a monarch

Final scores:

Michael Jason Maria
$22,001 $6,000 $22,000
Finalist 3rd place: $10,000 2nd place: $10,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Michael Jason Maria
$14,000 $10,400 $10,600
18 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
14 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W
20 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W

Combined Coryat: $35,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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