Suggest correction - #8902 - 2023-06-27

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    $400 22
The object seen here

Show #8902 - Tuesday, June 27, 2023


Chris Ban, an oral and facial surgeon from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Erin Gold, a teacher from Aurora, Colorado

Donna Matturri, a librarian from Columbus, Ohio (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $40,200)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
The hero was named for a real-life paper company; I wanna be a fireman, in reverse
    $200 6
A section of particularly rabid fans at Cleveland Browns home games goes by this canine nickname
    $200 28
A research center at the University of Tasmania specializes in the climate & ecosystems of this continent
    $200 21
Frosty the Snowman's 2 eyes
    $200 16
If you're focused & performing well, you're "in" this region; keep it going!
    $200 11
We rule that Samuel Alito & Antonin Scalia came from this state capital
    $400 2
An A.A. rating; the sequel's in the "Corner"; hold up, the bear also goes "under the name of Sanders"?
    $400 7
Lady Gaga has at least 3 tattoos honoring her biggest fans, called these
    $400 26
Founded in 1850 & the nation's oldest, the university of this most populous city has 74,000 students
    $400 22
The object seen here
    $400 17
At roughly 10 million, it's the largest ethnic group in South Africa
    $400 12
Songs in this Broadway show include "Walk Like A Man" & "Big Girls Don't Cry"
    $600 3
Though my memory is Fogg-y, that guy may have a serious gambling problem; far to travel & under 3 months to do it... go!
    $600 8
Portmanteau name for fans of Barry, singer of "I Write The Songs"
    $600 27
Ernie the this flightless bird is the beloved mascot of Western Australia's Edith Cowan University
    $600 23
Piano keys, once upon a time, both later mentioned in a song about racial equality
    $600 18
Put the rind behind you with this kitchen tool
    $600 13
An origin story of this candy involves the sweets in an Atlantic City shop being flooded by the ocean
    $800 4
The title is cribbed from the best--Billy Shakespeare; y'all live in a hard-to-say county; Benjy the hunted
    $800 9
Diehard fans of the New York Rangers are "Blue Seaters", referring to where they sit in this arena
    $800 29
Politics & policy are the bread & butter of the Australian National University in this city, home to parliament
    $800 24
Thor Heyerdahl's Kon-Tiki raft:
logs of this wood
    $800 19
The name of goofy commedia dell'arte servants gave us this adjective for crazy clowning
    $800 14
It was actually a trio of brothers who founded this New Brunswick-based healthcare company in 1886, but it goes by this & this
    $1000 5
Upton Sinclair, raking the muck; slaughterhouse $1.75 a day; well, Jurgis, have the hogs stopped screaming?
    $1000 10
Because this band had a song called "The Juggla", its fans are Juggalos & Juggalettes
    $1000 30
The university named for this scientist is based in the Northern Territory, where the capital is also named for him
    $1000 25
The beer service set seen here, this tin alloy that once contained lead as well
    DD: $1,000 20
DNA research has shown that this California red wine grape may have come from an ancient source in Croatia
    $1000 15
James Madison attended the College of New Jersey; Jeff Bezos went to the same school, by then called this

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Donna Erin Chris
$3,400 $1,800 -$400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Donna Erin Chris
$5,200 $6,000 -$600

Double Jeopardy! Round

BANKING "A" "B" "C"s
    $400 1
The musical genre K-pop
    $400 6
"The mission is a man" was a tagline for this 1998 Spielberg film
    $400 16
an especially big payment that comes due at the end of a loan
    $400 19
A couple of sounds changed places & the German village of Selters became this fizzy liquid
    $400 9
Apple introduced this mp3 player that could store 1,000 songs
    $400 26
At its closest point, this innermost planet is still about 29 million miles away from the Sun
    $800 2
The regional cuisines Poblano & Jalisciense
    $800 5
In 2010 Kathryn Bigelow became the first female directing Oscar winner for this film set during the Iraq War
    $800 17
this type of interest that has accumulated but not yet been paid
    $800 20
Diplomat Jean Nicot introduced tobacco to France in 1560 & this chemical bears his name
    $800 10
Closed 11 years earlier for a major straightening job, this European landmark reopened to tourists
    $800 27
Captured by the James Webb Space Telescope, here's a spectacular image of this planet with Triton shining from above
    $1200 3
The Bauhaus design school
    $1200 4
Though only in his 30s, Martin Sheen suffered a near-fatal heart attack while making this Vietnam War film
    $1200 18
the expenses incurred in finalizing the transfer of property ownership
    $1200 21
This purplish red color is from the French word for "chestnut"
    $1200 11
Daughter of the first president, Megawati Sukarnoputri became the first woman to lead this country
    $1200 28
Because it ranges from about magnitude 9 to magnitude 3, the pulsating Mira Ceti is said to be this type of star
    $1600 14
The Eiger & the Wetterhorn
    DD: $1,800 7
The title of this 1962 film starring John Wayne refers to June 6, 1944; clocking in at almost 3 hours, the title's accurate
    DD: $2,000 24
this word meaning to pay off a debt in installments comes partly from Latin for "dead"
    $1600 22
2 Greek words give us this 10-letter word meaning fear of blood
    $1600 12
Responsible for years of war & bloodshed, this former president of Yugoslavia & of Serbia was arrested & taken away
    $1600 29
The final mission of this first U.S. space station, 1973 to 1974, included photographing & observing the comet Kohoutek
    $2000 15
The Misty Poets, taking it to the Cultural Revolution
    $2000 8
A story of World War I pilots, it won the first Best Picture Oscar
    $2000 25
securities with no registered owner payable to whoever holds the certificate
    $2000 23
This synonym for "obsolete" is from Latin for literally "over one year old"
    $2000 13
This Trinidad-born author of "A House for Mr. Biswas" won the Nobel Prize for Literature
    $2000 30
Named for the Greek goddess of strife, this dwarf planet, a 21st c. discovery, is comparable in size to Pluto

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Donna Erin Chris
$8,400 $7,600 $8,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1896 new spider species were named for a wolf, a panther & a snake from a work published 2 years earlier by this man

Final scores:

Donna Erin Chris
$2,400 $5,600 $13,000
3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $13,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Donna Erin Chris
$8,400 $9,600 $7,800
16 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W
17 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $25,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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