Jeopardy! Round responses
(Chris: What is Australia?)
(Donna: What is 3D print?)
LEGOs (LEGO bricks)
Around the World in Eighty Days
(Chris: What is at the blue line?)
Madison Square Garden
(Donna: What is Norwegian wood?) (Chris: What is teak?)
balsa wood
(Mayim: Don't know what happened to that third brother.) [Laughter]
Johnson & Johnson
(Erin: What is Rutgers?)
Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):
Donna |
Erin |
Chris |
$3,400 |
$1,800 |
-$400 |
Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:
Donna |
Erin |
Chris |
$5,200 |
$6,000 |
-$600 |
Double Jeopardy! Round responses
(Donna: What is the balance?)
a balloon
(Chris: [*]. What is [*]?)
the Leaning Tower of Pisa
(Donna: What is Saturn?) (Erin: What is Jupiter?)
(Erin: What is Pakistan?)
(Erin: What is annuity?)
(Donna: Who is Ceaușescu?)
Slobodan Milošević
(Donna: What is Discord?)
Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:
Donna |
Erin |
Chris |
$8,400 |
$7,600 |
$8,000 |
[wagering suggestions for these scores]
Final Jeopardy! Round responses
[Mayim read Erin's response surname as Stevenson.] ... (Mayim: [To Chris] Central American jumping spiders were named by American entomologists George and Elizabeth Peckham after Akela, Bagheera and Nagaina from The Jungle Book.)Erin | Who is Robert Louis Steveson? | $2,000 | Chris | Who is Rudyard Kipling? | $5,000 | Donna | Who is Verne? | $6,000 | (Rudyard) Kipling |
Final scores:
Donna |
Erin |
Chris |
$2,400 |
$5,600 |
$13,000 |
Game dynamics:
Donna |
Erin |
Chris |
$8,400 |
$9,600 |
$7,800 |
Game tape date: 2023-04-14
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