Suggest correction - #6375 - 2012-05-11

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    $1000 18
Bell metal, known for its sound, is a type of this "age"-old alloy
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Show #6375 - Friday, May 11, 2012

2012 Teen Tournament final game 2.
From DAR Constitution Hall in Washington, D.C.


Rose Schaefer, a junior from Portland, Oregon (subtotal of $12,400)

Catherine Briley, a senior from Grand Prairie, Louisiana (subtotal of $10,000)

Elyse Mancuso, a junior from Omaha, Nebraska (subtotal of $23,200)

Jeopardy! Round

1, 2, 3, "GO"
(Alex: Each correct response will be five letters long and will end in a "G" and an "O".)
    $200 26
On May 30, 1536, just days after his wife Anne Boleyn was beheaded, he married Jane Seymour
    $200 3
Trumoo is a brand of flavored this, like chocolate
    $200 1
Vitamin C helps increase your absorption of this element, Fe, so drink some OJ with your eggs & toast
    $200 13
The miniseries "Generation Kill" followed Marines at war in this Mideast country
    $200 21
With "prayers and blessings", he sent his first tweet in 2011, announcing the launch of an online Vatican news portal
    $200 8
I knew you 3 were going to be terrific contestants right from this, the beginning
    $400 27
On May 29, 1953, this New Zealander & his guide Tenzing became the first men to reach the top of Mount Everest
    $400 4
The "D" in the drink Sunny D stands for this
    $400 2
A fusible metal is an alloy for which this point is lower than tin's, 449 degrees
    $400 14
On "Boardwalk Empire", this scar-faced Chicago gangster learns his trade from kingpin Johnny Torrio
    $400 22
In Feb. 2012 New Jersey's governor ordered flags be flown half-staff during the funeral of this Newark-born singer
    $400 9
An aircraft that carries mainly goods, not people, is this type of plane
    $600 28
In May of 1607 captain John Smith arrived at the Virginia site where he would help establish this settlement
    $600 5
The 2011 winner of "The X Factor" got to star in an ad for this soda
    $600 16
This common reddish-orange metal is the second-best conductor of electricity
    $600 15
In the film "Invictus" Morgan Freeman plays this world leader
    $600 23
Kim Jong Un has succeeded his father as the leader of this country
    $600 10
It's a synonym for "do without"
    $800 30
Partly to expand U.S. territory, Congress declared war on this country May 13, 1846
    $800 6
This bottled water from the French Alps has pictures of them on its pink label
    $800 17
According to the name, they're the 2 elements in a NiCad battery
    DD: $3,400 19
"The King's Speech" featured Timothy Spall as this quippy future prime minister
    $800 24
On his 2011 passing Apple said, "The world is immeasurably better because of" him
    $800 11
The jargon of a profession, or any weird-sounding foreign tongue
    $1000 29
She made history May 4, 1979 when she became Britain's first female prime minister
    $1000 7
A frappuccino is a trademarked blended beverage from this place
    $1000 18
Bell metal, known for its sound, is a type of this "age"-old alloy
    $1000 20
In HBO's "John Adams" Justin Theroux played this president of the Continental Congress
    $1000 25
This fashion designer created dresses worn in the movie "Bride Wars" and in the TV series "Gossip Girl".
    $1000 12
We hope you are mature enough for the rhythms of this dance

[Sexy Latin music plays]

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Elyse Catherine Rose
$800 $4,400 $2,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Elyse Catherine Rose
$3,600 $10,200 $5,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Each correct response will begin with the letter B.)
(Alex: A little bit of everything.)
(Alex: The correct response is...)
    $400 26
In October 1781 this British general tried to retreat from Yorktown, but a storm drove his forces back
    $400 4
In 2008 Mariel Zagunis won gold in sabre, part of this sport
    $400 15
We've come to Western Europe to see this country
    $400 13
Able to run more than 40 miles per hour, this bird is the fastest animal on 2 legs
    $400 2
This captain in "Moby Dick" has a wife & child waiting for him in Nantucket
    $400 1
These 2 words denote the bigger & smaller of the 2 Ursa constellations
    $800 27
In 1859 tightrope walker Charles Blondin carried a man on his back as he walked a cable 160 feet above this landmark
    $800 12
He McTwisted his way to gold in 2010
    $800 16
This densely-populated republic borders India
    $800 14
This place in New York Harbor is home to the American Family Immigration History Center
    $800 3
In "Breaking Dawn", she says, "I'm one hundred percent sure about Edward"
    $800 5
An organized social cause, like the Civil Rights one
    DD: $4,000 28
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from the Old Courthouse in St. Louis, Missouri.) St. Louis's Old Courthouse was the scene of 2 trials involving this slave; he won his freedom in the second trial, but the Supreme Court held otherwise, helping spark the Civil War
    $1200 21
This host nation struck gold in 2010 when Alexandre Bilodeau won the men's Moguls in freestyle skiing
    $1200 17
Country of Central America shown here
    $1200 20
It's traditional for paratroopers to yell this name of an Apache warrior when jumping from a plane
    $1200 9
In a Victor Hugo novel, things start going bad for this bellringer during Epiphany celebrations
    $1200 6
A type of model with the same proportions as the larger object it copies
    $1600 29
The Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga & Seneca made up this Confederacy
    $1600 22
Fittingly, this 2008 winner of the 100-meter dash is nicknamed "Lightning"
    $1600 18
This nation is only about 50 miles from Florida
    $1600 24
Peleg Wadsworth, a revolutionary war general & congressman, was the grandfather of this poet
    $1600 10
Emma is the first name of this bored & adulterous 1856 French title character
    DD: $4,800 7
This adjective can mean "very useful" or "performed without vocals"
    $2000 30
In this 1797 "Affair", 3 French agents demanded a bribe in return for a commerce treaty
    $2000 23
In 2010 Tora Berger won gold for Norway in this event that combines skiing & rifle shooting
    $2000 19
Visit Siberia to take a dip in this lake
    $2000 25
This fairy brought a little magic into Pinocchio's life
    $2000 11
When we first meet her, she's living in a house called Villa Villekulla with her monkey Mr. Nilsson & her horse
    $2000 8
Geometrically, it's a line segment that joins 2 points on a curve

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Elyse Catherine Rose
$28,400 $15,400 $11,800
(lock tournament)

Final Jeopardy! Round

When the future state of Iowa became part of the United States, this man was President

Final scores:

Elyse Catherine Rose
$56,400 $21,000 $23,600

Cumulative scores:

Elyse Catherine Rose
$79,600 $31,000 $36,000
Tournament champion: $79,600 2nd runner-up: $31,000 1st runner-up: $36,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Elyse Catherine Rose
$25,200 $12,800 $9,000
22 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W
21 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
15 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $47,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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