Suggest correction - #6020 - 2010-11-12

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    $1200 18
Used chiefly in law, it means "in the matter of"; it's seen a lot in e-mails, too

Show #6020 - Friday, November 12, 2010

2010-B College Championship quarterfinal game 5.


Sam Spaulding, a sophomore from Yale University from Wilmington, North Carolina

Katie Singh, a sophomore from Northwestern University from Austin, Texas

Amanda J. Ray, a sophomore at the University of Virginia from Harrisonburg, Virginia

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 9
In 1991 this Texas capital became the USA's first community with a green building program
    $200 22
Don't laugh! This villain goes all the way back to the very first issue of "Batman" in 1940
    $200 6
A plum that's suffering from dehydration
    $200 26
This capital of Israel is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world
    $200 12
"Avatar" comes from a word meaning "descent" in this ancient language of Hinduism
    $200 1
Le nez
    $400 16
(Katie Couric delivers the clue.) One of the greatest outpourings of emotion I've ever witnessed was on September 6, 1997 when I co-anchored coverage of this event from London
    $400 21
Bred on ancient Krypton, the villain Doomsday beat the entire Justice League, ending with this superhero
    $400 7
Ask mama--this food is also known as the pawpaw
    $400 27
Its name ends in the same 3 letters as its country, Iran
    $400 13
Matsya, the first avatar of Vishnu, saved the world from a flood; he's often depicted as half man, half this
    $400 2
Le pied
    $600 17
In 1997 Zaire was renamed the Democratic Republic of this
    $600 23
To torment the Fantastic Four, this evil doctor sent the child of Reed & Sue Richards to hell
    $600 8
Unlike its relative the banana, this fruit is rarely eaten raw & can be refined into flour
    $600 28
It makes sense that this is the sea closest to Dublin
    $600 14
In 2008, the OED added a definition of "avatar" as a representation of "a user in an interactive" one of these
    $600 3
Les dents
    $800 18
California was the first state to ban this for reproductive purposes; other states copied it
    $800 24
This board rider once battled a villain named Thanos whose goal was a lifeless universe
    DD: $800 10
Augusta National Golf Club is on land once used to grow Belle & Thurber types of these
    $800 29
This capital of the Dominican Republic was founded by Columbus' brother Bartolome
    $800 15
Like Achilles, Krishna, an avatar of Vishnu, dies when he's shot in this, his only vulnerable spot
    $800 4
La langue
    $1000 19
In 1996, for the first time since 1992, this city & 5 suburbs were united under the Bosnian government
    $1000 25
This blind hero, the "man without fear", had several notable battles with Bullseye, an uncanny marksman
    $1000 11
This type of fruit comes from a plant named for the last hours of Jesus' life
    $1000 30
In 1949 it became the seat of the Chinese nationalist government
    $1000 20
One avatar of the ancient war god Vrthraghna was this tusked wild animal
    $1000 5
Le foie

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Amanda Katie Sam
$1,400 $2,800 $2,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Amanda Katie Sam
$1,600 $3,000 $7,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You have to identify the continent for us.)
    $400 19
Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle"
    $400 2
Appropriately, this singer of "California Gurls" was born in Santa Barbara
    $400 13
Among male singing voices, only "counter" this has a higher range than this
    $400 26
Farriers put shoes on these; loriners made the stirrups
    $400 8
A dropout at age 12 in 1914, he became the most important American landscape photographer of the 20th century
    $400 1
It's both a math term & the 16th Greek letter
    $800 20
"One Hundred Years Of Solitude"
    $800 3
Landing the role of Sue Storm in "Fantastic Four" allowed this California girl to meet Cash Warren
    $800 14
Ballet's five basic foot positions were based on this activity, now an Olympic sport; you can really see it in third position
    $800 27
Surgery was one of the tasks in this job that we associate with taking a little off the top
    $800 9
Irving Berlin went into this "business"--a song he wrote says "There's no business like" it
    $800 7
Growing on land; not aquatic
    $1200 21
"The Unbearable Lightness of Being"
    $1200 4
She may play a "Gossip Girl", but this member of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants was born a Valley girl
    $1200 15
If you learn your clefs & staffs, you'll be able to do this, play a piece the first time you look at it
    $1200 28
The wagons made by wainwrights went nowhere without these "wrights" who fixed a key part of the wagons
    $1200 10
This dropout & actress was married to the president of Argentina from 1946 to 1952
    $1200 18
Used chiefly in law, it means "in the matter of"; it's seen a lot in e-mails, too
    $1600 23
"The Plague" by Camus
    $1600 5
Despite having a Texas city for a middle name, this red-headed actress was born in California
    DD: $3,000 16
The lowest A on the piano has a frequency of 27.5 hertz; as it's one octave higher, the next A up has this frequency
    DD: $1,000 29
Bowyers made bows; these workers made the arrows
    $1600 11
He dropped out of school as a boy, but sank his teeth into a successful career in Hollywood
    $1600 25
The plant also called woody nightshade, or an oxymoron for the taste of some chocolate
    $2000 22
"The Quiet American"
    $2000 6
This Eureka-born "Little Voice" sang a "Love Song" in which she said, "I'm not gonna write you a love song"
    $2000 17
In a dance troupe the group equivalent to an opera chorus is called this "de ballet"
    $2000 30
The Latin for "storehouse" gave us this word for a medieval pharmacist
    $2000 12
In 1865 this New York Tribune editor who dropped out of school at age 14 urged young people to head to the frontier
    $2000 24
Every 3 years; make it an adverb to fit the category

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Amanda Katie Sam
$7,200 $7,200 $18,000
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

It says, "The history of the present king of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations"

Final scores:

Amanda Katie Sam
$14,399 $12,200 $21,500
2nd place: $5,000 if eliminated 3rd place: $5,000 if eliminated Automatic semifinalist

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Amanda Katie Sam
$8,000 $10,200 $18,600
14 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
23 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $36,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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