Suggest correction - #5920 - 2010-05-14

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    $800 2
This author's 1821 novel "The Spy" was written before frontier tales like "The Pioneers"

Show #5920 - Friday, May 14, 2010

2010 Tournament of Champions quarterfinal game 5.


Jason Zollinger, an engine assembler from South Dayton, New York

Stefan Goodreau, a video game tester from Los Angeles, California

Vijay Balse, a chemical engineer from Chatham, New Jersey

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
Nancy Davis
    $200 6
Poet Ted Hughes
    $200 11
Norman Borlaug sparked the green revolution by developing a dwarf strain of this cereal grass
    $200 26
Picasso was in his rose period in 1905, this physicist's so-called miracle year
    $200 12
In the early 1960s NASA's Abe Silverstein gave the manned Moon program this name
    $200 13
An enticement; hard to catch a fish without one
    $400 2
Betty Bloomer
    $400 7
Ballplayer Ted Williams
    $400 22
William Hoard was instrumental in founding the USA's first dairy school at the University of this state--where else?
    $400 27
In the 1850s, while Gregor Mendel was playing with his peas, this American woman was writing the first of her 1,775 poems
    $400 18
A goddess of flowers, or all of a region's flowers & other vegetation
    $400 14
A circle in the trunk that reveals a tree's age
    $600 3
Rachel Donelson Robards
    $600 8
Comedian Bobcat Goldthwait
    $600 23
In 1879 Carl de Laval invented a high-speed separator that separated this from whole milk
    $600 28
Samuel Johnson published his dictionary in 1755; 3 years later Voltaire wrote this philosophical fantasy
    $600 19
(Sarah of the Clue Crew watches an emblem being applied to a California Highway Patrol car.) The symbol of the highway patrol features the Great Seal of California & this Roman war goddess, whose Greek counterpart was Athena
    $600 15
Hey, ya palooka, I got you a lawyer... yeah, he's also known by this "oral" term
    $800 4
Abigail Smith
    $800 9
Musician Ringo Starr
    $800 24
A 2006 inductee, this former Kansas senator & presidential candidate helped develop the food stamp program
    $800 29
Susan B. Anthony pushed for women's rights while this woman was nursing British soldiers in the Crimean War
    DD: $2,400 20
These nuclear missiles, first put on U. S. subs in 1970, preceded Trident missiles
    $800 16
Annoyed, or to pass from one side to the other
    $1000 5
Ida Saxton
    $1000 10
Gymnast Nastia Liukin, like a Russian grand duchess
    $1000 25
Oliver Kelley is in the Hall for creating this 19th century farmers' fraternal organization
    $1000 30
Herbert Hoover was born Aug. 10, 1874 & this statesman Nov. 30, 1874 at Blenheim Palace; they died 3 months apart
    $1000 21
It's a Florida beach town as well as a D-Day landing beach
    $1000 17
A strikingly attractive woman

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Vijay Stefan Jason
$1,400 $4,000 $800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Vijay Stefan Jason
$400 $8,000 $2,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: ...who will give us all of the clues.)
    $400 30
(Dr. Oz shows a plate of bananas, dates, strawberries, and other fruits.) One way to control high blood pressure is to counteract high levels of sodium in the average diet by eating foods rich in magnesium & this element--symbol K
    $400 3
In Asia:
Kuala Lumpur
    $400 1
Robert Ludlum said that he created this character after suffering a bout of amnesia
    $400 4
This a-guy, he got me on my a-knees with his singin' on "Layla" & "Wunnerful Tonight"
    $400 13
Judge David Davis was responsible for getting this friend of his nominated by the 1860 Republican Convention
    $400 21
It can mean to shape by heating, as a blacksmith does, or to imitate someone's handwriting
    $800 29
(Dr. Oz shows an anatomical animation on the monitor.) Though often blamed on stress, these interior wounds to the stomach or duodenum are typically the result of a bacterial infection
    $800 5
North of Australia:
Port Moresby
    $800 2
This author's 1821 novel "The Spy" was written before frontier tales like "The Pioneers"
    $800 7
On "The Wunner Years", this kid played Kevin; he also a-directed "Daddy Day Camp"
    $800 14
Billy the Kid was captured & later murdered by this one-time friend
    $800 22
Nickname of Sam, leader of The Pharaohs, who sang "Wooly Bully"
    $1200 26
(Dr. Oz holds a snack bowl.) Eat a snack a half an hour before mealtime, so you're already feeling full & will eat less; you're reducing levels of the hunger-causing chemical ghrelin--one of these, like estrogen & insulin
    $1200 6
In South America:
    $1200 10
Ian Fleming's "Thunderball" was the first to feature this villain often seen cuddling a fluffy white cat
    $1200 15
Cathy Lee Crosby was "Wunner Woman" in 1974; this wunnerful woman a-took over the role in 1975
    $1200 17
Samoset befriended the Pilgrim settlers of this colony & introduced them to Squanto
    $1200 23
This 11-letter word for a fake comes from the Latin for "against fact"
    $1600 27
(Dr. Oz stands and bends one leg up at the knee to stretch it.) Stretching & strengthening the tendons & muscles in front of your leg can help you avoid this 2-word condition we docs call medial tibial stress syndrome
    $1600 8
In an emirate:
    DD: $2,000 11
John Le Carre introduced British agent Alec Leamas in this 1963 novel
    $1600 16
I a-dig that Stevie Wunner, who sang "Superstition" & a-phoned in this 1984 No. 1 hit
    $1600 19
In Greek myth, this guy agreed to die in Pythias' place
    $1600 24
"Fiction" & "figment" have the same roots as this verb that means to invent a story or excuse, like illness
    DD: $2,000 28
(Dr. Oz shows an anatomical model on the monitor.) From the Latin for "under chamber", this gland's health is vital as it influences your appetite, your sex drive & also maintains normal body temperature
    $2000 9
In a Central Asian "stan":
    $2000 12
This Ken Follett novel begins with German spy Henry Faber killing his landlady with a stiletto, or "die Nadel"
    $2000 18
Adam West's co-star, this actor a-wrote "Boy Wunner: My Life In Tights", a tell-all memoir
    $2000 20
Friends Andre Derain, Maurice De Vlaminck & Henri Matisse were the leaders of this art movement in Paris in the early 1900s
    $2000 25
Orlon is man-made, not natural, & is called this type of fiber

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Vijay Stefan Jason
$15,600 $14,800 $9,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

It's the only state from which rainwater flows to the Pacific, the Atlantic & Hudson Bay

Final scores:

Vijay Stefan Jason
$15,100 $13,575 $11,500
Automatic semifinalist 2nd place: $5,000 if eliminated 3rd place: $5,000 if eliminated

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Vijay Stefan Jason
$17,600 $14,800 $11,200
17 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
19 R,
0 W
14 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $43,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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