Suggest correction - #3101 - 1998-02-09

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    $400 8
He not only went through hell, but purgatory & paradise to write "The Divine Comedy"

Show #3101 - Monday, February 9, 1998

1998 Tournament of Champions semifinal game 1.


Claudia Perry, a pop music critic from Jersey City, New Jersey

Dan Melia, a professor from San Francisco, California

Catherine Ramen, an assistant editor from New York City, New York

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 16
In 1922 this "Lone Eagle" learned to fly at a Lincoln, Nebraska flying school
    $100 1
"Go Down..."
    $100 11
This traditional garment of Japan is also available with fur trim from Fendi for $28,000
    $100 21
When counting pennies, it's good to know a standard roll contains this many
    $100 2
"The plane... the plane!"
    $100 26
Top Model magazine says this stroke in swimming is ideal exercise for the breasts
    $200 17
During World War I, this German ace painted his plane red to make sure he'd be noticed
    $200 7
"Intruder in the..."
    $200 12
Hats in the shape of this food are a common sight at Wisconsin sporting events
    $200 22
If you plan to rent a movie, we suggest this 1952 Gene Kelly musical
    $200 3
"Michael, all right, then promise me something: for today, for this 22nd anniversary, no fighting with Daddy, please!"
    $200 27
In 1989 the town of Fort Madison, Iowa celebrated the completion of a wood replica of this historic structure
    $300 18
Charleston, West Virginia's booming airport is named for this pilot who first broke the sound barrier
    $300 8
    $300 13
70% of American men aged 25-45 own a pair of these Levi Strauss khakis
    $300 23
The mast of a model ship must fold down if it is to be inserted into one of these
    $300 4
"Sweetie, can I say something: I grew up in this city, let me tell ya, here's what you do: from the time you're eight, you run, you just run... any way you look, there's someone who wants to hurt you..."
    $300 28
Look at the monitor & identify this ship seen here
    $400 19
In 1926 Floyd Bennett piloted the plane in which this admiral flew over the North Pole
    $400 9
"As I Lay..."
    $400 14
The ankle-high side-zipped boot named for this rock band was introduced in the '60s
    DD: $1,200 24
(Hi, I'm Chuck Woolery.) In this board game, the player who draws the tile nearest the beginning of the alphabet plays first
    $400 5
[Sci-fi "stalking" music]
    $400 29
This 1905 operetta by Franz Lehar features the "Merry Widow Waltz"
    $500 20
In 1935 Will Rogers & this pilot were killed in a plane crash near Point Barrow, Alaska
    $500 10
"Light in..."
    $500 15
A men's stiff, formal white shirt is said to be this, like an egg or a lobster
    $500 25
According to Guinness, the 83-story "house" Bryan Berg built of these stood 16 feet before it fell
    $500 6
"Letters... we get letters... we get stacks and stacks of letters... LETTERS!"
    $500 30
In June 1997 this Chicago department store marshalled its forces for a "Field Days Sale"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Catherine Dan Claudia
$1,200 $1,800 $200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Catherine Dan Claudia
$2,500 $5,100 $900

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 26
In 1962 this nation canceled the Czechs' World Cup soccer dreams, winning without Pele
    $200 7
The prose & Khans of vacationing in China were found in this explorer's description of his travels
    $200 6
According to projections, China will be passed in population by this country by the year 2050
    $200 12
The Whirlpool Rapids & Rainbow Bridges connect the New York & Ontario cities named for these falls
    $200 5
In her "All I Want to Do", "the man next to me" says "His name's William but I'm sure he's Bill or Billy"
    $200 17
Muslims believe it was the angel Gabriel who revealed this holy book to Muhammad
    $400 27
This 3-time U.S. Open champion canceled his Czech citizenship in 1992 & became a U.S. citizen
    $400 8
He not only went through hell, but purgatory & paradise to write "The Divine Comedy"
    $400 22
The 1st U.S. census was held in this century
    $400 13
20 years' work has gone into a Kawasaki-Kisarazu Bridge over this bay
    DD: $800 1
The group heard here:

"Oh come on, Bill.
Oh come on, Bill,
Come on and marry me, Bill"
    $400 18
You're on a roll if you know that German rulers from 1871 to 1918 assumed this title
    $600 28
After the cancellation of Czechoslovakia, he took on the role of president of the Czech Republic
    $600 9
Yours for a "Song" is this French epic hero who is the nephew of Charlemagne
    DD: $2,300 23
The Census Bureau is a part of this U.S. government department
    $600 14
A 400-year-old landmark bridge in this nation's city of Mostar was destroyed by Croat forces in 1993
    $600 2
"And as Billy started to go she said 'Keep your pretty head low' Billy don't" do this, "come back to me"
    $600 19
Hebrew for "assembly", it's what the Israelis call their parliament
    $800 29
The Soviets canceled this Czech leader's "Prague Spring" reforms by invading the country in 1968
    $800 10
As he wrote much of "Le Morte d'Arthur" in prison, that would make it a best cell-er
    $800 24
The census ordered by William the Conqueror & taken in 1086 was recorded in this "book"
    $800 15
This bridge extends from the Brooklyn neighborhood of the same name to Manhatan's lower east side
    $800 3
In this 1963 Crystals hit about Bill, "I met him on a Monday and my heart stood still"
    $800 20
Karma is the Hindu word for fate or destiny; this is the Turkish term
    $1000 30
The Munich Pact canceled Czech sovereignty over this region that was ceded to Nazi Germany
    $1000 11
Title character of William Langland's social protest in verse, written under "Piers" pressure
    $1000 25
From Latin for "to count", it's one who goes door-to-door counting heads for the census
    $1000 16
Antonio Da Ponte, whose name means "bridge" designed this Venetian bridge known for its boutiques
    $1000 4
"The Legend of Billy Jack" is the subtitle of this 1971 Coven song
    $1000 21
Japanese sport that uses the weapon seen here:

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Catherine Dan Claudia
$5,900 $11,000 $4,500

Final Jeopardy! Round

Displayed in a new case in September 1997, it's the centerpiece of the Harry Winston Gallery

Final scores:

Catherine Dan Claudia
$1,400 $11,801 $9,000
3rd place: $5,000 Finalist 2nd place: $5,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Catherine Dan Claudia
$5,900 $12,500 $4,100
13 R,
0 W
29 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)
14 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $22,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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