A pop music critic from Jersey City, New Jersey...

Claudia Perry

2014 Battle of the Decades invitee: $5,000.
2002 Million Dollar Masters tournament wildcard semifinalist: $25,000.
1998 Tournament of Champions semifinalist: $5,000.
Season 13 4-time champion: $45,303.

Claudia's first game was aired on 1996-09-11; she lost, but due to technical problems, she returned on 1997-01-01.

Kathryn, her sister, was a contestant on show #2676, aired 1996-04-01.

Claudia appeared as a challenger on ABC's 500 Questions on 2016-06-01. She was unable to eliminate Season 19 player Guy Jordan.

Claudia won a $1,000 consolation prize after missing the $3,000 question on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire on 2018-10-25.

Claudia died 2024-05-16 at age 64. Obituary.

Claudia appeared in the following 2 archived games:
#3101, aired 1998-02-09 Catherine Ramen vs. Dan Melia vs. Claudia Perry 1998 Tournament of Champions semifinal game 1.
#3097, aired 1998-02-03 Paul Gutowski vs. Claudia Perry vs. Josh Den Hartog 1998 Tournament of Champions quarterfinal game 2.
Claudia previously appeared on Jeopardy! as Claudia Perry in the following 5 archived games:
#2847, aired 1997-01-07 Claudia Perry vs. Steve Dhuey vs. David Charlton, Jr. Claudia Perry game 5.
#2846, aired 1997-01-06 Claudia Perry vs. Doug Morrison vs. Jack Patton Claudia Perry game 4.
#2845, aired 1997-01-03 Claudia Perry vs. Damon Raskin vs. Aimee Serafini Claudia Perry game 3.
#2844, aired 1997-01-02 Claudia Perry vs. Nancy Senter vs. Kurt Bodden Claudia Perry game 2.
#2843, aired 1997-01-01 Cindy Giddle vs. Claudia Perry vs. Jody Hart Claudia Perry game 1-B.
Claudia would later appear on Jeopardy! as Claudia Perry in the following 2 archived games:
#4085, aired 2002-05-10 Chuck Forrest vs. Bob Verini vs. Claudia Perry 2002 Million Dollar Masters semifinal game 3.
#4079, aired 2002-05-02 Claudia Perry vs. Brad Rutter vs. Kate Waits 2002 Million Dollar Masters quarterfinal game 2.

[player statistics]

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