Suggest correction - #5404 - 2008-02-21

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    $1600 13
Thornton Wilder's prize-winning play about life & death in a small "corner" of New Hampshire

Show #5404 - Thursday, February 21, 2008

2008-A Teen Tournament final game 1.


Rachel Horn, a sophomore from Cincinnati, Ohio

Rachel "Steve" Cooke, a senior from Fishers, Indiana

Zia Choudhury, a senior from Paducah, Kentucky

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 11
In 1928 A.A. Milne published "House at" this title character's "Corner"
    $200 24
Epee, foil & saber are the 3 types of weapons in this competition
    $200 2
At 16, he joined the soccer club Manchester United, but he didn't get his first goal for another 3 years
    $200 1
In this 2007 sequel Master Chief has new vehicles like the Mongoose to help him stop the Flood & the Covenant
    $200 18
From 1909 until 1958, ears of wheat appeared on the back of this U.S. coin
    $200 6
A 10-cent small green citrus fruit
    $400 12
You'll find "Time is now to be dreaded - since once he put that mark upon your throat" in this 1897 novel
    $400 27
The controversial 1980 Summer Olympics were held in this capital city
    $400 3
Miley Cyrus plays this TV teen
    $400 4
"The Burning Crusade", an expansion to this popular Blizzard game, offers 2 new races: Draenei & Blood Elves
    $400 19
On our summer solstice, the sun at noon is directly over this "tropic"
    $400 7
A stage play about a woolly South American beast of burden
    $600 13
The Knight's Tale, the Friar's Tale, & the Nun's Priest's Tale are part of this larger group
    $600 28
The longest race in the Summer Olympics is a walk of 50 of these metric units
    $600 16
This nationalist leader who used nonviolent techniques to help create a free India was married when he was 13
    $600 5
This musical instrument simulation game has a working whammy bar
    $600 20
Phoenix, Arizona is in this time zone
    $600 8
Desires an assortment of letter types & characters for the computer
    DD: $1,000 14
In the 1830s he wrote, "'But he has nothing on at all,' said a little child at last"
    $800 29
At the 2006 Winter Olympics, Shaun White took gold in this snowboarding competition
    $800 17
Legend says at 13, she saved Capt. John Smith from warriors of Powhatan, her father
    $800 25
In "Shadows of Angmar", a video game based on these books, Sauron sends the Nazgul in search of some jewelry
    $800 21
Name shared by a clay & straw brick home & a Photoshop maker
    $800 9
Washes a pair of eye contacts
    $1000 15
It's no mystery that she was born in 1890 in Devon, England, wrote 67 novels under this name & 6 as Mary Westmacott
    $1000 30
The name of this equestrian event means "taming" or "training" in French
    $1000 23
At 17, this "Little Women" author wrote her first novel, "The Inheritence"
    $1000 26
This Japanese video game involves a sticky little ball that players roll to grow it larger by picking up things
    $1000 22
In photography, these lens attachments include polarizing, star & neutral density
    $1000 10
One orator who is more timid than another

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Zia "Steve" Rachel
$0 $1,200 $3,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Zia "Steve" Rachel
$1,800 $3,400 $6,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You have to ID the network as we go...)
    $400 20
First off is a little visit to this place at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
    $400 11
Number of U.S. states divided by the number of noncontiguous states
    $400 12
Shaw's play "Back to Methuselah" goes really, really far back; part I opens in this Biblical garden
    $400 6
Almost all sharks have 5 of these "slits"; & some don't have to swim constantly to pump water over them
    $400 26
"Around the Horn",
"Monday Night Football",
    $400 1
Under N:
Nuevo is new and nueve is this
    $800 21
While paying our respects here, we'll get to see the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknowns
    $800 14
It's the square root of the square root of 81
    $800 16
What a twist! In a one-man show, Simon Callow played this "Oliver Twist" author & dozens of his characters
    $800 7
It's the type of shark seen here named for obvious reasons
    $800 28
"Decoding the Past",
"Modern Marvels",
"Ancient Discoveries"
    $800 2
Under D:
Dormitorio is this room in your house
    $1200 22
The pediment seen here, adorned by sculptures & the words "Equal justice under law", is found on this building
    $1200 15
Number of sides on a pentagon multiplied by the number of sides on a hexagon
    $1200 18
A new play based on this Sir Arthur Conan Doyle canine classic opened on the London stage in 2007
    $1200 8
The largest living fish, it often grows to be 30 feet long but reportedly may reach twice that
    $1200 29
"I Love New York",
"The Best Week Ever",
"Scott Baio is 46... and Pregnant"
    $1200 3
Under V:
Thank God it's Friday, in Spanish, this
    DD: $700 24
A memorial on the National Mall bears the names of nearly 60,000 Americans who died in this war
    $1600 17
49 plus 22 minus 33 plus 11
    $1600 13
Thornton Wilder's prize-winning play about life & death in a small "corner" of New Hampshire
    $1600 9
One specimen of this shark variety seen here was 21 feet long & 7,300 pounds--no wonder it gets all the press
    $1600 30
"Lil' Bush",
"The Colbert Report",
"The Daily Show"
    $1600 4
Under P:
This is the word for "movie"
    $2000 25
The Wright Bros.' Flyer & lots of rockets & missiles are displayed at this museum that's part of the Smithsonian
    DD: $500 19
An $80 shirt reduced in price by 20% would cost this
    $2000 23
Fans of this musical based on a French novel could be called Fantines, in honor of one of its main characters
    $2000 10
Galeocerdo cuvier, this shark retains its eggs until its young hatch; they're grrreat!
    $2000 27
"American Morning",
"The Situation Room",
"Anderson Cooper 360"
    $2000 5
Under A:
Abuela is this relative

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Zia "Steve" Rachel
$9,000 $13,400 $18,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1733 he wrote, "The heart of a fool is in his mouth, but the mouth of a wise man is in his heart"

Final scores:

Zia "Steve" Rachel
$18,000 $18,400 $26,801

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Zia "Steve" Rachel
$10,000 $13,400 $20,000
15 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
17 R,
1 W
22 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $43,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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