Jeopardy! Round responses
(Lynn: What is Tahiti?) ... (Alex: Yes, indeed...) (Richard: TRIVIA for $200, please, Alex. Sorry to interrupt.) (Alex: That's all right; the answer this time...)
(Alex: A lot of strange looks from our players; I'll give you the question.)
Ellery Queen
(Craig: What is cycling?)
speed skating
(Craig: 36.) [The audience shrieks] ... (Alex: I'm glad you haven't been playing Scrabble. I'm glad you've been playing Jeopardy!) [Laughter]
(Alex: That is right. You guys are on a roll! Go again.)
Eleanor Roosevelt
(Alex: We got a little cute in writing that one up. The correct question is "Who is [*]?", the well-known girl jockey.) [The end-of-round signal sounds.]
Robyn Smith
[ERRATUM: The "SCTV bros." were the McKenzie Brothers, not the Mackenzies.]
the Mackenzie
Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):
Richard |
Lynn |
Craig |
$1,300 |
$1,100 |
$600 |
Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:
Richard |
Lynn |
Craig |
$4,100 |
$1,900 |
$1,400 |
Double Jeopardy! Round responses
(Alex: You see? It does work.) (Richard: It sure does. Now the light's gotta go on up here though, Alex. That's the problem.)
Mt. Olympus
(Lynn: What is TASS?) [Richard's and Craig's lecterns light simultaneously] (Alex: Hang on just a second. ... You were tied there; when the lights go out, ring in again.) [lights turn off; Craig's lecturn lights] (Alex: Now!)
(Craig: Who was Joseph?)
(Alex: Now, this is grammar, this is a subject that should be dear to your heart.)
a noun
(Craig: [no response])
(Alex: You are right, and you ran that category beautifully, and you've got the lead.) [Richard rings in] (Alex: And Richard is testing his buzzer to make sure it's working.) (Richard: Hasn't gone on in so long.) (Alex: I know; Lynn's been beating you to it.)
a period
Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:
Richard |
Lynn |
Craig |
$9,700 |
$10,900 |
$2,400 |
[wagering suggestions for these scores]
Final Jeopardy! Round responses
Craig | What is an elephant | $2,300 | Richard | What is the Elephant | $9,650 | Lynn | What is an elephant | $10,000 | man |
Final scores:
Richard |
Lynn |
Craig |
$50 |
$900 |
$100 |
Game dynamics:
Richard |
Lynn |
Craig |
$8,200 |
$9,500 |
$2,400 |
Game tape date: 1984-08-08
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