Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.
Jeopardy! Round responses
(Alex: Yes... we got cute, there.)
(Don: What is the Rose Parade?)
the Rose Bowl (game)
(Lorrie: What is [*]? I have one at home.) (Alex: You have [*]?) (Lorrie: I have [*] at home.) (Alex: Good for you.) (Richard: Me too.) (Alex: You have one also? Don, do you have [*] at home?) (Don: She's 18.)
a Brownie
The Mary Tyler Moore Show
(Don: What is yellow fever?)
pink eye
(Alex: Boys are rolling in sports.)
Jimmy Brown
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
Catalina Island
(Lorrie: Oh, I'm going to say, who is Pretty Boy Floyd?)
John Dillinger
(Lorrie: What is blue?) (Alex: Be more specific.)
blue point
(Alex: Oh, we caught--we caught you on that one. Who was [*]? Not fast enough, Richard.) (Richard: Yep.)
Machine Gun Kelly
(Alex: Nice goin', fellas! But watch out for Lorrie, believe me.)
Byron "Whizzer" White
(Alex: All right, we've got a minute left in the round. For you alone, here is the Daily Double...) ... (Lorrie: Uh...)
Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):
Lorrie |
Richard |
Don |
$700 |
$1,200 |
$700 |
Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:
Lorrie |
Richard |
Don |
$700 |
$2,200 |
$1,900 |
Double Jeopardy! Round responses
(Alex: Lorrie, as our returning champion, but more importantly, because you were in third place at the end of Jeopardy!, you get to select first, and you've got a tough battle ahead of you--) (Lorrie: Sure do.) (Alex: --tough enough without us cheating you out of $100, which is what we did. We forgot to credit you with $100, so your total should read $700, and there it is. Good luck to you. Make a selection.)
(Don: Who was, um... sorry.) (Alex: Too much time.)
Will Rogers
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
Coco Chanel
(Richard: What is the [*]?)
(Don: What is Chariots of Fire?)
(Alex: Guess what, Don? You're in the lead by $100 over Richard.) (Don: All right, I'll--I'll--I'll quit now.) [Alex laughs.]
John Lindsay
(Alex: Oh, Lorrie, this is very, very important for you. You've got $4,100 to invest in this Daily Double. It's for you alone. You're trailing our leader by $2,400 at the moment.) (Lorrie: I'm going to give it the whole shot, Alex. Let's do $4,000.) (Alex: $4,000!) (Alex: The stuff--) (Lorrie: Do or die, here.) (Alex: Do or die. The stuff champions are made of.) [NOTE: It appears that Lorrie's "whole shot" wager was clarified as meaning $4,100 between the Double Jeopardy! Round and the Final Jeopardy! Round, because her post-DJ! Round score was reported as $2,300, but her "correct" score was reported as $2,200 after the announcement of the prizes.] ... (Lorrie: Oh, God, um... Oh, geez, I'm totally blank.) ... (Alex: We've got a minute left in this--this round.)
Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:
Lorrie |
Richard |
Don |
$2,200 |
$6,500 |
$6,300 |
[wagering suggestions for these scores]
Final Jeopardy! Round responses
Lorrie | Who is Sam Houston? | $2,100 | Don | Who was Davy Crockett? | $1,850 | Richard | Who was Sam Houston? | $6,450 | Sam Houston |
Final scores:
Lorrie |
Richard |
Don |
$4,300 |
$12,950 |
$4,450 |
Game dynamics:
Lorrie |
Richard |
Don |
$8,300 |
$6,400 |
$6,300 |
Game tape date: 1984-08-08
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