The first black in Big League Baseball |
Jackie Robinson
The adverb in "think fast" |
An "easy rider" whose sister played an easy lady in "Klute" |
Peter Fonda
Hilltop home of the gods |
(Alex: You see? It does work.) (Richard: It sure does. Now the light's gotta go on up here though, Alex. That's the problem.)
Mt. Olympus
"Real men" don't eat this French custard cheese pie |
Largest Soviet newspaper, its name means "Truth" |
(Lynn: What is TASS?) [Richard's and Craig's lecterns light simultaneously] (Alex: Hang on just a second. ... You were tied there; when the lights go out, ring in again.) [lights turn off; Craig's lecturn lights] (Alex: Now!)
Forced to give up crown as Miss America because of photos in "Penthouse" |
Vanessa Williams
The superlative form of good |
In the Bible, Aaron was this brother's mouthpiece in dealing with Pharaoh |
(Craig: Who was Joseph?)
He ultimately got "fleeced" by Medea |
On the market since 1896, it wasn't until 1912 that they included prizes |
Cracker Jacks
Daughter of this Soviet ruler has been living in America since 1967 |
A symbol for black performers in film since the '50's, he won an Oscar as Best Actor in '63 |
Sidney Poitier
It can be common, proper, collective or concrete |
(Alex: Now, this is grammar, this is a subject that should be dear to your heart.)
a noun
Nursing mother who wouldn't make "house calls", she's Vanessa's sister |
Lynn Redgrave
A challenge to any optician, these giants had only one eye |
Soviet republic that has same name as an American state |
As result of anti-slavery raid on Harper's Ferry, his "body lies a moldering in the grave" |
John Brown
3-letter ending of present participles & gerunds |
Apollo's loving sister, sometimes served on the half shell |
A "bull" of a man, he lived in a labyrinth |
the Minotaur
Soviet official who advocated using gasoline-filled bottles against Nazi tanks |
(Craig: [no response])
Harriet Tubman, who freed over 300 slaves, was 1 of its foremost "conductors" |
the Underground Railroad
It comes at the end of a declarative sentence |
(Alex: You are right, and you ran that category beautifully, and you've got the lead.) [Richard rings in] (Alex: And Richard is testing his buzzer to make sure it's working.) (Richard: Hasn't gone on in so long.) (Alex: I know; Lynn's been beating you to it.)
a period
First member of the "me" generation, this youth fell in love with his own reflection |
Kenny Ball did this jazzed up version of an old Russian folk song |
"Midnight In Moscow"