"I never bother with people I hate, that's why the lady is" this |
"a tramp"
One explanation as to why cats were sacred to the Egyptians was that these glowed at night |
A reniform swimming pool is shaped like this organ |
a kidney
This person must be at least 50 years old, while his American counterpart only has to be 35 |
the president
The Eddie Bauer catalog sells a special antifreeze for this manly facial adornment |
(Alex: Yeah, [**] particularly because in cold weather you get icicles forming here; it's very embarrassing.)
a beard (or mustache)
This TV alien introduced himself by saying, "my name is Michael Dukakis" |
"Take her wrap, fellas, find her an empty lap, fellas," she'll "never go away again" |
The name of this cat comes from a South American Indian name for it -- "yaguara" |
the jaguar
It isn't a stirrer for your guacamole, it's a rod that measures the oil in your crankcase |
a dipstick
The Italian town in which Leonardo da Vinci was born |
[NOTE: Local lore holds that Leonardo was born in the nearby village of Anchiano, as noted in BIRTH OF AN ARTIST $400 in show #8718, aired 2022-10-12 and the Final Jeopardy! clue of primetime Celebrity Jeopardy! show #13, aired 2023-02-02.]
Mirrors were originally made of polished metal; this material wasn't used until the 12th c. |
Exec. Producer Peter Douglas won for "Inherit the Wind", which starred this man, his father |
Kirk Douglas
Show in which Kate sings, "he may have hair upon his chest but sister, so has Lassie, oh! I hate men" |
Kiss Me, Kate
Though it can go over 65 m.p.h. in a sprint, it can't sustain that speed over a long distance |
a cheetah
Bred to be speedy, this Arabian camel's name comes from the Greek word for running |
(Carol: What is Bactrian?)
Italian term for the town square at the center of nearly every Italian village |
a piazza
A French proverb says, "you can't make an omelet without" doing this |
breaking an egg
Jane Seymour won an Emmy for playing this singer in "Onassis: The Richest Man in the World" |
Maria Callas
"If an ass in Astrakhan can... baby, you can" do this dance "too" |
To keep a kill away from scavengers, leopards will often put it here |
in a tree
The adjective that means adapted for grasping by wrapping around, like some monkeys' tails |
Automobiles, buses, bicycles & other vehicles are forbidden on the streets of this city |
(Alex: And we've got less than a minute to go.)
Vogue suggests you eat this with a fork, tho Amy Vanderbilt says to use a fork & a large soup spoon |
In "Damn Yankees", Lola sings about "a little brains, a little" this, "with an emphasis on the latter" |
It's defined as the shriek a cat lets out during the mating season |
(Paul: What is waulering? Caterwaulering?) [Accepted without remark]
By definition, these 2 words refer to a territory ruled by a duke or duchess |
(Ronald: What is a [*]?) (Alex: Be more complete.) (Ronald: Grand [*].) ... (Alex: Ronald, unfortunately you misread the clue. We said "these 2 words". [*] is one of them. [**] was the other. You have to be very careful.)
duchy & dukedom
These 2 liquids are Italy's most important agricultural products |
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
olive oil & wine
On July 5, 1987 a fan at this tournament held up a sign saying "Cash is better than a Czech today" |