Show #1056 - Monday, March 20, 1989


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Carol Vasconcellos, a physician originally from Fall River, Massachusetts

Ronald Matsumura, a U.S. Air Force officer from Dayton, Ohio

Paul Curry, a training consultant from Laguna Hills, California (whose 1-day cash winnings total $7,801)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
"I never bother with people I hate, that's why the lady is" this
    $100 13
One explanation as to why cats were sacred to the Egyptians was that these glowed at night
    $100 3
A reniform swimming pool is shaped like this organ
    $100 20
This person must be at least 50 years old, while his American counterpart only has to be 35
    $100 11
The Eddie Bauer catalog sells a special antifreeze for this manly facial adornment
    $100 9
This TV alien introduced himself by saying, "my name is Michael Dukakis"
    $200 2
"Take her wrap, fellas, find her an empty lap, fellas," she'll "never go away again"
    $200 16
The name of this cat comes from a South American Indian name for it -- "yaguara"
    $200 4
It isn't a stirrer for your guacamole, it's a rod that measures the oil in your crankcase
    $200 21
The Italian town in which Leonardo da Vinci was born
    $200 24
Mirrors were originally made of polished metal; this material wasn't used until the 12th c.
    $200 14
Exec. Producer Peter Douglas won for "Inherit the Wind", which starred this man, his father
    $300 6
Show in which Kate sings, "he may have hair upon his chest but sister, so has Lassie, oh! I hate men"
    $300 17
Though it can go over 65 m.p.h. in a sprint, it can't sustain that speed over a long distance
    $300 5
Bred to be speedy, this Arabian camel's name comes from the Greek word for running
    $300 22
Italian term for the town square at the center of nearly every Italian village
    $300 25
A French proverb says, "you can't make an omelet without" doing this
    $300 15
Jane Seymour won an Emmy for playing this singer in "Onassis: The Richest Man in the World"
    $400 7
"If an ass in Astrakhan can... baby, you can" do this dance "too"
    $400 18
To keep a kill away from scavengers, leopards will often put it here
    $400 10
The adjective that means adapted for grasping by wrapping around, like some monkeys' tails
    $400 23
Automobiles, buses, bicycles & other vehicles are forbidden on the streets of this city
    $400 26
Vogue suggests you eat this with a fork, tho Amy Vanderbilt says to use a fork & a large soup spoon
    $500 8
In "Damn Yankees", Lola sings about "a little brains, a little" this, "with an emphasis on the latter"
    $500 19
It's defined as the shriek a cat lets out during the mating season
    $500 12
By definition, these 2 words refer to a territory ruled by a duke or duchess
    DD: $900 28
These 2 liquids are Italy's most important agricultural products
    $500 27
On July 5, 1987 a fan at this tournament held up a sign saying "Cash is better than a Czech today"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Paul Ronald Carol
$1,000 $100 $100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Paul Ronald Carol
$4,300 $100 $1,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: And that means it will begin each correct response in the category.)
    $200 2
His name means "Great Master Kung", & his teachings have influenced Asia for over 2,000 years
    $200 26
Simon & Garfunkel won 2 Grammys for this 1968 song from "The Graduate"
    $200 4
This word is from the Latin "levare", meaning to raise
    $200 1
Men of the Scottish Highlands & Scottish regiments in the British Army are noted for wearing these
    $200 21
He was in analysis in "Annie Hall" & has been in real life for more than 30 years
    $200 11
2 of the main characters in Orwell's "Animal Farm", Napoleon & Snowball were these
    $400 3
Elementary, my dear Watson, the alimentary is one of these
    $400 27
This "Oriental" flu reached epidemic proportions just before Christmas
    $400 14
Metal or wooden rods used to hold meat or vegetables in place while barbecuing or broiling
    $400 5
This service branch is charged with guarding U.S. embassies around the world
    $400 22
To become a psychiatrist you must hold this degree
    $400 13
In Margery Sharp's "The Rescuers", Miss Bianca is this kind of animal
    $600 7
Type of skiing that's on the level
    $600 28
"Goose" Goslin & "Ducky" Medwick were inducted into this hall of fame in 1968
    $600 17
French term meaning baked with a topping of bread crumbs or cheese, or both
    $600 6
Most weapons that aren't handheld & use ammunition of a caliber larger than 1 in. are classed as this
    $600 23
Burrhus Frederic are the first & middle names of this author of "Walden Two"
    $600 15
Muggs was the Airedale in this author's "My Life & Hard Times"
    $800 8
It's a volunteer who helps nurses, not a person who paints peppermints
    $800 29
This Midwestern landmark, designed by Eero Saarinen, was dedicated on May 25, 1968
    $800 18
Potatoes cooked with sliced or chopped onions, named for a French city
    $800 9
The Army's largest overseas combat force, the 7th Army, is stationed in this country
    DD: $600 24
In experiments, one group is called the experimental group, the other is called this
    $800 16
In a Jim Kjelgaard novel, champion Sylvester's boy, an Irish setter, is better known as this
    $1000 10
The Holy Grail, or any cup used to hold consecrated wine for the Eucharist
    DD: $1,000 30
James Earl Ray was arrested near this European capital for the murder of Martin Luther King Jr.
    $1000 19
Beurre maniƩ, a paste comprised of these two items, can be used to thicken liquids
    $1000 12
Nicknamed "Bull", this WWII U.S. fleet admiral's motto was "hit hard, hit fast, hit often"
    $1000 25
1st achievement of this Swiss psychologist was to differentiate between "extroverts" & "introverts"
    $1000 20
Animal who wanted to talk "of shoes and ships and sealing wax -- of cabbages and kings"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Paul Ronald Carol
$8,300 $3,300 $8,100

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

Since 1700 Britain has had only 3 reigning queens: Victoria, Elizabeth II, & this woman

Final scores:

Paul Ronald Carol
$16,300 $9 $6,602
2-day champion: $24,101 3rd place: Dykstra Glass grandfather clock 2nd place: a Caribbean cruise from St. Martin to the Bahamas

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Paul Ronald Carol
$7,900 $3,300 $8,300
21 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
9 R,
1 W
21 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $19,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1988-12-05
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