This company produced the 1st electric sewing machine in the U.S. |
The September 27, 1988 headline "Plains buries a favorite son" referred to this man's funeral |
Billy Carter
Witnesses taking an oath in court swear all their statements will be this |
the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth
In his relativity theory, Einstein proposed a space-time continuum made up of this many dimensions |
If you play pizzicato, you do this to the instrument's strings |
In April 1889 New York City celebrated the centenary of his inauguration |
George Washington
Besides Armenian, Turkish & French ancestry, Cher is descended from these Indians |
the Cherokee
In the Oath of Allegiance, an alien becoming a U.S. citizen swears to bear these when required by law |
"Colorful" radiation from the Sun that causes the earth's ionosphere to replenish itself |
(Frank: What's infrared?)
Both descrescendo & diminuendo mean to do this |
play more softly
Gilbert Keith |
(Marsha: What is... oh, not.) (Frank: What is Sullivan?)
7 weeks after B. Harrison took office, the land rush officially began in what is now this state |
[The end-of-round signal sounds.]
The first name of this "Growing Pains" star came from his dad's being a big fan of "Star Trek" |
(Paul: Who is Scotty?) ... (Alex: The young man's name is [*], a reference to Captain Kirk. You've got less than a minute to go.)
Kirk Cameron
In the Boy Scout Oath, a scout pledges to keep himself physically strong & mentally this |
(Frank: What is alert?)
NASA plans to use this natural force as a booster to help propel its Galileo space-craft to Jupiter |
In the 10th c. Guido d'Arezzo invented this set of parallel lines used for placing notes according to pitch |
the staff
Antoinette Giancana, noted for this autobiography, has now come out w/ a new book of Gangland recipes |
Mafia Princess
The Nicene Creed says, "We believe in one God... one Lord, Jesus... & in" this |
the Holy Ghost
Term for the handcranked machine that coils the rope holding a well bucket |
winch (or windlass)
Found at the lower right-hand corner of sheet music, "volti subito" means to do this quickly |
turn the page
James Matthew |
(Alex: Perhaps if you started thinking about initials, J. M. [*].)
Gorbachev praised the wonderful job this man did as president & then took over his job |
(Marsha: Who is Brezhnev?) (Paul: Who is Chernenko?)
Andrei Gromyko
The 3 things the president swears he'll do for the Constitution the United States |
preserve, protect & defend
The study of sound is acoustics, & the study of light, this |
If you come to "da capo" while playing a composition, you'd go back to this point in the music |
the beginning
Pelham Grenville |