Spores are often scattered by these windblown plants: as the song says, they're "drifting along with the tumbling"... |
Nixon made the second Monday of October a national holiday & called it this |
Columbus Day
When dropped onto a granite block from 100 inches, this sport's white & yellow balls must bounce between 53" & 58" |
It's the second-largest member of the violin family |
the cello
Mongolia's annual Naadam festival includes archery, wrestling & the racing of these animals |
Spores are produced by green plants, bacteria & these, including yeasts, smuts & molds |
Bud Selig |
Major League Baseball
Celebrating the 1862 Batalla de Puebla, this day is sometimes confused with Mexican Independence Day |
Cinco de Mayo
In August 1812 a U.S. frigate got this nickname when British cannonballs were seen to bounce off its thick oak hull |
the Ironsides (Old Ironsides)
A deep shout or roar |
a bellow
Navigable but carrying little traffic, the Selenge River forms part of Mongolia's border with this country |
(Russ: What is China?)
Unlike gametes, spores can do this all by themselves". Hubba hubba! |
In the U.S. September 17 is this day that celebrates a certain signing |
the Constitution (Day)
George Nissen & Larry Griswold made the first modern one of these in 1935 using an iron frame & a piece of canvas |
a trampoline
In a lyric from "The King and I", it precedes "young lovers, whoever you are" |
The name of the leading Mongolian newspaper Unen, just like Pravda, translates as this |
In trees of this cone-bearing order such as the Douglas fir, males carry micro-spores: females, megaspores |
Formerly Dominion Day, it recognizes the July 1 date of the first British colony to become a dominion |
Radio signals were bounced off this object for the first time during Project Diana on January 10, 1946 |
(Destiny: What is a satellite?)
the Moon
He played a pizzeria owner in "Do the Right Thing" |
Danny Aiello
The only international airport in Mongolia bears the name of this 13th century Mongol |
Genghis Khan
In this type of nonflowering plant, such as the staghorn, spores function much like seeds |
Bart Giamatti (once) |
Major League Baseball
For this Asian holiday, firecrackers are thought to scare away the arrival of the murderous beast Nien |
Chinese New Year
In 1907 the Gabriel Company received the first U.S. patent for this type of device that dampens a car's bounce |
shock absorbers
A peer, or a member of a college's governing board |
a fellow
With more than 400 monks, Mongolia's Gandan Monastery is a leading national center of this religion |