Final Jeopardy! Round statistics for Season 41

DJ! FinisherAll gamesRegular play games

Number of regular play games in which two challengers played Final: 22

Out of those 22 games, number of games in which the returning champion at the far left lectern finished Double Jeopardy! with a zero or negative score: 0 (0.00%)

Out of those 22 games, number of games in which the challenger at the far right lectern gave the correct response: 6 (27.27%)

Out of those 6 games, number of games in which the challenger at the middle lectern also gave the correct response: 3 (50.00%)

Out of the 22 regular play games in which two challengers played Final, number of games in which the challenger at the middle lectern gave the correct response: 11 (50.00%)

Out of those 11 games, number of games in which the challenger at the far right lectern also gave the correct response: 3 (27.27%)

Out of the 22 regular play games in which all three players (two of them challengers) played Final, number of games in which all three players gave the correct response: (0.00%)

Out of the 22 regular play games in which all three players (two of them challengers) played Final, number of correct Final responses given by challengers: 17 (38.64%)

Out of the 22 regular play games in which all three players (two of them challengers) played Final, number of games in which none of the three players gave the correct response: 8 (36.36%)

27 correct Final responses have been supplied out of 68 possible responses in the 23 archived games analyzed. This represents a 39.71% chance of supplying the correct Final response.

Out of the 14 regular play games in which the leader going into Final Jeopardy! did not have a lock and was not tied with another player, he or she wagered to cover the second-place player 11 times (78.57%).

Distribution of Final responses by score position out of the 22 games in which all three players played Final:

WWW = 8
RRW = 5
WRR = 5
RWW = 2
RWR = 1
WRW = 1

Distribution of Final responses by score position out of the 1 game in which two players played Final:

RR = 1

Distribution of Final responses by lectern position out of the 22 games in which all three players played Final:

WWW = 8
RRW = 6
WRR = 3
RWR = 2
WRW = 2
WWR = 1

The average winner's score amongst 23 archived games was $20,195.

Highest Final Jeopardy! wagers of Season 41

WagerPlayer nameGameCategoryScoreLeadResponseWin
1.$20,000Maddie Carwile#9170, aired 2024-09-27LANDMARKS$20,600$400W
2.$17,400Gino Montoya#9177, aired 2024-10-08WORLD FLAGS$17,400-$3,800W
3.$13,601Mark Fitzpatrick#9177, aired 2024-10-08WORLD FLAGS$21,200$3,800WY
4.$12,345David Erb#9166, aired 2024-09-2319th CENTURY AMERICANS$30,000$21,200WY
5.$12,000Alex Michev#9169, aired 2024-09-26STARS OF THE 20th CENTURY$16,000$2,100W
6.$11,999Aiden Orzech#9161, aired 2024-09-16HISTORY$15,600$6,000RY
7.$11,800Scott Tcheng#9173, aired 2024-10-02SCIENCE$11,800-$600R
8.$11,611David Erb#9168, aired 2024-09-25SHAKESPEARE$22,000$5,200RY
9.$11,201Ryan Manton#9173, aired 2024-10-02SCIENCE$12,400$600RY
10.$11,000Aiden Orzech#9162, aired 2024-09-17CHARACTERS IN BOOK SERIES$11,000-$2,200RY
11.$9,600Evan Suttell#9161, aired 2024-09-16HISTORY$9,600-$6,000R
12.$9,400Santhosh Sastry#9165, aired 2024-09-20ISLAND CHAINS$9,400-$5,700W
13.$8,888David Erb#9167, aired 2024-09-2420th CENTURY AMERICA$30,600$19,800RY
14.$8,801Will Yancey#9162, aired 2024-09-17CHARACTERS IN BOOK SERIES$13,200$2,200W
15.$8,000Kate Roesch#9170, aired 2024-09-27LANDMARKS$20,200-$400RY
16.$7,999Mark Palmere#9159, aired 2024-09-12HISTORIC NAMES$8,200-$6,200RY
17.$7,001Mark Fitzpatrick#9175, aired 2024-10-04LITERARY CHARACTERS$23,400$8,200RY
18.$6,801Bethany Korp#9159, aired 2024-09-12HISTORIC NAMES$7,600-$6,800R
19.$5,800Chris Lindsay#9163, aired 2024-09-18THE MOVIES$5,800-$4,400RY
20.$5,600Colleen Kelly#9178, aired 2024-10-09WORD ORIGINS$5,600-$18,000W
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