The nomadic Scythians prized these; some found in burial mounds were 20 years old at death & interred in elaborate regalia |
During glacial times, a large lake occupied this region home to the lowest elevation in the United States |
Death Valley
On the heels of Roentgen's discovery of X-rays, Henri Becquerel discovered radioactivity in a compound of this |
You can start by going tandem; take ground training; complete 7 jump levels; congrats, you're cleared to go solo this |
Lil Wayne's last name & the top-selling album in the U.S. of 2008: "Tha ____ III" |
In ethics, the opposite of being altruistic is being this, from the Latin for "I" |
egotistic (egoistic)
Numidia was a longtime ally of Rome & received many refugees from this rival place that was sacked in 146 B.C. |
King Christian II of Denmark signed this for Torben Oxe, accused of sending poisoned cherries to His Majesty's mistress |
a death warrant
This Scot famously said, "I did not invent penicillin, nature did that, I only discovered it by accident" |
Want to learn the sidestroke? We'll start with this kick in which top & bottom legs come together to push you forward |
the scissor kick
Justin Timberlake, seeing clearly in 2013: "The ____/____ Experience" |
(Ken: There it is, you found a musician you love, Matt.)
Nick Bostrom is known for his argument that we are living in this, run by posthuman intelligences on their machines |
a simulation
To ancient Greek poli sci, it was rule by the few & not the best few; the Thirty Tyrants of Athens in 403 B.C. are an example |
(Ken: You can wager up to $2,000.) (Doug: Let's make it a True Daily Double.) (Ken: So you're wagering $800, is that right?) (Doug: Oh, no, I'm sorry, um, $2,000.) (Ken: You want to do the maximum?) [Doug nods.] ... (Doug: What is... meritocracy?) (Ken: Sorry, no. Kind of the opposite sometimes--it's [*].) (Doug: Oh.)
an oligarchy
Cannibal Corpse & Morbid Angel are standout bands in this genre |
death metal
In 2005 a new dwarf planet was announced; it was nicknamed Xena & the 10th planet before astronomers settled on this name |
Escoffier teaches nascent chefs to use this type of small knife to peel apples, mince garlic & core tomatoes |
Prince & the New Power Generation, with a bejeweled pair in 1991: "____ & ____" |
(Ken: Ooh, we tried a different era, but still no luck, huh?) ... (Ken: Matt, where to?) (Matt: It's going well, ALBUM $800.) [Laughter]
Diamonds & Pearls
You can be this kind of doubter about religion or UFOs; in philosophy it's a guy like David Hume, saying we can't know much of anything |
In the 2000s B.C. nephrite artifacts from Taiwan were marketed across a wide swath of Asia, an example of this rhyming exchange |
a jade trade
Careful, this common forest dweller has a well-deserved name, due to its potentially fatal gastronomic effects |
(Doug: What's a toadstool?)
a death cap (mushroom)
This Dutch scientist founded a wave theory of light & also discovered Saturn's largest moon, Titan |
Guitar students learn to make these bell-like overtones by playing a string while gently touching it directly above a fret |
Kanye's 2010 album with "Power" & "Runaway": "My ____ ____ ____ Fantasy" |
(Hannah: What is... Dark Twisted Beautiful?) ... (Ken: You had the right adjectives, Hannah, but in the wrong order--My [*] Fantasy. Matt, we're gonna stick with ALBUMs?) (Matt: Yeah, ALBUM $1,200, having fun.)
Beautiful Dark Twisted
P.I. is philosophy shorthand for this issue, with questions like how do I know I am the same Ken I was 25 years ago? |
(Ken: You are correct and now I'm kind of in my head about that.) [Laughter]
personal identity
In the 700s & 600s B.C., these people of northern Mesopotamia ruled most of the Middle East, all the way to Egypt |
The end or destruction of something may be indicated by this symbolic ringing of a bell |
a death knell
While studying fermentation, Louis Pasteur discovered these organisms, named for the fact that they can live without air |
Cire-perdue is French for this sculpting process in which soft material is used to make the interior of a mold & then melted away |
Post Malone, goin' country in 2024: "F-1 ____" |
18th c. esthetics used this adjective for things awesome, not just pretty; Edmund Burke called it "the strongest of all the passions" |
(Doug: What is... awe?)
the sublime