Show #9272 - Tuesday, February 18, 2025

2025 Jeopardy! Invitational Tournament quarterfinal game 2.


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Jaskaran Singh, a consultant from Plano, Texas

Margaret Shelton, a homemaker from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Skyler Hornback, a chemical engineering Ph.D. student originally from Sonora, Kentucky

[next game >>]

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 10
No. 40 of U.S. vice presidents, he was on 2 national championship-winning college football teams
    $200 22
Seen in some workplaces, it's discrimination based on how old someone is
    $200 1
A design defect left this car co.'s Pinto open to exploding & its slogan "Pinto leaves you with that warm feeling"... problematic
    $200 4
This monstrosity was a mix between the Pillsbury Doughboy & the Michelin Man; Bill Murray said, "He's a sailor, he's in New York"
    $200 27
A word for informers; they proverbially "get stitches"
    $200 30
This river abruptly changed course on March 7, 1876, leaving Reverie, Tennessee on the Arkansas side
    $400 11
There's always a spot on our chart for the "Nine" who bravely desegregated Central High School in this city in 1957
    $400 21
It's the art or sport of climbing high mountains & not necessarily the ones that gave it its name
    $400 2
I don't wanna wait for you to name this '90s TV drama; I want to know right now: what will it be?
    $400 29
In the video game "Batman: Arkham Knight", our caped crusader vies with this foe played by Cillian Murphy on film
    $400 26
Named for a cartoon spirit, it's a ghosting technique where the ghoster & ghostee stop texting but in a friendly way
    $400 18
With Cameroon on its western border & South Sudan on the east, it's right in the middle of the continent
    $600 12
This foreigner was "Top '40" as Henry VIII's queen in 1540--from a tough wedding night in January to July
    $600 7
Sounds deadly, but it's the belief that events in life are predetermined & people are powerless to change them
    $600 3
In 1947 the Navy Department merged with this other Cabinet department to be led by the secretary of defense
    $600 28
In a song by this country trio, it was goodbye & good riddance to the abusive Earl because "Earl had to die"
    $600 25
These 4 words spell out a phrase for your soulmate; some say the acronym is pronounced "lom-el"
    DD: $1,500 17
Now a tourist attraction, the demilitarized zone separating these 2 countries was officially abolished in 1976
    $800 13
Alphabetically, it tops the chart of locations for the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World
    $800 8
Author Jean-Paul Sartre was a leader of this literary & philosophical movement
    $800 20
No, Lucy, you can't be in the show at this Vegas casino, as it got leveled in 2024 to, perhaps, be a new home for baseball's A's
    $800 6
Played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan, this "Walking Dead" ne'er-do-well was something of a clutch pinch hitter
    $800 24
Like "Black '47", it's a movie with a Western feel set in Ireland, not a spaghetti Western but...
    $800 15
The Mexican state of Quintana Roo has a southern border with Belize & a NW one with this state that shares a name with the whole area
    $1000 14
This "numeric band" that included Yao Wenyuan dropped off the chart hard after Mao left the stage for good in 1976
    $1000 9
This movement in the arts & literature that began in the late 1700s emphasized passion, emotion & imagination
    $1000 23
Sickle-clawed & quick, this 40-pound dinosaur ran wild about 80 million years ago & again on film in 1993
    $1000 5
With gleeful gruesomeness, this actress gained an Oscar nomination for her role as Daisy Domergue in "The Hateful Eight"
    $1000 19
Also called a "man on the street" interview, these 2 3-letter words are shortened Latin for "voice of the people"
    $1000 16
This country sits on France's northeast border, sandwiched between Belgium & Germany

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Skyler Margaret Jaskaran
$2,200 $400 $3,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Skyler Margaret Jaskaran
$2,700 $2,800 $5,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 30
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall"
    $400 29
Noted for its books on art, architecture & photography, the Fleet Library is part of this school, RISD for short
    $400 1
In the U.K. version of "The Office", this comedian played David Brent, a character similar to Steve Carell's Michael Scott
    $400 6
The title of this 1880 novel refers to siblings Dmitry, Ivan & Alyosha
    $400 28
Studies of iron-rich minerals in clay pots show that this Earth feature spiked to 2.5 times stronger in ancient times than today
    $400 26
A South American member of the camel family, or the wool that comes from it
    $800 19
Describing her historic 1983 space flight:
"That was definitely an E ticket"
    $800 15
A glass tower of books at the British Library houses the collection of this king who reigned from 1760 to 1820
    $800 2
It was on this sitcom that Cory & Topanga first got together
    $800 7
Hopelessness is the theme of the 1899 Chekhov drama named for this title character who realizes he's wasted his life
    $800 27
Temperatures in this part of the Earth rival the surface of the Sun, but pressure there is so great the metals don't melt
    $800 25
Meaning distant, it's used to describe eyes with a distracted look
    $1200 16
On her nomination to the Supreme Court: "This is a momentous day in my life and the life of my family"
    $1200 11
A library at Phillips Exeter Academy in this state is considered a masterwork of modern American architecture
    $1200 3
From 2010 to 2016 Melissa McCarthy starred opposite Billy Gardell on this sitcom
    $1200 8
Solzhenitsyn gave an account of his 8 years in Soviet prison camps in this work & used its proceeds to help persecuted folks
    $1200 14
Earth scientists refer to layers of sedimentary rock as these levels, with a proper Latin plural
    $1200 23
Many colleges offer certification in this job of assisting lawyers
    $1600 17
A champion of human rights: "Our only protection is to boycott the grapes"
    $1600 12
Among the holdings of the Royal Danish Library is the archive of this "Out of Africa" author
    $1600 4
Bronson Pinchot, who played Balki Bartokomous on this comedy, says he remains close to his TV cousin & co-star Mark Linn-Baker
    $1600 9
This author of "Doctor Zhivago" won & accepted the Nobel Prize, but then was forced to decline by the Soviets
    DD: $1,000 20
As its name suggests, this part of the atmosphere that begins about 50 miles up is rich in electrically charged particles
    $1600 21
An antonym of urban, this initial-"A" adjective means relating to farmers & farm life
    $2000 18
At the 1988 Democratic National Convention: "We are all precious in God's sight--the real rainbow coalition"
    $2000 13
A Baroque library in Coimbra in this country is home to a colony of bats that protect the books by eating harmful insects
    $2000 5
On "30 Rock" Tracy Jordan is the star of "TGS", which originally stood for this
    $2000 10
His short story "The Overcoat" is considered one of the foundations of Russian realism
    $2000 22
Dinosaurs walked the earth during these 3 major periods of the Mesozoic era
    DD: $5,000 24
From Sanskrit for "great", it's a person revered for wisdom & selflessness

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Skyler Margaret Jaskaran
$7,100 $6,200 $21,800
(lock game)

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

This landmark case was reported in the N.Y. Times not on the front page but in "News of the Railroads"

Final scores:

Skyler Margaret Jaskaran
$3,600 $0 $21,800
2nd place: $5,000 3rd place: $5,000 Winner: semifinalist

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Skyler Margaret Jaskaran
$8,600 $11,200 $22,800
15 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
23 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $42,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2025-02-04
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