Show #9281 - Monday, March 3, 2025

2025 Jeopardy! Invitational Tournament semifinal game 2.


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Emily Sands, a benefits consultant from Chanhassen, Minnesota

Luigi de Guzman, an attorney from Arlington, Virginia

Matt Amodio, a quantitative researcher from New York, New York

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Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: And the E will be the only vowel in each response.)
    $200 27
In "History of the Kings of Britain" from circa 1136, Geoffrey of Monmouth suggested this magic man built Stonehenge
    $200 29
The geographic center of Alaska is about 60 miles northwest of this highest North American peak
    $200 28
4 letters:
Sandwich cookie that debuted in 1912
    $200 26
In 2 very different capacities, these can be BB gun ammo or small, cylindrical livestock food
    $200 25
The mall cop Paul Blart, played by Kevin James, roamed around on this 2-wheeled vehicle that was discontinued in 2020
    $200 30
Here's a kernel of truth--this 5-letter adjective now used for something sappy was used by Chaucer to describe malty alcohol
    $400 21
Sharing a name with an Irish castle, this illustrious rock was said to be used as a pillow by Jacob as he dreamed of a fancy ladder
    $400 20
This national park in Florida encompasses more than 1.5 million acres, one-third of which is covered by salt water
    $400 22
4 letters:
Caramel-topped custard
    $400 17
A tree such as a Hollywood juniper, or in quiz-show-speak, a verb meaning to phrase a clue so it can't go out of date
    $400 23
Parts of this 1995 film include the game show "Truth or Date", a Stan Lee appearance & Jay & Silent Bob
    $400 24
This tearful word is an alteration of magdalene but has one less syllable
    $600 5
Sir Walter Scott translated a prophecy about it as "Where'er this monument is found the Scottish race shall reign"
    $600 3
The site of dangerous shoals, it's the ominous name of a promontory on North Carolina's Smith Island
    $600 19
5 letters, 1 hyphen:
"There's always room for" this, around since 1897
    $600 16
Meaning utmost or ultimate but not starting with U, it's also the name of a band that provided "More Than Words"
    $600 18
A little girl is dangled near a JCPenney in the "Wonder Woman" sequel set in this title year
    $600 15
It's an alliterative type of article in which writers jerk tears from their readers with tales of sad human interest
    $800 2
Jerusalem's Foundation Stone, part of the Holy of Holies, was where tradition says this biblical kid was tied up
    DD: $1,000 6
"Queen City of the Wabash", this city will literally have you on "high ground"
    $800 7
4 letters:
Small pie with a name that actually sounds sour
    $800 10
Recognized as a breed by the AKC in 1937, this type of mountain dog has a Swiss city in its name
    $800 12
Survivors of the zombie apocalypse take refuge in a shopping mall in this 2004 remake directed by Zack Snyder
    $800 14
You can use this word to describe tacky motel decor but also, literally, a calzone or fondue
    $1000 1
Dating to the 9th century, the Rök stone is covered with this alphabet used by Germanic people
    $1000 4
St. Martinville, Louisiana has a monument to this poetic figure, "the prototype of the Acadian maiden"
    $1000 8
3 letters:
Cocktail made with white wine & sweet crème de cassis liqueur
    $1000 9
Basque & Artemis are types of this hat
    $1000 11
Historic figures like Genghis Khan & Abraham Lincoln go wild in an '80s mall in this "Excellent" film
    $1000 13
It can mean overemotional or precede peas in a British dish often served with fish & chips

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Matt Luigi Emily
$1,800 $6,800 $4,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Matt Luigi Emily
$2,200 $8,800 $5,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 25
Hey, Alexander Pope? Your 1711 "Essay on" this? We've got a few notes
    $400 26
The Big Dipper is part of this constellation; Draco & Leo both border it
    $400 27
Data are facts, so this science of collecting & analyzing data is pretty factual, though a Twain quote calls it lies
    $400 28
A football play where the quarterback runs the ball, or a boyfriend worth hanging on to
    $400 29
Christina Ricci took on Jenna Ortega in Crackstone's crypt on this series
    $400 30
In 2024 many flocked to a memecoin with this 4-letter avian name that was released by Haliey Welch
    $800 21
Part of the history of this writer who needed but one name includes 1731's "Histoire de Charles XII"
    $800 6
Eventually our sun will become a red giant & after that, but before its final stage, it will shed its layers & shrink to this type of star
    $800 23
(Ken: Here's "New Yorker" editor David Remnick.)(David Remnick presents the clue.) Our writers, our readers & our lawyers are grateful to these hyphenated heroes; for Lawrence Wright's piece about the Church of Scientology, we used five of them, & they sent almost 1,000 queries
    $800 22
2-word phrase for what 44 is in x3 + 17 = 44, or someone or something you are familiar with & can count on
    $800 24
The crypts of Winterfell, home to this royal house on "Game of Thrones", are spooky & filled with intrigue
    $800 17
The currency of the Philippines & Mexico share this name; they were stops on a galleon trade route in the 1600s
    $1200 20
This Jean-Jacques Rousseau work of "Social" science says, "Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains"
    $1200 2
The Northern Crown also reigns under this Latin name
    $1200 9
This TV show about cops who only want "the facts, ma'am" debuted on Dec. 16, 1951
    $1200 15
Every bit of money counts, or to Russians, one of these "saves a ruble"
    $1200 19
Lucifer's crypt was a subject of mystery on this aptly named series featuring Sam & Dean Winchester
    DD: $8,000 10
Dinar is served in many countries including this small oil-rich one; in the '90s the Iraqi dinar briefly replaced its own dinar
    DD: $2,200 1
"Of the division of labour" kicks off Chapter One in "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of" the rest of this 1776 title
    $1600 3
This brightest star in Lyra also has a 4-letter name & is part of the Summer Triangle
    $1600 8
In a '50s case, one of these fact-full statements to the court says, "Appellants are of Negro origin & are" citizens of Kansas
    $1600 14
Onion extract is often used in topical treatments for this type of thick, perhaps unsightly scar
    $1600 18
Walton Goggins makes a ghoulish entrance from a cemetery in this 2024 sci-fi series
    $1600 5
A 2024 summit of an org. of nations known by this acronym discussed an alternative to the dollar uninspiringly called "the unit"
    $2000 11
Here's some Sturm und Drang for you; a key work of the S und D movement was "The Sorrows of Young Werther" by this German
    $2000 7
Meaning "female warrior", it's the third-brightest star in Orion & it's also the first name of a Harry Potter baddie
    $2000 12
Archibald Cox headed a fact-finding commission about 1968 disturbances at this Ivy League university & it found many facts
    $2000 13
On a yawl, the mizzen mast is aft the of the rudder post, but on this boat, the mizzen mast is forward of the rudder post
    $2000 16
Nadja gives a tour of her crypt in this comedy & she really hates a wicked-looking stuffed goat down there
    $2000 4
Be careful when you make it rain in this African country; a Clean Notes Policy in 2007 said the naira isn't to be danced upon

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Matt Luigi Emily
$22,800 $16,400 $11,400

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

In order of fame, the first Cabinet was Jefferson (later prez), Hamilton ("my shot" guy), Knox (of fort fame), this attorney general

Final scores:

Matt Luigi Emily
$32,801 $1 $11,000
Finalist 3rd place: $10,000 2nd place: $10,000

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Matt Luigi Emily
$15,400 $16,400 $11,200
18 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
23 R,
4 W
14 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $43,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 2025-02-05
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