Jeopardy! Round Daily Double statistics for Season 1

Out of 164 Jeopardy! Rounds analyzed:

Jeopardy! Round Daily Double found on clue #14.44, on average (standard deviation: 7.61).

Number of times each player found the J! Round DD:
Left lectern: 69; middle lectern: 31; right lectern: 37.

Average scores for each player when J! Round DD found:
Left lectern: $1,049 (standard deviation: $978); middle lectern: $497 (standard deviation: $851); right lectern: $466 (standard deviation: $706).

In the Jeopardy! Round, players on average risked 68% of their score on the Daily Double (standard deviation: 29%).

Jeopardy! Round Daily Double location breakdown

Row# cor./# rev.% cor.% rev.Avg. wag.Std. dev.Min. wag.Max. wag.Avg. gain/lossTDDsFearfuls

On average, the J! Round DD was located 3.73 clues down from the top of the board (standard deviation: 0.91).

Double Jeopardy! Round Daily Double statistics for Season 1

Out of 164 Double Jeopardy! Rounds analyzed:

First Double Jeopardy! Round Daily Double found on clue #10.13, on average (standard deviation: 5.49).

Number of times each player found the first DJ! Round DD:
Left lectern: 50; middle lectern: 25; right lectern: 27.

Average DJ! Round first DD wager: $1,301 (standard deviation: $653); wager range: $200 to $3,500; average gain/loss: $381

Average scores for each player when first DJ! Round DD found:
Left lectern: $3,273 (standard deviation: $1,955); middle lectern: $1,558 (standard deviation: $1,770); right lectern: $1,779 (standard deviation: $1,653).

Second Double Jeopardy! Round Daily Double found on clue #19.83, on average (standard deviation: 5.57).

Number of times each player found the second DJ! Round DD:
Left lectern: 44; middle lectern: 31; right lectern: 27.

Average DJ! Round second DD wager: $1,439 (standard deviation: $942); wager range: $100 to $5,000; average gain/loss: $124

Average scores for each player when second DJ! Round DD found:
Left lectern: $4,721 (standard deviation: $2,663); middle lectern: $2,319 (standard deviation: $2,716); right lectern: $2,462 (standard deviation: $2,601).

In the Double Jeopardy! Round, players on average risked 51% of their score on the first Daily Double (standard deviation: 29%) and 50% of their score on the second Daily Double (standard deviation: 32%). Among all Daily Doubles, the average wager as a percentage of the player's score was 56% (standard deviation: 31%).

Double Jeopardy! Round Daily Double location breakdown

Row# cor./# rev.% cor.% rev.Avg. wag.Std. dev.Min. wag.Max. wag.Avg. gain/lossTDDsFearfuls

On average, the DJ! Round DDs were located 3.86 clues down from the top of the board (standard deviation: 0.86).

Highest Daily Double wagers for Season 1

WagerTDDPlayer nameGameDDClue #CategoryScoreLeadResponse
1.$5,000Roger Gerhardstein#18, aired 1984-10-03DJ!125BIRDS$5,800-$8,000W
$5,000Elise Beraru#19, aired 1984-10-04DJ!211NAMESAKES$7,700$5,600R
3.$4,800YJames Weidman#95, aired 1985-01-18DJ!2275-LETTER WORDS$4,800-$2,400W
4.$4,100YLorrie Farrely#8, aired 1984-09-19DJ!223BEST PICTURES$4,100-$2,400W
5.$4,000Bruce Hennie#129, aired 1985-03-07DJ!227ECOLOGY$4,700-$4,300R
6.$3,500Larry Silverman#4, aired 1984-09-13DJ!126ANATOMY$6,500-$100R
$3,500Elise Beraru#17, aired 1984-10-02DJ!211VICE-PRESIDENTS$9,000$8,400R
$3,500George Zadorozny#43, aired 1984-11-07DJ!218FOREIGN PHRASES$8,200$600W
$3,500Dan Staub#146, aired 1985-04-01DJ!118SLEEP$6,500$5,700R
10.$3,200YGreg Buckman#86, aired 1985-01-07DJ!216CARDS & DICE$3,200-$2,900W
$3,200Paul Croshier#103, aired 1985-01-30DJ!110U.S. HISTORY$5,800$4,600R
12.$3,100Steven Rogitz#142, aired 1985-03-26DJ!111POLITICAL QUOTES$4,900$4,700R
13.$3,000Lorrie Farrely#5, aired 1984-09-14DJ!113STARTS WITH "J"$6,800$4,500R
$3,000Larry Caplan#16, aired 1984-10-01DJ!215TRIVIA$4,800-$1,000W
$3,000YSandy Boyden#23, aired 1984-10-10DJ!122TRANSPORTATION$3,000-$3,100R
$3,000Toni Bond#25, aired 1984-10-12DJ!117ON THE “OUTS”$5,400$1,100R
$3,000Diane Stone#35, aired 1984-10-26DJ!227WORLD CAPITALS$4,600-$1,800R
$3,000Greg Ferrara#105, aired 1985-02-01DJ!227DRAMA$3,700-$4,700W
19.$2,900Guy Wynn#178, aired 1985-05-15DJ!211PRESIDENTIAL QUOTES$7,900$7,600W
20.$2,500Carol Gwynn#41, aired 1984-11-05DJ!224LETTER PERFECT$2,600-$7,300R

Season 1 games in which the Jeopardy! Round Daily Double was not uncovered

#184, aired 1985-05-23 Charles Beall vs. Bob Messer vs. Bill Fox
#161, aired 1985-04-22 Bruce Rhodewalt vs. Elaine Afable vs. Rob Sabin
#152, aired 1985-04-09 Louis Goldstein vs. Mike Day vs. Suzan Hier Mike Day game 1.
#149, aired 1985-04-04 Susan Taggart vs. Ezra Litwak vs. David Shane One response in Final Jeopardy! entered from audiorecording.
#145, aired 1985-03-29 Colleen Fitzpatrick vs. Dan Staub vs. Garrett Garland
#116, aired 1985-02-18 John Hnat vs. Annette Salinetro vs. Tom Udall John Hnat game 5.
#114, aired 1985-02-14 John Hnat vs. Frank Monaghan vs. Sharon Brooks John Hnat game 3.
#106, aired 1985-02-04 Paul Croshier vs. Marge Brosh vs. John Rollo Paul Croshier game 4.
#101, aired 1985-01-28 Les Miller vs. Robert Miltenberg vs. Ron Mulligan
#100, aired 1985-01-25 Les Miller vs. Larry Sorrentino vs. Mary Anne Henderson 100th episode.
#92, aired 1985-01-15 Tom Waters vs. Jacque Erdrich vs. Don Adams
#89, aired 1985-01-10 Bill Klippel vs. Chuck Lubin vs. Deborah Howard
#80, aired 1984-12-28 Jerry Frankel vs. Emmett Maguire vs. Jody Johnston Jerry Frankel game 5.
#77, aired 1984-12-25 Jerry Frankel vs. Fran vs. Michael Jerry Frankel game 2. Missing introductions, the Jeopardy! Round, and...
#72, aired 1984-12-18 Larry Floyd vs. Mike Linquist vs. Pat Sutch Larry Floyd game 2. Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.
#66, aired 1984-12-10 Ric Moser vs. Brian Perachet vs. Linda Rogers Ric Moser game 2.
#60, aired 1984-11-30 Mark Loundy vs. Steven Silverberg vs. Leslie Stucke Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.
#41, aired 1984-11-05 Kirk Donnell vs. Carol Gwynn vs. George Zadorozny
#37, aired 1984-10-30 Peter Lalos vs. Mary Landra vs. John Noble Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.
#30, aired 1984-10-19 Terry Turner vs. Howard Kaufman vs. Anita Mangels Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.
#22, aired 1984-10-09 Diane McCain vs. Steve Peterson vs. Andi Manpearl Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.
#21, aired 1984-10-08 Joel Davidman vs. Kevin Conway vs. Diane McCain First episode to use current Daily Double sound.
#19, aired 1984-10-04 Elise Beraru vs. Perry Buck vs. Peggy Hesketh Elise Beraru game 4.
#11, aired 1984-09-24 Eric Groves vs. Mary Bowers vs. Dan Fuller
#10, aired 1984-09-21 Lynn Strother vs. Eric Groves vs. Clare Dellemann The Double Jeopardy! game board appeared on the cover of...
#7, aired 1984-09-18 Lorrie Farrely vs. Alan Friedenthal vs. Gene Visich
#5, aired 1984-09-14 Larry Silverman vs. Lorrie Farrely vs. Howard Wilson Fifth episode. Lorrie Farrely sets a new single-day cash winnings...

Season 1 games in which one Double Jeopardy! Round Daily Double was not uncovered

#191, aired 1985-06-03 Rick Rorapaugh vs. Vicki Rodabaugh vs. Lary Ohlson Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.
#182, aired 1985-05-21 Charles Beall vs. Anne Davis vs. Jim Stewart
#176, aired 1985-05-13 Carole Blatchford vs. Barbara Rudolph vs. Jeanne Frissell
#170, aired 1985-05-03 Ron Black vs. Jack Pollack vs. Doug Hauser Ron Black game 4. Missing one incorrect response in the...
#169, aired 1985-05-02 Ron Black vs. Dorian Flanders vs. Jay Wernikoff Ron Black game 3.
#162, aired 1985-04-23 Bruce Rhodewalt vs. Dorian Ellis vs. Doug Miller
#161, aired 1985-04-22 Bruce Rhodewalt vs. Elaine Afable vs. Rob Sabin
#159, aired 1985-04-18 Matthew Hubbard vs. Mike Gayles vs. Steve Grubman
#157, aired 1985-04-16 Marilyn Campbell vs. Matthew Hubbard vs. Tom Smith Single-player Final Jeopardy!
#156, aired 1985-04-15 Mike Day vs. Derek Laurie vs. Patti Post Mike Day game 5.
#154, aired 1985-04-11 Mike Day vs. Kevin Eisenberg vs. Melody Cadillac Mike Day game 3.
#153, aired 1985-04-10 Mike Day vs. Monte Wasch vs. Mimi Schmidt Mike Day game 2.
#152, aired 1985-04-09 Louis Goldstein vs. Mike Day vs. Suzan Hier Mike Day game 1.
#145, aired 1985-03-29 Colleen Fitzpatrick vs. Dan Staub vs. Garrett Garland
#144, aired 1985-03-28 Steven Rogitz vs. Gary Capra vs. Vickie Stucken Steven Rogitz game 5.
#141, aired 1985-03-25 Steven Rogitz vs. Lonny Gulden vs. Debbi Holzinger Steven Rogitz game 2.
#134, aired 1985-03-14 Paula Tupper vs. Marty Hanley vs. Linden Knighten Paula Tupper game 3.
#130, aired 1985-03-08 Bruce Hennie vs. Sandy Dawson vs. Jack Friend
#128, aired 1985-03-06 Bruce Fauman vs. Henry Willis vs. Bradley Cohen Bruce Fauman game 5.
#126, aired 1985-03-04 Bruce Fauman vs. Yvonne Buchanan vs. Bob Boehm Bruce Fauman game 3.
#124, aired 1985-02-28 Leo Cullum vs. Christie Nidonell vs. Bruce Fauman Bruce Fauman game 1.
#123, aired 1985-02-27 Leo Cullum vs. Brooke Wisdom vs. Bill Livingston Missing one incorrect response in Double Jeopardy!
#117, aired 1985-02-19 Jim Lewis vs. Lew Lobenfeld vs. Christine Hall
#116, aired 1985-02-18 John Hnat vs. Annette Salinetro vs. Tom Udall John Hnat game 5.
#115, aired 1985-02-15 John Hnat vs. Stephanie Smith vs. Bob Mooney John Hnat game 4.
#112, aired 1985-02-12 Pat Gaynor vs. Marty Spring vs. John Hnat John Hnat game 1.
#111, aired 1985-02-11 Pat Gaynor vs. Phil Berroll vs. Chip Rowe
#107, aired 1985-02-05 Paul Croshier vs. Pete Kolanowski vs. Joe Gauthier Paul Croshier game 5.
#106, aired 1985-02-04 Paul Croshier vs. Marge Brosh vs. John Rollo Paul Croshier game 4.
#97, aired 1985-01-22 Paul Boymel vs. Albert Rosenblatt vs. Rae Clark Paul Boymel game 3. Single-player Final Jeopardy!
#93, aired 1985-01-16 Tom Waters vs. Jim Burland vs. Gail Sherman
#91, aired 1985-01-14 Rick Thierbach vs. Tom Waters vs. Rudi Logan
#90, aired 1985-01-11 Bill Klippel vs. Pam Miller vs. Rick Thierbach
#89, aired 1985-01-10 Bill Klippel vs. Chuck Lubin vs. Deborah Howard
#87, aired 1985-01-08 Bill Klippel vs. John Boegehold vs. Rosemary Lewis
#82, aired 1985-01-01 Phil Wilson vs. Liz Caccese vs. Mike Pick Liz Caccese game 1.
#78, aired 1984-12-26 Jerry Frankel vs. Maggie Sokolik vs. Randy Thompson Jerry Frankel game 3. Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.
#77, aired 1984-12-25 Jerry Frankel vs. Fran vs. Michael Jerry Frankel game 2. Missing introductions, the Jeopardy! Round, and...
#72, aired 1984-12-18 Larry Floyd vs. Mike Linquist vs. Pat Sutch Larry Floyd game 2. Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.
#67, aired 1984-12-11 Ric Moser vs. Dale Barnes vs. Hal Ackerman Ric Moser game 3.
#66, aired 1984-12-10 Ric Moser vs. Brian Perachet vs. Linda Rogers Ric Moser game 2.
#65, aired 1984-12-07 Jay Mann vs. Amy Phillips vs. Ric Moser Ric Moser game 1.
#63, aired 1984-12-05 Daniel Elias vs. Denice Fractious vs. Warren Pistell
#51, aired 1984-11-19 Michael Backes vs. Penny DeMille vs. Ron Tropsic
#42, aired 1984-11-06 George Zadorozny vs. Nava Ben-Porat vs. David Berson
#37, aired 1984-10-30 Peter Lalos vs. Mary Landra vs. John Noble Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.
#30, aired 1984-10-19 Terry Turner vs. Howard Kaufman vs. Anita Mangels Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.
#25, aired 1984-10-12 Donna Levin vs. Paul Croshier vs. Toni Bond Paul Croshier game 1-A. Missing prizes.
#23, aired 1984-10-10 Diane McCain vs. Jon Scott vs. Sandy Boyden
#22, aired 1984-10-09 Diane McCain vs. Steve Peterson vs. Andi Manpearl Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.
#21, aired 1984-10-08 Joel Davidman vs. Kevin Conway vs. Diane McCain First episode to use current Daily Double sound.
#18, aired 1984-10-03 Elise Beraru vs. Roger Gerhardstein vs. Margaret Magnus Elise Beraru game 3. Elise sets a new single-day cash...
#15, aired 1984-09-28 Larry Caplan vs. Louise Balabanian vs. Norm Cobb
#12, aired 1984-09-25 Mary Bowers vs. Randy Kaplan vs. Ed Osawa Ed Osawa sets a new single-day cash winnings record of $19,000.
#11, aired 1984-09-24 Eric Groves vs. Mary Bowers vs. Dan Fuller
#10, aired 1984-09-21 Lynn Strother vs. Eric Groves vs. Clare Dellemann The Double Jeopardy! game board appeared on the cover of...
#6, aired 1984-09-17 Lorrie Farrely vs. Perry Adair vs. Chris Knapp Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.
#4, aired 1984-09-13 Nancy Teri vs. Larry Silverman vs. Denise Stewart Fourth episode.
#2, aired 1984-09-11 Greg Hopkins vs. Lynne Crawford vs. Paul Schaeffer Second episode. Three-way tie at zero.
#1, aired 1984-09-10 Greg Hopkins vs. Lois Feinstein vs. Frank Selevan Premiere episode with Alex Trebek as host.

Season 1 games in which both Double Jeopardy! Round Daily Doubles were not uncovered

#70, aired 1984-12-14 Chris Hamilton vs. Melinda Brownfield vs. Bill Hand
#61, aired 1984-12-03 Leslie Stucke vs. Daniel Elias vs. Nicholas Vallas

[Click here to see the Daily Double statistics limited to regular play games only]

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