Show #93 - Wednesday, January 16, 1985


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Gail Sherman, a marketing executive originally from Cleveland, Ohio

Jim Burland, a commodities broker from Chicago, Illinois

Tom Waters, a sporting goods salesman from Savannah, Georgia (whose 2-day cash winnings total $12,800)

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Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
Though an ethnic Macedonian, she was the most famous queen of Egypt
    $100 6
World Series that's always played in Williamsport, Pennsylvania
    $100 16
Only piece of equipment needed to play mumblety-peg
    $100 7
Experimental theater movement that's one step beyond "Off-Broadway"
    $100 11
1st military highway of ancient Rome, it's still in use today
    $200 2
Reportedly blind, he opened our eyes to the "Iliad" & "Odyssey"
    $200 8
Ironically, pre-Olympic ads showed her winning while another runner fell
    $200 17
Game where Col. Mustard might have done it in the kitchen with a rope
    $200 14
Open performing area with no proscenium & an audience on all 4 sides
    $200 12
His "overstrung scale" technique of 1855 greatly improved piano sound
    $300 3
Our word for paper derives from this Egyptian plant
    $300 9
Baseball's senior circuit
    $300 15
Spiritual game whose name came from combining the French & German for "yes"
    $300 18
Lee Strasberg's adaptation of Stanislavski's system
    DD: $800 22
Song in which Steve Lawrence staves off young love with the following:

"I know that your lips are sweet, / But our lips must never meet. / I belong to someone else, and I must be true."
    $400 4
He crossed the Rubicon, a giant step toward becoming emperor
    $400 10
In hockey, where you're sitting if you're in the "sin bin"
    $400 20
Bar game in which you "double-on" & "double-off"
    $400 19
Unlike subdued No theater, this form of Japanese theater uses an exaggerated acting style
    $400 23
Legislative committee most directly concerned with cost effectiveness
    $500 5
Student of Socrates, teacher of Aristotle
    $500 13
Sport where you could find someone working on the "chain gang"
    $500 21
From Latin to "produce", plays performed in rotation

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 11):

Tom Jim Gail
$2,000 $300 -$400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Tom Jim Gail
$2,200 $3,000 -$300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 21
Tribe for whom Wyoming's capital is named
    $200 8
Bipeds have 2 of these
    $200 17
James Fenimore Cooper novel that documents a dying breed of Indian
    $200 13
British city whose "Daily Mirror" sells over 4 million papers daily
    $200 3
State that charged Spiro Agnew with committing bribery while governor
    $200 25
February or May, for example
    $400 23
Jicarilla, San Carlos & Mescalero are tribes of this Indian nation
    $400 9
Cephalic means relating to this part of the body
    $400 18
Hawthorne's scarlet letter
    $400 14
Capital of East Germany
    $400 7
He presides over the Senate when the V.P. is absent
    $400 26
A record climbs one in "Billboard"
    $600 24
In 1877, this Nez Perce chief said "I will fight no more forever"
    $600 10
Blood component also known as leukocytes
    $600 19
His wife said of his "Ulysses", "He's a genius, but what a dirty mind"
    DD: $1,800 15
The 2nd largest European nation in area
    $600 4
Number of vice-presidents FDR had
    $600 1
The best beef or a number divisible only by itself and 1
    $800 11
Skin color is mainly determined by the amount of this dark brown pigment
    $800 20
Readers checked into his "Hotel New Hampshire"
    $800 16
Netherlands' city that handles more cargo than any other port in the world
    $800 5
Nixon's vice-presidential running mate in 1960
    $800 2
You win it if your horse finishes in it
    $1000 12
By age 5, this 3 lb. organ has reached 90% of its adult weight
    $1000 22
Wilkie Collins novel that's a real gem
    $1000 27
Though it has a pop. of only 28,000, this country is hdqtrs. for over 5,000 foreign businesses
    $1000 6
If the Electoral College fails to agree, this body elects the vice-president

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Tom Jim Gail
$10,000 $8,400 -$1,300

[wagering suggestions for these scores]

Final Jeopardy! Round

After its appearance in the Black musical "Runnin' Wild" in 1923, it became a national craze

Final scores:

Tom Jim Gail
$8,400 $16,700 -$1,300
2nd place: Wood stove + TV dinner table collection New champion: $16,700 3rd place: Dinnerware set

Game dynamics:

Game dynamics graph

Coryat scores:

Tom Jim Gail
$8,800 $7,900 -$1,300
24 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
21 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
3 R,
5 W

Combined Coryat: $15,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

Game tape date: 1984-10-16
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