Jeopardy! Round Daily Double statistics for Season 35 regular play

Out of 190 Jeopardy! Rounds analyzed:

Jeopardy! Round Daily Double found on clue #15.42, on average (standard deviation: 8.44).

Number of times each player found the J! Round DD:
Left lectern: 86; middle lectern: 57; right lectern: 47.

Average scores for each player when J! Round DD found:
Left lectern: $3,048 (standard deviation: $2,497); middle lectern: $1,818 (standard deviation: $1,734); right lectern: $1,892 (standard deviation: $1,796).

In the Jeopardy! Round, players on average risked 77% of their score on the Daily Double (standard deviation: 28%).

Jeopardy! Round Daily Double location breakdown

Row# cor./# rev.% cor.% rev.Avg. wag.Std. dev.Min. wag.Max. wag.Avg. gain/lossTDDsFearfuls

On average, the J! Round DD was located 3.78 clues down from the top of the board (standard deviation: 1).

Double Jeopardy! Round Daily Double statistics for Season 35 regular play

Out of 190 Double Jeopardy! Rounds analyzed:

First Double Jeopardy! Round Daily Double found on clue #8.89, on average (standard deviation: 5.93).

Number of times each player found the first DJ! Round DD:
Left lectern: 85; middle lectern: 60; right lectern: 45.

Average DJ! Round first DD wager: $4,114 (standard deviation: $2,885); wager range: $1,000 to $14,600; average gain/loss: $2,798

Average scores for each player when first DJ! Round DD found:
Left lectern: $9,829 (standard deviation: $5,826); middle lectern: $5,443 (standard deviation: $3,496); right lectern: $5,367 (standard deviation: $3,411).

Second Double Jeopardy! Round Daily Double found on clue #18.93, on average (standard deviation: 6.37).

Number of times each player found the second DJ! Round DD:
Left lectern: 85; middle lectern: 48; right lectern: 57.

Average DJ! Round second DD wager: $4,530 (standard deviation: $4,068); wager range: $100 to $25,000; average gain/loss: $2,921

Average scores for each player when second DJ! Round DD found:
Left lectern: $15,407 (standard deviation: $9,497); middle lectern: $7,409 (standard deviation: $4,898); right lectern: $8,301 (standard deviation: $5,164).

In the Double Jeopardy! Round, players on average risked 54% of their score on the first Daily Double (standard deviation: 29%) and 39% of their score on the second Daily Double (standard deviation: 26%). Among all Daily Doubles, the average wager as a percentage of the player's score was 56% (standard deviation: 32%).

Double Jeopardy! Round Daily Double location breakdown

Row# cor./# rev.% cor.% rev.Avg. wag.Std. dev.Min. wag.Max. wag.Avg. gain/lossTDDsFearfuls

On average, the DJ! Round DDs were located 3.52 clues down from the top of the board (standard deviation: 0.98).

Highest Daily Double wagers for Season 35 regular play

WagerTDDPlayer nameGameDDClue #CategoryScoreLeadResponse
1.$25,000James Holzhauer#7967, aired 2019-04-09DJ!227INTERNATIONAL ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN$46,800$39,800R
$25,000James Holzhauer#7973, aired 2019-04-17DJ!220MUSIC "MAN"$44,114$40,314R
3.$20,000James Holzhauer#7977, aired 2019-04-23DJ!223DO "OVER"$46,816$39,616R
$20,000James Holzhauer#8001, aired 2019-05-27DJ!214MY CABINET JOB$41,622$37,022R
5.$17,000James Holzhauer#7972, aired 2019-04-16DJ!222SOUNDS LIKE PIG LATIN$46,381$36,381R
6.$15,000James Holzhauer#7975, aired 2019-04-19DJ!225BALLET$28,400$25,600R
7.$14,600YJames Holzhauer#7967, aired 2019-04-09DJ!13AMERICAN HISTORY$14,600$11,200R
8.$12,000Adam Levin#7981, aired 2019-04-29DJ!220ALLITERATIVE PHRASES$13,000-$15,317R
9.$11,914James Holzhauer#7965, aired 2019-04-05DJ!214COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES$12,400-$2,000R
$11,914James Holzhauer#7970, aired 2019-04-12DJ!18MOOLAH$29,212$24,012R
$11,914James Holzhauer#7973, aired 2019-04-17DJ!1145, 5$26,600$22,800R
$11,914James Holzhauer#7976, aired 2019-04-22DJ!213I WROTE IT$28,212$26,212R
$11,914James Holzhauer#7979, aired 2019-04-25DJ!224ENERGY$40,981$32,181R
$11,914James Holzhauer#7982, aired 2019-04-30DJ!15LESSER-KNOWN NAMES$19,400$16,400R
$11,914James Holzhauer#7997, aired 2019-05-21DJ!217DO YOU LOVE ME?$36,781$25,181R
$11,914James Holzhauer#7998, aired 2019-05-22DJ!24GEOGRAPHY$15,400$13,000R
$11,914James Holzhauer#8003, aired 2019-05-29DJ!12ONE BIG SWAMP$12,400$7,200R
18.$11,600YJames Holzhauer#8000, aired 2019-05-24J!22THE BIG UNIT OF MEASURE$11,600$9,600R
19.$11,400YJim Royal#8030, aired 2019-07-05DJ!221FEMALE SINGERS MONONYMOUS$11,400-$14,800W
20.$11,381James Holzhauer#7972, aired 2019-04-16DJ!115LITERARY ALLUSIONS$27,000$18,200R
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