Suggest correction - #22 - 2024-05-01

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Jeopardy! Masters game #22 - Wednesday, May 1, 2024

2024 Jeopardy! Masters quarterfinal game 2.


Amy Schneider, a writer from Oakland, California

Yogesh Raut, a cognitive and behavioral scientist from Vancouver, Washington

James Holzhauer, the self-described "final boss" of Jeopardy! from Las Vegas, Nevada

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: Spelling will count, here.)
    200 24
The Scotia Sea lies between the South Atlantic & this dangerous passage that separates South America from Antarctica
    200 25
The Library's 3 Capitol Hill buildings are named for John Adams, Thomas Jefferson & this guy, the next in line
    200 26
At the end, the hero looks back on his adventures over a cup of builder's--this, made strong with extra cream & sugar
    200 28
The Austrian monarchy used the national anthem "God Save Emperor Francis" or "Gott Erhalte Franz den" this German word
    200 29
The rapper & actor born James Todd Smith took this stage name as a teen
    200 30
Referring to non-canonical Bible books, this adjective describes anything of dubious authenticity
    400 23
The South & East China Seas are connected by this strait that's long been a flashpoint for international tensions
    400 22
The Library's oldest written material is in this writing system, on clay tablets from the 3rd millennium B.C.
    400 21
In Chapter 7 our hero gets nicked; in Chapter 8 he's at His Majesty's pleasure, which means he's here
    400 20
Greek for "servant" gives us this title of a lay official in some Christian churches
    400 27
Matt Smith's TV roles include the Doctor on "Doctor Who" & this member of the royal family on seasons 1 & 2 of "The Crown"
    400 18
You know, that Lea & Perrins sauce that has way too many letters for 3 syllables? Yeah, spell that
    600 7
A scuba diver's paradise, the Bohol Sea connects the Sulu Sea to the west with this national one to the east
    600 19
The Library theater is named for this silent star & studio founder who gave her catalogue to the fledgling motion picture division
    600 11
The Brits shorten 2 words to get this equivalent of GPS; our hero relies on it to get to Sheffield for a daring rescue
    600 6
Why choose one? Please list the 5 ranks of peerage (meaning the British nobility, for you uncultured Yanks)
    600 15
Retired since the 2004 season, he remains the NFL's all-time rushing leader with 18,355 yards
    600 17
The last name of botanist Leonhard gave us this word for a type of flower & a shade of reddish purple
    800 1
This colorful Arctic sea of northwest Russia is about a fifth of the size of an antonymic one farther south
    DD: 2,800 12 gives access to a huge collection of this, printed documents of transitory value intended to be thrown away
    800 8
Kicked out by his wife, he moves to this small apartment whose 6-letter name includes a piece of furniture
    800 5
Ranking above deans, some colleges have a chief academic officer with this 7-letter title; C. Cybele Raver is Vanderbilt's
    800 14
"The High Priestess of Punk Poetry", she was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 2007
    800 16
In "Shishkabugs" Bugs Bunny was in some danger of becoming an ingredient in this German stew
    1000 2
The southern & deepest part of the Aegean is this sea that shares its name with a big Greek island
    1000 9
Its Librarians have included this modernist poet whose "Ars Poetica" declares, "A poem should not mean / But be"
    1000 3
There's an important event as the barman ends the night at the pub by saying this, also a Booker prize-winning novel by Graham Swift
    1000 4
Drop the "ND" out of a golf course hazard to get this rank of an ancient Persian official
    1000 10
Partly paid for by Janis Joplin, her headstone reads: "The greatest blues singer in the world will never stop singing"
    1000 13
How about this dwarven race of "Ring Cycle" fame whose name begins & ends with the same letter

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

James Yogesh Amy
3,000 7,800 3,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: Each response will be a word hidden somewhere in the clue, and another word that modifies it, for example, "What is internal medicine?" You'll figure it out.)
(Sheryl Crow: I'm Sheryl Crow. My new studio album is Evolution, and one of mine was from backup singer to the front of the stage. I'll have clues about some great performers in that job.)
    400 26
The name of the Olmec people refers to this product they got from the Castilla elastica tree
    400 28
(Supplier of actors)

Your criticism of my use of ayahuasca stings because I take it in moderation
    400 25
A damper is the little door that closes off the throat from the flue within this structure
    400 24
Castle Rock, Maine
    400 29
This German chemist did many things, like find an antidote to arsenic poisoning, but he didn't invent the burner named for him
    400 30
(Sheryl Crow delivers the clue.) Before I hit fame as a solo artist, I was a backup singer for Michael Jackson, & you can see me in my big-hair glory duetting "I Just Can't Stop Loving You" on his tour in support of this 1987 album
    800 6
In Arabic this colossal sculpture is Abu al-Hawl, "Father of Terror"
    800 27
(Including your abs)

If you really try you can graduate from USC less knowledgeable than before
    800 23
Of the 7 main ones of these psychic energy points of the body in Hinduism, the one over the throat is Vishuddha
    800 22
Yoknapatawpha County
    800 14
17th c. Dutch guys wanted to see stuff: Hans Lippershey gets credit for inventing the telescope & this guy ground lenses to see microscopic life
    800 21
(Sheryl Crow delivers the clue.) Emerging from singing backup on others' hits, she had an unknown Cher singing backup on her own hit "Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)"
    1200 1
Feared for their ramming power, these galleys were the terrors of the ancient Mediterranean
    DD: 5 19
(1954 Sinatra song)

It's a bad idea to leave a frozen embryo unguarded, would be my major takeaway
    1200 4
Confidentially, this chef's first foray into fiction writing was the restaurant-set crime novel "Bone in the Throat"
    1200 16
Resting on the backs of four elephants atop a giant turtle, Discworld
    1200 9
The colorful life of this astronomer: abducted by his uncle as a kid & lost part of his nose in a 1566 duel over math skills
    1200 20
(Sheryl Crow delivers the clue.) Mary J. Blige's sophomore album "My Life" includes backup vocals by this woman who came to the forefront singing with & about her husband the Notorious B.I.G., as on the tribute single "I'll Be Missing You"
    1600 2
The ruined city of Mohenjo-daro lies on the banks of this river that gave its name to a valley, a civilization & a country
    1600 8
(Founded 1849)

The neighbor says he was made part mental by our kids' street hockey game
    1600 13
Exhibiting red bumps on the tongue, this disease caused by hemolytic bacteria is often called "strep throat with a rash"
    1600 15
A world of dragons & dragonriders, Pern
    1600 10
She used X-ray diffraction to study the structure of DNA; her Photo 51 led to groundbreaking results--for others
    1600 18
(Sheryl Crow delivers the clue.) Ringo Starr got a little help from his friends on his solo hit "You're Sixteen": the backup singers were Paul McCartney, imitating a kazoo, & this singer-songwriter about whom everybody's talking
    2000 5
As the name implies, in the 300s A.D. this branch of an ancient people ruled an empire from the Dniester to the Don
    2000 7
(Where rays join)

She obstinately insisted there was no typo in the letter that she sent out
    2000 12
In this Siberian region khoomei is the local word for dual-toned throat singing
    DD: 9,400 3
The town of Eastwick, Rhode Island
    2000 11
Working with blood was in this Austrian-born pathologist's blood: he figured out blood group & ABO blood typing
    2000 17
(Sheryl Crow delivers the clue.) Despite a booming voice, she had to take legal action to get credit for belting out "Everybody dance now" on C+C Music Factory's No. 1 hit "Gonna Make You Sweat"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

James Yogesh Amy
10,200 26,395 7,000
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

This entire capital is a World Heritage Site "linked to the history of the Military & Charitable Order of St. John of Jerusalem"

Final scores:

James Yogesh Amy
13,210 26,395 7,000
2nd place: 1 match point Winner: 3 match points 3rd place

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

James Yogesh Amy
13,000 19,000 7,000
20 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
24 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
11 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: 39,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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