Suggest correction - #8664 - 2022-06-16

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Show #8664 - Thursday, June 16, 2022

Megan Wachspress game 3.


Sarah Borrelli, an attorney from Hamilton, Montana

Steve Ruiz, a doctoral student from Gilbert, Arizona

Megan Wachspress, an attorney from Berkeley, California (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $28,801)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
Her self-portrait titled "Diego & I" sold for $34.9 million at a 2021 auction, a record for her
    $200 19
To be near the end is to be "on your" these anatomical items
    $200 14
"The Jungle Book" contains a story about Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, one of these animals who protects his human family
    $200 11
"The Babysitter Murders" became this 1978 film introducing Michael Myers
    $200 26
Get out & elect this group that helps set what kids are taught; the National Assoc. of them says voter turnout often runs under 10%
    $200 5
Done with manufacturing wagons, he set up an elevator shop in Yonkers in 1853 & business just went up from there
    DD: $1,000 2
Kehinde Wiley has jasmine (to represent Hawaii) & chrysanthemums (Chicago's official flower) in his portrait of this man
    $400 20
Influence from one's equals
    $400 15
Herman Melville dedicated "Moby Dick" to this New Englander who had mentored him
    $400 12
A masked killer known as Ghostface torments teens in this 1996 horror film & its 2022 outing
    $400 27
Get out to the West Coast for Bottlerock, a festival of big music acts & wine tasting in this California valley
    $400 6
Later a shipping magnate, this businessman whose middle name was Socrates made his first million by age 25 dealing tobacco
    $600 3
Dancers were a favorite subject of this artist as in his 1879 work shown here
    $600 21
Fascinated by the famous
    $600 16
In "Oliver Twist", precocious pickpocket Jack Dawkins is better known by this nickname
    $600 13
Sammy Davis Jr.'s cover of a song from "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory" plays before the start of this 2021 scarefest
    $600 28
Get out and play the combo game foot volley, invented in this country that's a powerhouse in soccer & beach volleyball
    $600 7
Dining out as Ron Swanson on "Parks & Rec", he introduced the "turf & turf. It's a 16-ounce T-bone & a 24-ounce porterhouse"
    $800 4
In the 1930s Picasso often represented himself in his work as this mythical creature, half man & half bull
    $800 22
Per the Farmers' Almanac, the hot period from July 3 to August 11
    $800 17
His 1789 book "Songs of Innocence" fittingly includes "The Lamb"
    $800 24
In a 2017 horror film he starred as Chris Washington, trying to "Get Out" of the Armitage home
    $800 29
Get out there & meet someone, then 7 minutes later meet someone else in this system invented by an L.A. rabbi in the 1990s
    $800 8
More than just a mantra homophone, this German has a unit of electrical resistance named for him
    $1000 9
This New Englander showed the struggle between humans & nature in seascapes like "Fog Warning" & "The Herring Net"
    $1000 23
Thrown around by a storm; it's in the poem on the Statue of Liberty
    $1000 18
The title of this semi-autobiographical novel by James Baldwin comes from a traditional hymn
    $1000 25
The spawn of Satan is given this first name & is raised by an ambassador in "The Omen"
    $1000 30
Get out in your garden and plant this, every part of which can be used in cooking
    $1000 10
Rossini called this Prussian-born composer "our little Mozart of the Champs-Élysées"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Megan Steve Sarah
$2,200 $3,400 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Megan Steve Sarah
$6,600 $6,600 $2,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Mayim: Those are the first and last letters of each response.)
    $400 21
On May 5, 1960 Khrushchev informed the Supreme Soviet this alphanumeric U.S. plane had been shot down over the USSR 4 days earlier
    $400 16
The world's largest stand of ponderosa pines is near Flagstaff in Coconino National Forest in this state
    $400 11
In 1916 astronomer Karl Schwarzschild used relativistic equations to predict the existence of these inescapable bodies
    $400 26
This 8-letter avian word describes the doors on the 1954 Mercedes-Benz 300 SL coupe
    $400 6
In this Disney flick one of the title characters has an enchanted rose that he keeps under glass
    $400 1
A 1960 hit song described it as "itsy bitsy" & "teenie weenie"
    $800 22
Despite a generous retirement plan of 2 million francs a year & this island as his own, Napoleon returned to France on March 1, 1815
    $800 17
An Idaho city gave its name to a geyser there called these "Springs"; it was Beer Springs but went non-alcoholic
    $800 12
On Dec. 24, 2021 this physicist tweeted, "Maybe Santa's reindeer are stationary, & it is we who fly past them"
    $800 27
Company founder & namesake Enzo had to give approval in order for someone to purchase one of its 250 GTOs
    $800 7
She starred in the movie "The Rose" & had a No. 3 hit with the title song in 1980
    $800 2
Babies in Bologna
    $1200 23
Harlon Block, Michael Strank, Ira Hayes & 3 other servicemen were famously pictured on this island on Feb. 23, 1945
    DD: $2,000 18
A favorite restaurant of Joe Biden's is Piccolina Toscana in this Delaware city, his longtime home
    $1200 13
Einstein first stated the concept now summed up in this formula, just 5 symbols, in a short paper often called an afterthought
    $1200 28
In 2018 this doozy of an American car sold for $22 million; previous owners include Gary Cooper
    $1200 8
This woman shot a metaphoric arrow of love into now-husband Kit Harington & as Ygritte, a real one into Kit's Jon Snow
    $1200 3
This Greek musical instrument resembles a mandolin
    $1600 24
France's National Assembly got "The Declaration of the Rights of Man & of the Citizen" from this military hero on July 11, 1789
    $1600 19
Sheffield, Alabama is home to these "Shoals", the studio where "Wild Horses" & "Old Time Rock & Roll" were recorded
    DD: $4,000 14
Nobel winner Kip Thorne made sure the science was right in "Interstellar", about a trip through one of these relativistic tunnels
    $1600 29
In "The Spy Who Loved Me", James Bond had esprit with this carmaker's Esprit--it converted into a submarine
    $1600 9
Seen here, this daughter of a movie swashbuckler is an actor in her own right
    $1600 4
Native to Africa, this hound dog is also known to be barkless
    $2000 25
He was inaugurated as president on Nov. 3, 1970 in Chile but 3 years later, fell in a military coup
    $2000 20
This Oregon State University city is about 40 miles down the Willamette from Eugene
    $2000 15
This hyphenated term linking 3 dimensions with a fourth is a key concept in relativistic theory
    $2000 30
Here's a real beauty from the 1960s, this hyphenated British make's 3000
    $2000 10
The song "Everything's Coming Up Roses" is from this musical about Rose Lee
    $2000 5
It's a decorative mark or jewel in the middle of the forehead traditionally worn by married Hindu women

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Megan Steve Sarah
$11,800 $16,200 $13,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

Published in 1991, this novel, the first in a series, has been described as "historical fiction with a Moebius twist"

Final scores:

Megan Steve Sarah
$5,601 $5,599 $3,400
3-day champion: $34,402 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Megan Steve Sarah
$11,200 $16,200 $10,200
14 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
20 R,
0 W
18 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $37,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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