Suggest correction - #7545 - 2017-06-02

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Show #7545 - Friday, June 2, 2017


Erin Mewes, a homemaker from Bristow, Virginia

Miles Lake, a biology student from Pasadena, California

Joe Nguyen, an attorney from New York, New York (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $50,001)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You name the country.)
    $200 1
He begins his memoir "A Life in Parts" by telling about "the most harrowing scene I did on 'Breaking Bad'"
    $200 11
Don't stand up for yourself & you become one of these lying at the front of a dwelling
    $200 4
Vicente Fox of the National Action Party
    $200 26
Here's the logo of Peloton, an indoor one of these that lets you take live studio classes from home
    $200 21
9 periods of habitation have been discovered in this ancient city of Anatolia; VIIa is the one written about by Homer
    $200 16
In Prokofiev's "Peter & the Wolf", the wolf is represented by this instrument
    $400 2
In "The Princess Diarist", this late star revealed that she & Harrison Ford had an affair while making "Star Wars"
    $400 12
"That dwelling is illuminated but unoccupied" is another way to say this, meaning someone is thick or inattentive
    $400 5
47-year ruler Hussein I
    $400 27
Upper body straight, step back with one leg & lower your hips in this move
    $400 22
A hill marking the site of an ancient city, it's found in the names of some Middle East cities, including one of Israel's largest
    $400 17
La Isla Restaurant in New Jersey is known for this breakfast dish, stuffed with strawberry/guava cream cheese
    $600 3
"A Little Bit Wicked: Life, Love, and Faith in Stages" is by this 4'11" Broadway & TV star
    $600 13
If you're doing this with a painful subject, you're hiding it under the shag
    $600 8
From 1989 to 1994, F.W. de Klerk
    $600 28
Lie on one of these to force your core to work harder during an abs workout
    $600 23
Using traditional archaeology & 3D tech, scientists reconstructed a house in Pompeii as it looked before this 79 A.D. event
    $600 18
This breed here is said to be a good watchdog, but does snore
    $800 6
In "Out Came the Sun", she discusses mental illness, addiction & the suicides of grandfather Ernest & sister Margaux
    $800 14
A home-based business is called this homey kind of industry
    $800 9
Later president of Yugoslavia, Slobodan Milosevic
    $800 29
It's the proper name for "hot" yoga, practiced in a heated room
    $800 24
A 2015 discovery of a Plains Indian site included a kind of mini-Stonehenge of these animals' bones
    $800 19
Fort Necessity National Battlefield is the site of the first battle of this war that began in 1754
    $1000 7
In the 2005 memoir "Dean & Me", Dean is Dean Martin & me is he
    $1000 15
Excuse my this type of "reach" to get the salt instead of asking you to pass it
    $1000 10
Gustav I Vasa, elected king in 1523
    $1000 30
The weight of these, seen here, isn't distributed evenly, creating a need to counter-balance while using them
    DD: $2,000 25
Prior to his famous 1922 discovery, this Brit found the tombs of Hatshepsut & Mentuhotep, among others
    $1000 20
Larry Bird called himself a "hick from" this Indiana town

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Joe Miles Erin
$2,000 $2,800 $2,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Joe Miles Erin
$4,200 $3,600 $3,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 30
These "star-crossed lovers" performed in the buff for a production by the Russian National Ballet Theatre
    $400 2
This "Great" breed has been the state dog of Pennsylvania since 1965
    $400 1
Seems counterintuitive, but the Earth is farthest from the Sun during this month
    $400 10
A towering hairdo, or an insect nest
    $400 25
Soccer star Wes Brown was born in Manchester & was a member of this storied local team from 1996 to 2011
    $400 18
Vying for high school president, Tracy Flick must be stopped in this 1999 movie, & Matthew Broderick is on the job
    $800 6
"It felt really second nature", said Reanna Roane playing Ariel in an all-nude production of this Bard play
    $800 3
The first state to secede from the Union, it bailed in December 1860; 10 others soon followed suit
    $800 15
Evolutionary term for changes in behavior & /or physiology of an organism to become suited to a new environment
    $800 11
A B&T is this brand of gin (& tonic)
    $800 26
He wrote more than 30 books, but Manchester's Anthony Burgess is best remembered for this dystopian novel
    $800 19
Will Ferrell's candidacy takes a hit after he punches one of these in "The Campaign"
    DD: $2,200 7
Before her Oscar for playing a 20th century queen, she scandalized as a nude Cleopatra with the Royal National Theatre
    $1200 4
The Census Bureau says the Midwest is the twelve states seen here, & this is the most populous state, with the most populous city
    $1200 16
This hardest tissue in the body covers the crown of a tooth in mammals
    $1200 12
Bluecorn Naturals makes candles of 100% this
    $1200 27
This actor, singer & member of The Monkees hailed from Manchester
    $1200 22
"Game Change" on HBO featured Julianne Moore as Sarah Palin & Ed Harris as this man at the top of the ticket
    $1600 8
London's Theatre N16 did "Gertrude-The Cry", a reworking, with some nudity, of this play
    DD: $1,800 5
Nebraska's name comes from an Otoe word meaning "flat water", referring to this river
    $1600 20
Iron is Fe, not Ir, which belongs to this metallic element impervious to almost all acids
    $1600 13
400 revelers can imbibe in the shade of the chestnut trees in this part of Munich's Hofbrauhaus
    $1600 28
Manchester-born addict Thomas de Quincey wrote 1821's "Confessions of an English" eater of this drug
    $1600 23
In 1962's "The Manchurian Candidate", this singer/actor tries to prevent a political assassination
    $2000 17
Nudity abounds in "Sleep No More", a version of this tragedy
    $2000 9
The first woman to serve in both houses of Congress, Margaret Chase Smith represented this NE state
    $2000 21
18,399 feet down & probably pretty darn cold, the Molloy Deep is the deepest point in this ocean
    $2000 14
Luke 11:15 calls him "the chief of the devils"
    $2000 29
For actions in France during WWI, Manchester-born John Thomas was awarded this top British award for bravery
    $2000 24
Political intrigue in "Napoleon Dynamite" centers on the title dude trying to get people to vote for this friend

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Joe Miles Erin
$16,600 $13,600 $6,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

Condoleezza Rice & South Carolina businesswoman Darla Moore became the first female members of this in 2012

Final scores:

Joe Miles Erin
$27,201 $5,823 $0
3-day champion: $77,202 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Joe Miles Erin
$15,400 $15,600 $6,800
25 R
(including 2 DDs),
5 W
17 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $37,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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