Suggest correction - #7147 - 2015-10-13

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Show #7147 - Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Matt Jackson game 13.


Christine Gengaro, a college professor and writer from Los Angeles, California

Corbett Hancey, a journalist from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Matt Jackson, a paralegal from Washington, D.C. (12-day champion whose cash winnings total $390,411)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Yes!)
    $200 27
I'd like my taco topped with this, basically mashed avocado with a little lime juice & some seasonings
    $200 18
In 2015 this socially conscious New England ice cream brand introduced a flavor called Save Our Swirled
    $200 30
The pigment that transports oxygen in the blood, it is in the red blood cells & gives blood its red color
    $200 29
The object in this women's sporting event weighs 8.8 pounds
    $200 8
This title character speaks for the trees
    $200 13
In 2015 rapper Young Thug said this man, born Shawn Carter in 1969, is too old to be a relevant hip-hop artist
    $400 3
For one of my side dishes, refried beans, please, made with these "painted" beans
    $400 19
(I'm Kevin O'Leary of Shark Tank.) In the '90s I made millions from selling software in my headquarters in this university city, part of the East Coast version of Silicon Valley
    $400 26
The solid parts of blood--the red & white blood cells & platelets--are suspended in this, the liquid portion
    $400 28
Hey, jailbird! Face the camera! Now turn to the side! Okay, we got one of these
    $400 9
This eventful avenue is also a real street that anchors Manhattan's "Five Points"
    $400 14
In 2015 AARP magazine tweeted a cover showing this rapper & mogul who helped launch Snoop Dogg
    $600 1
In the salsa, make sure to use plenty of this, the leaves & stems of the coriander plant
    $600 20
Nickname of the Pawtucket triple-A baseball team & of the MLB team it's affiliated with
    $600 25
An old test for this infection "kissing disease" used a sample of the patient's blood, mixed with that of a sheep
    $600 6
A pregnant bride can help initiate this type of "wedding"
    $600 10
Total number of tops on the Cubbins kid
    $600 15
2015 is the 25th anniversary of this group's "Fear of a Black Planet"
    $800 4
I'm trying to eat a little lighter, so I'm going for the fish tacos made with this fish with a double-talk Hawaiian name
    $800 21
This 19th-century Connecticut village, seen here, was recreated from actual shops transported there from all over New England
    DD: $2,000 24
Some kinds of white blood cells produce these, proteins that destroy bacteria, viruses & other invaders
    $800 7
The result, or the gist as of an argument
    $800 11
Young Gerald McGrew speculates on "If I Ran" this place
    $800 16
Ad-Rock of this group acts in the movie "While We're Young" & says in it, "We're old men"
    $1000 5
I like to add plenty of this 3-word chopped condiment whose Spanish name means "rooster's beak"
    $1000 22
The roads of this Maine national park on the Atlantic coast travel over 17 unique stone-faced bridges
    $1000 23
Large numbers of abnormal white blood cells multiply out of control & do not fight infection in this disease
    $1000 2
Let's take one of these, a random criticism
    $1000 12
A rhyming title: "Mr. Brown Can" do this! "Can You?"
    $1000 17
In an ode to the past, 40-something Nas says, this rotund trio "broke up, rap hasn't been the same since"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Matt Corbett Christine
$4,200 $2,800 $1,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Matt Corbett Christine
$7,200 $3,400 $2,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 7
Francis II, who became emperor of Austria in 1804, was also the last emperor of this
    $400 23
The hybrid tea is the most popular class of this flower
    $400 1
In a 1997 movie this big boat went bye-bye
    $400 30
You can sample dim sum in this area of San Francisco east of Nob Hill, with restaurants & shops on Grant Avenue
    $400 16
After this portrait was stolen from the Louvre in 1911, mourners lined up to see the blank space on the wall
    $400 12
in 7 letters
    $800 8
In 1962 Peter Fechter's pleas for aid went unanswered after he was shot while trying to climb over this
    $800 2
Dorothy & her friends encountered a field of these flowers that made them fall asleep
    $800 15
This 2015 "Mad Max" reboot featured creations like a Chrysler Valiant Charger on a tank chassis
    $800 29
It's not "inside baseball" to say this New York village on Otsego Lake was incorporated in 1807
    $800 17
In 2013 his "Scream" appeared on a Norwegian postage stamp celebrating the 150th anniversary of his birth
    $800 28
it's a squeezing tool, too
    $1200 9
In the 16th century Sir Walter Raleigh sailed up the Orinoco in search of this lost city of gold
    $1200 3
The name of this autumn bloomer is from the Greek for "gold" & "flower"
    $1200 6
Songs about these, like Richard Thompson's "1952 Vincent Black Lightning", often seem to end with fatalities
    DD: $4,000 22
About 2.5 miles northwest of the Capitol, it's at the confluence of the Potomac & Rock Creek
    $1200 18
Found on an Aegean island in 1820, at 6'8" she'd make a great basketball player if she had arms
    DD: $4,000 21
Harvard's Curtis McMullen studies its theory
    $1600 10
In 1919 it was not "Viva" but "Muera" this Mexican reformer, killed by an agent of Venustiano Carranza
    $1600 4
(Sarah of the Clue Crew shows a flower in Tahiti.) Traditionally, Tahitian men and women wear the Tiare Tahiti, a type of this shrub flower, behind the left ear if they're happily in love, the right ear if they're still looking for that someone special
    $1600 13
As of 2015 there's one remaining intact example of this super Trans Am from "Knight Rider"
    $1600 24
In a Cameron Crowe movie, Orlando Bloom returns to this Kentucky place
    $1600 19
Houdon sculpted this French writer & thinker with & without his wig
    $1600 27
pleasant or easygoing;
Mrs. Parker had such a "Circle"
    $2000 11
This WWII battle was named for the area of water between Australia & New Caledonia
    $2000 5
In the 1550s the Viennese ambassador to the Ottoman empire introduced these bulb flowers to the Western world
    $2000 14
A father & son search the streets of Rome for a stolen transport in this classic 1940s Italian neorealist film
    $2000 25
On the Connecticut River, it was named for its position smack in between the upstream towns & the river mouth
    $2000 20
In the 1730s this British artist painted "A Harlot's Progress" as well as "A Rake's Progress"
    $2000 26
it starts with a "T" but don't say "touchable"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Matt Corbett Christine
$30,800 $10,600 $5,200
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

A critic said this 1956 poem was "a tirade... against those who do not share the poet's... sexual orientation"

Final scores:

Matt Corbett Christine
$21,201 $10,750 $0
13-day champion: $411,612 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Matt Corbett Christine
$25,200 $10,600 $7,200
29 R
(including 2 DDs),
0 W
13 R,
0 W
10 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $43,000

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