Suggest correction - #4178 - 2002-10-30

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Show #4178 - Wednesday, October 30, 2002


Steve Campbell, a university administrator from San Francisco, California

Erin Drew, a home educator from Salisbury, Maryland

Phillip Steele, a security officer from Los Angeles, California (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $26,598)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 10
In the Roman Catholic Church fasting during Lent need only occur on Ash Wednesday & this day
    $200 1
In 1998 he went "Solo" as People Magazine's "Sexiest Man Alive"
    $200 24
Brisket, chicken & pork spare ribs are categories in Houston's world championship contest in this
    $200 4
The Queen of Hearts' gardeners are "oblong & flat" & have numbers for names because they're these
    $200 17
"I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country"
    $200 6
"Fight" this "with fire"
    $400 11
The untouchables were those who existed outside India's 4 main groups of castes in this religion
    $400 2
In "Phantom Menace" he made the "list" as Qui-Gon Jinn
    $400 25
2002 teams in a major contest in this activity included the Wannabee Warblers & Team Audubon
    $400 5
Alice is delighted to find a bottle that is not marked "Poison" but instead is labeled with these 2 words
    $400 18
"1880 - 1946", not "On the whole, I'd rather be in Philadelphia" as rumored
    $400 7
You'll find things are in order with "a place for" this "and everything in its place"
    $600 12
This political & religious movement began in Jamaica in the 1920s
    $600 3
Amidala in episodes "I" & "II", when she's not studying lines, she's studying at Harvard
    $600 26
MIT holds an annual competition where students design these; 2000's theme was "Bots in Blue"
    $600 16
At the Knave of Hearts' trial, this witness enters with a teacup in one hand & bread-&-butter in the other
    $600 19
"Law West of the Pecos"
    $600 8
"Nothing" does this "like success"
    DD: $1,600 13
After WWII the state form of this Asian religion was abolished; the sectarian form was unaffected
    $800 27
Count Dracula in several films, he plays Count Dooku in "Attack of the Clones"
    $800 29
Here's some trivia: the world's biggest trivia contest is run by WWSP-FM in this Wisconsin city (note the SP)
    $800 21
The dodo in the book represents Lewis Carroll, whose real last name was this, starting with the same 3 letters
    $800 20
"Hajj Malik El-Shabazz"
    $800 9
We're due for this proverb: "Give credit where credit is" this
    $1000 14
This Christian religious minority group of Egypt once spoke Greek but now speaks Arabic in everyday life
    $1000 28
Gale Sayers in the original "Brian's Song", he played the dashing Lando Calrissian in 2 of the films
    $1000 30
Competing for Switzerland, Celine Dion won this song contest in 1988
    $1000 23
These spiny little creatures used as balls in the croquet game have a maddening tendency to crawl away
    $1000 22
"The celebrated navigator who first transplanted the breadfruit tree from Otahete to the West Indies"
    $1000 15
"There are none so" this "as those who will not see"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Phillip Erin Steve
$3,200 $1,200 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Phillip Erin Steve
$6,200 $4,400 $1,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Give the year of each event we will give you in the clue.)
(Alex: That's a good way to go!)
    $400 17
These Biblical texts have been found at numerous sites, but Qumran has yielded the most
    $400 5
The Byrds' Roger McGuinn is perhaps the most famous player of the Rickenbacker guitar with this many strings
    $400 9
The French call this popular musical "Un Violon sur le Toit"
    $400 1
Natural lactose producer found on a cow
    $400 23
"So Happy Together"; the first time (Bill Clinton's swearing-in ceremony as president) in January of this year
    $400 12
This city's Schiphol Airport, one of Europe's busiest, is home to KLM, Royal Dutch Airlines
    $800 18
The ancient Clovis culture was named for a site in this SW state where artifacts were discovered in 1932
    $800 6
Rasgueado is the complex strumming technique of this Andalusian dance music
    $800 10
This rapper who was slain in Las Vegas in 1996 is the subject of the play "Up Against the Wind"
    $800 2
Heisenberg's principal principle
    $800 24
Archduke Franz Ferdinand just has to have the top down & gets his way for the last time
    $800 13
In the 50s B.C. this Roman ruler conquered the Low Countries, including what is now known as the Netherlands
    $1200 19
Archaeologists usually use this Greek word for the cemetery of an ancient city; it means "city of the dead"
    $1200 7
Basically a tone control activated by the player's foot, this "sad" pedal was created accidentally by an engineer in 1966
    $1200 11
It's Tennessee Williams' semi-autobiographical play about the Wingfield family
    $1200 3
Engaged in the secret gathering of information, or just sleeping in on a Saturday
    $1200 25
Introducing serfing to England, the future William I hits the beach
    $1200 14
There's a statue of this young Jewish girl in Utrecht's main square
    DD: $4,000 22
The term Chalcolithic Age refers to the period before the Bronze Age when tools were made of copper & this
    $1600 8
At the end of a show, it's cool to lean your guitar on your amp & let it deafen the crowd with this noise
    $1600 16
In 2001 this Sondheim musical about a reunion of ex-showgirls returned to Broadway for the 1st time in 30 years
    $1600 4
In 1220 A.D. the Mongol armies of Genghis Khan overran what's now this "Stan"
    $1600 26
Fidel keeps all the cigars for himself as Batista flees to the Dominican Republic
    $1600 15
Divided into 100 cents, this Dutch monetary unit was also called a florin
    $2000 28
In 1911 explorer Hiram Bingham discovered this 15th C. Incan royal city that lies 50 miles northwest of Cuzco
    $2000 29
(Cheryl of the Clue Crew holding a guitar) The tuning devices are called either keys or by this name
    DD: $3,000 30
"Homecoming", "The Hunted" & "The Haunted" are the 3 parts of this Eugene O'Neill work based on Greek tragedy
    $2000 20
The Greek philosopher Socrates said that this kind of life "is not worth living"
    $2000 27
It's the year the Summer Olympics were held in part at Parc Olympique, now a baseball stadium
    $2000 21
After Napoleon's 1813 defeat, the Netherlands became a constitutional monarchy under this royal house

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Phillip Erin Steve
$6,200 $12,600 $9,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

2002's "A Season on the Brink" was this cable network's first original movie

Final scores:

Phillip Erin Steve
$12,300 $5,999 $600
4-day champion: $38,898 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Phillip Erin Steve
$5,400 $15,600 $9,600
14 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
19 R
(including 1 DD),
8 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $30,600

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