Suggest correction - #3434 - 1999-07-08

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Show #3434 - Thursday, July 8, 1999


Terry Anderson, a production assistant from Los Angeles, California

Suzy Fletcher, a homemaker from Newport Beach, California

Paul Risner, a lawyer from Sarasota, Florida (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $9,800)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We're talking about the first ladies here, not the film.)
    $100 6
"Master Peter's Puppet Show" -- a puppet opera (?!) -- is based on a passage from this Cervantes work
    $100 1
Singer kathryn dawn...
    $100 21
For the first reading, the representative or senator gives the bill to the person in this post
    $100 11
Their maiden names
    $100 26
Denying he lost his temper at a licensing hearing, he said, "I was just expressing my hurt"
    $100 16
We won't be surprised if "it takes two to" name this brother who loved a certain Latin-American dance
    $200 7
The composition of this German's "Ring" cycle spanned over 20 years
    $200 2
Maine retailer Leon Leonwood...
    $200 22
After the first reading, the bill is sent to one of these that may table it
    $200 12
Hillary first dated Bill while a law student & Jackie first dated John while she was the "inquiring" one of these for a paper
    $200 27
A First Division team in this sport in Romania traded player Ion Radu for 2 tons of meat
    $200 17
You might find this brother in the cellar swigging from a bottle of Muscatel
    $300 8
An Ethiopian slave girl is torn between love & patriotism in the Egypt of the Pharaohs in this Verdi opera
    $300 3
Journalist & essayist Henry Louis...
    $300 23
On the third reading, the bill is put either to a voice vote or this alphabetical vote
    $300 13
Hillary had Chelsea in 1980 & Jackie had this child in 1957
    DD: $300 28
(Hi, I'm Ilia Kulik) I won the gold in Nagano in 1998 skating to this colorful George Gershwin classic
    $300 18
This brother whose nickname included "Maniac" was named for his irresistable impulse to steal
    $400 9
Operas by this composer include "Cosi fan tutte" & "The Magic Flute"
    $400 4
NFL All-Pro Yelberton Abraham...
    $400 24
This fraction of the House needs to vote yes to overturn a presidential veto
    $400 14
Jackie earned her B.A. from George Washington University & Hillary graduated from this college in 1969
    $400 29
Marques Haynes, the former dribbling wizard of this team, was inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame
    $400 19
This brother's name, a trademark, comes from always carrying a can of flammable jelly to heat up food
    $500 10
It's the English title of the opera "I Pagliacci" & the name of a ballet that juxtaposes terror & buffoonery
    $500 5
Social reformer William Edward Burghardt...
    $500 25
If Congress adjourns, a president can veto a bill by not signing it within this many days (Sundays excluded)
    $500 15
Hillary's "It Takes a Village" was published by Simon & Schuster; Jackie worked for this other NYC book publisher
    $500 20
Few remember this brother who got his name by practicing the same kind of journalism as Hunter Thompson

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Paul Suzy Terry
$100 $700 $1,100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Paul Suzy Terry
$700 $1,600 $3,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 3
One of Mongolia's main occupations is raising these animals to produce cashmere
    $200 8
"Crimes and Misdemeanors",
"Hannah and Her Sisters"
    $200 1
Galileo's first discovery in 1609 was that the surface of this is not smooth, but pitted
    $200 21
At Cambridge Charles got his university colors in this sport
    $200 16
He published "The Interpretation of Dreams"
    $200 26
Under a League of Nations mandate, the British oversaw the affairs of this region from 1920 to 1948
    $400 4
The name of Mongolia's Communist Party newspaper Unen, like Russia's Pravda, means this
    $400 9
"THX 1138",
"American Graffiti"
    $400 2
He predicted a comet he observed in 1682 would return in 1758 (he was right)
    $400 22
On January 28, 1999 Prince Charles made his first public appearance with this woman; it was at a party for her sister
    $400 17
His first airship took flight near Friedrichshafen, Germany on July 2, 1900
    $400 30
It can mean the roof of the mouth, or more generally the sense of taste
    $600 5
The 1996 election was won using a platform called this, in imitation of the USA's Republicans in 1994
    $600 10
"Basic Instinct",
"Starship Troopers"
    $600 13
Edwin Hubble was the first to say the Andromeda nebula was one of these, separate from ours
    $600 23
As president of the RSC, this group, Charles probably knows not to say the name of "the Scottish play"
    $600 18
The Boxers were rebelling in China & the British were fighting this group in South Africa
    $600 27
A board on which a painter mixes colors, or the range of colors he uses
    $800 6
The ruined city of Karakorum is where this conqueror established his headquarters in 1220
    $800 11
"The Quick and the Dead",
"Evil Dead II"
    $800 14
Aristarchos proposed a heliocentric theory about 1,700 years before this famous Pole
    DD: $1,500 24
Charles honeymooned on this royal yacht that no longer rules the waves; it's been retired
    $800 19
In February Dwight F. Davis donated a silver cup to this sport
    $800 28
A fence of stakes forming a defensive barrier or fortification
    $1000 7
Like Native Americans, many Mongolians follow this type of mystic healer whose name means "he who knows"
    $1000 12
"Days of Heaven",
"The Thin Red Line"
    $1000 15
In 1967 Jocelyn Bell Burnell discovered this new type of star that emits regular bursts of radio waves
    $1000 25
The prince gets no money from the state; he earns about 5 million pounds yearly from the duchy of this
    DD: $900 20
The Populists met in May 1900 in South Dakota to nominate this man for president
    $1000 29
These heroic champions of chivalry share their name with a 1950s Richard Boone TV character

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Paul Suzy Terry
$6,800 $4,000 $12,100

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1999 several counties around Cape Canaveral, Florida were assigned this new telephone area code

Final scores:

Paul Suzy Terry
$6,800 $4,000 $10,100
2nd place: Trip to Fantasyland Hotel in the West Edmonton Mall, Edmonton, Alberta 3rd place: Samsung 28" Stereo TV New champion: $10,100

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Paul Suzy Terry
$6,900 $4,000 $11,400
16 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
14 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
25 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $22,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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