Suggest correction - #2922 - 1997-04-22

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Show #2922 - Tuesday, April 22, 1997


Pam Storm, a lawyer from Hingham, Massachusetts

Jonathan Matte, a mathematics instructor from Meriden, Connecticut

Michael Steele, a medical secretary from Chicago, Illinois (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $10,500)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: A category devoted to Latin singers)
    $100 3
Wladyslaw Gomulka was first secretary of this country's Communist party from 1956-1970
    $100 16
The official seal, showing a Seminole woman, appears on this state's flag
    $100 1
Whitman's flaws
    $100 26
The boundary between the mantle & this layer is called the Mohorovicic Discontinuity
    $100 21
One reason for dyeing the shells of these nuts red is to make them stand out in the nut bowl
    $100 7
Last name of Enrique who's following in his father Julio's vocal cords
    $200 4
In 1517 the Ottoman Turks took this country & put a pasha in power; today a Mubarak rules
    $200 17
The red "C" on this state's flag could stand for Centennial State, or the name of the state itself
    $200 2
Beecher Stowe's lassos
    $200 27
These 2 ducts lead from the ovaries to the uterus
    $200 22
Some soaps & candles use oil pressed from copra, the dried white meat of this nut
    $200 8
This "La Bamba" group from East L.A. has had a howling good time singing since 1973
    $300 5
In 1740 he became king of Prussia & elector of Brandenburg
    $300 18
Alaska's flag features the North Star as well as this stellar configuration
    $300 13
Lewis' kegs
    $300 28
In the 1920s, Julius Nieuwland polymerized acetylene, added chlorine atoms & created this synthetic rubber
    $300 23
Most of these "spreading" American trees have been killed by a disease that started near New York City in 1904
    $300 9
"Mi Tierra" in 1993 was the 1st solo all-Spanish album for this Cuban-born "Rhythm Is Gonna Get You" singer
    $400 6
This Russian czar spent the last few years of his life composing a list of people he had murdered
    DD: $500 19
An all-white palmetto tree appears in the center of this state's flag
    $400 14
Theodore's gushing hot springs
    $400 29
On July 10, 1996 scientists released close-up photos of Ganymede taken by this space probe
    $400 24
Native to the Amazon jungle, these triangular nuts are rich in selenium, an antioxidant
    $400 10
He had a hit with "Just Another Day" on the English charts & "Otro Dia Mas" on the Latin charts
    $500 12
In 1513 this Spaniard made the first recorded European exploration of what is now the U.S. mainland
    $500 20
This state's flag features its official seal on a white buffalo
    $500 15
John's scallions
    $500 30
In 1993 Eugene & Carolyn Shoemaker & David Levy discovered a highly fragmented one of these
    $500 25
The plant that produces this kidney-shaped nut is related to poison ivy
    $500 11
A school in East Harlem was named for this singer born blind in Puerto Rico in 1945

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Michael Jonathan Pam
$1,700 $1,700 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Michael Jonathan Pam
$3,400 $1,300 $1,900

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 11
In the 4th century B.C. Lycia was conquered by this Macedonian & absorbed into his empire
    $200 22
Leukemia is marked by an uncontrolled proliferation of these blood cells
    $200 17
On September 26, 1820 this Kentuckian who cleared the Wilderness Road died in Missouri at age 85
    $200 12
In this Tennessee Williams play, Big Daddy returns to his cotton plantation unaware that he's dying of cancer
    $200 6
This New England school is known as M.I.T. for short
    $200 1
The December 1995 cover of Premiere magazine read this director "Makes Book on 'Casino' "
    $400 28
Colchis on the Black Sea was the home of this object sought by Jason & the Argonauts
    $400 23
In 1970 this pediatrician authored "A Teenager's Guide to Life and Love"
    $400 18
From 1946 to 1950 this future dictator was director general of Haiti's national public health service
    $400 13
Still running in London after 44 years, this Agatha Christie play is set at Monkswell Manor in a snowstorm
    $400 7
4 students were killed & several others wounded at this university May 4, 1970
    $400 2
1991 film in which Warren Beatty found if you build it they will come, even to the middle of a desert
    DD: $2,500 27
Bithynia on the Bosporus Strait is now part of this country
    $600 24
Gerontology studies all aspects of aging; this branch of medicine treats the diseases of old age
    $600 19
Wounded at night by fellow Confederates at Chancellorsville, he died 8 days later
    DD: $900 14
In "The Caine Mutiny Court Martial", Lt. Marek is tried for relieving him of command of the Caine
    $600 8
The 1996 Rose Bowl pitted the USC Trojans against this Illinois school's Wildcats
    $600 3
Elizabeth Berkley bared more than her soul in this 1995 NC-17 rated Paul Verhoeven film
    $800 29
This Biblical country of Hammurabi was once the country of Sumer
    $800 25
In the 2nd century this Greek physician showed that the brain controls the voice
    $800 20
In 1879 this inventor of a steel-making process was made a fellow in Britain's Royal Society
    $800 15
In this Hecht-MacArthur comedy, a group of reporters awaits the execution of an anarchist
    $800 9
America's first chair of law was founded at this Virginia college in 1779
    $800 4
This 1980 film could have been called "Dummar and Hughes"
    $1000 30
The capital of Assyria; Ashurbanipal founded a library there
    $1000 26
Icterus is another name for this yellowing of the skin
    $1000 21
When he died in 1917 this hero of Manila Bay was president of the General Board of the Navy
    $1000 16
Dagmar, Christie, Katrin & Nels are the 4 children of a Norwegian immigrant couple in this John Van Druten play
    $1000 10
Referring to its oldest building, Nassau Hall, Old Nassau is a nickname for this Ivy League school
    $1000 5
In this 1979 film Robert Redford steals a $12 million horse from a Vegas hotel; Jane Fonda follows him

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Michael Jonathan Pam
$5,000 $5,900 $6,100

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1910 the "Deutschland" inaugurated commercial passenger service in one of these

Final scores:

Michael Jonathan Pam
$9,000 $10,100 $11,801
3rd place: Whirlpool dishwasher & trash compactor 2nd place: a trip to Hotel Melia Victoria, Palma de Majorca, Spain New champion: $11,801

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Michael Jonathan Pam
$4,900 $3,700 $6,100
21 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
13 R
(including 2 DDs),
5 W
16 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $14,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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