Suggest correction - #3083 - 1998-01-14

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    $500 25
In 1887 Canada's Transcontinental Railroad reached from Montreal to this west coast city

Show #3083 - Wednesday, January 14, 1998


Marcia Noe, a professor of English from Harrison, Tennessee

Tom Barrett, a chiropractor from Riva, Maryland

Chris Marker, an airline pilot from New Fairfield, Connecticut (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $14,500)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 12
You can see some of Pablo Casals' favorite cellos at the museum devoted to him in this Puerto Rican capital
    $100 8
"The Sun Also Rises", which first saw the light of day in 1926, is considered to be his finest novel
    $100 2
Director John Lasseter earned a 1995 Oscar for this first all-computerized animated feature
    $100 1
This travel organization responds to almost 30 million emergency road service calls a year
    $100 26
The December 1996 National Rodeo Finals in this Nevada city had $3.2 million in prize money
    $100 13
Every artist we canvassed said it holds up their work
    $200 19
Spice baskets are popular souvenirs of St. George's, the capital of this country invaded by the U.S. in 1983
    $200 7
In 1922 she provided tips on "Etiquette in Society, in Business, in Politics and at Home"
    $200 3
White Zombie's album sales soared after this MTV cartoon duo pronounced their video "cool"
    $200 18
Dedicated in 1962, the Thatcher Ferry Bridge spans the Pacific entrance to this canal
    $200 27
As one of these rodeo personalities, Rob Smets has broken his neck twice; that's not funny
    $200 14
Proverbial amount of prevention that's needed
    $300 20
Road Town is not only the capital but the only urban area in this British island group
    $300 6
He was working as a sportswriter in Germany when he published "All Quiet on the Western Front"
    $300 9
"Teen Wolf" debuted on TV in 1986 & these teenage terrapins hit the air the next year
    $300 23
In 1995 this agency, the ICC, issued Santa a permit to operate "as a common carrier by 2-runner sleigh"
    $300 28
Bareback & saddle bronc riders start in this, with the clock beginning when they leave it
    $300 15
Just the thing for a stroke on the water
    $400 21
Dance lovers know there's an annual merengue festival in this capital of the Dominican Republic
    $400 5
He called the original version of "Sartoris", his 1929 novel, "Flags in the Dust"
    DD: $600 10
Characters from this Nickelodeon show are seen here:
    $400 24
Features on this luxury liner include the Grand Lounge & the Queens Grill, one of 5 gourmet restaurants
    $400 16
The 2 continents that fit the category
    $500 22
Willemstad, the capital of Curacao, has an 18th century fort named for this European capital
    $500 4
In the title of a 1927 Willa Cather novel, "Death Comes for" him
    $500 11
This "sizzling" star provided the voice of Balto, the heroic sled dog in a 1995 feature
    $500 25
In 1887 Canada's Transcontinental Railroad reached from Montreal to this west coast city
    $500 17
In this order of architecture, the entablature on the column is more intricate than in the Doric

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Chris Tom Marcia
$100 $1,700 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Chris Tom Marcia
$1,700 $2,000 $1,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

"B"s DO IT
    $200 12
George Ross, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, was this seamstress' uncle by marriage
    $200 17
Letter used with a number to denote "power", as in the magnification power of binoculars
    $200 2
Janis Joplin asked the Lord to buy her one of these to make up for her Porsche-driving friends
    $200 25
Perhaps imitating gorillas, grouses beat these in front of their chests to warn intruders
    $200 8
If right-handed, they aim for the "pocket" between the 1 & 3 pins
    $200 7
A canine term for youthful infatuation; it's also called "calf love"
    $400 16
In 1836 he set up shop in Paterson, New Jersey to manufacture his famous revolvers
    $400 20
When at sea, use this measurement equal to about 6,076 feet
    DD: $1,500 3
Model of car mentioned in the song heard here:
    $400 26
These Southwestern birds can attain ground speeds of 15 mph, even with nary a coyote in sight
    $400 9
They use loud, colorful spiels to entice customers into carnivals
    $400 28
French for "love", in English it means romance, especially a secret one
    $600 11
Confederate VP Alexander Stephens was later elected governor of this state--how peachy
    $600 18
It's true, abrasives like sandpaper are graded & sold by the size of this on them
    $600 4
In 1988 Natalie Cole covered the Bruce Springsteen song about this pink luxury auto
    $600 15
When this bird of the family Apodidae slows down, it often nests in a chimney
    $600 24
On trains they assist conductors; on bobsleds their main duty is slowing things down
    DD: $3,000 29
It's love of yourself, especially if you're a handsome youth or a pretty white flower
    $800 10
With Elizabeth Cady Stanton, she founded the Women's Loyal National League, to fight for slaves' freedom
    $800 19
There are 100 ares in one of these metric units of land area measure
    $800 5
In a 1995 ode to this GM car, Moonpools & Caterpillars rhymed it with "knew it"
    $800 14
The red-footed type of this seabird lays one egg at a time so the chicks are more robust when they "hatch"
    $800 27
Only these bigwigs may argue before Britain's high court
    $1000 1
As chief justice from 1864 to 1873, he presided at the impeachment trial of Andrew Johnson
    $1000 21
Norman, engineer & Norwegian are names for sizes of these, a ton of which may hit you at any time
    $1000 6
Prince drove this title car into the Top 10 in 1983
    $1000 13
The king type of this well-feathered duck dives as far "down" as 180 feet
    $1000 23
In a symphony orchestra, these speed reeders sit next to the clarinetists
    $1000 22
Sanskrit for the pursuit of love, it's the subject of a famous sutra, or collection

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Chris Tom Marcia
$7,300 $9,700 $4,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

Current European head of state whose last name means "cabbage"

Final scores:

Chris Tom Marcia
$1 $18,200 $8,799
3rd place: a pair of Wittnauer Montego watches New champion: $18,200 2nd place: a trip to Buena Vista Palace Resort & Spa, Walt Disney World, Florida

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Chris Tom Marcia
$4,900 $8,400 $4,400
18 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
23 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
9 R,
0 W

Combined Coryat: $17,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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