Suggest correction - #3059 - 1997-12-11

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    $400 19
This Tammany Hall "Boss" died in NYC's Ludlow Street Jail April 12, 1878

Show #3059 - Thursday, December 11, 1997


Jennifer Hopens, a college student from Temple, Texas

Derek Mohr, a supply officer originally from Ocean Springs, Mississippi

Suzanne Hayes, an actress originally from Dallas, Texas (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $6,599)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 16
Among these natural features in Bolivia, Poopo lies southeast of Titicaca
    $100 2
In 1960 Ray Charles had this "on his mind"
    $100 1
Reuters' Moscow correspondent in the '30s; British Navy intelligence 1939-45; his word was his Bond
    $100 7
He's made his name as an auto racer, salad dressing entrepreneur & actor
    $100 21
For protection, these athletes tape both hands under their 6- to 12-ounce gloves
    $100 17
It "is the best policy", but as Pappy added, "It may not pay the largest dividends"
    $200 26
The name Pichilemu, a Pacific beach resort, contains the name of this country that it's in
    DD: $300 3
The first British female to top the U.S. charts in the rock era, she did it with the song heard here:
    $200 12
His 5 years with the British foreign service certainly put a Smiley on his face
    $200 8
This Yankee owner's first sports venture was the Cleveland Pipers semipro basketball team
    $200 22
This type of tape is applied to bicycles & to children's clothing as a safety device
    $200 18
According to Pappy, "Old habits die" this way
    $300 27
The area between the Uruguay & Parana Rivers, or the ancient region between the Tigris & Euphrates
    $300 4
Jeff Barry & Ellie Greenwich, who wrote "Do Wah Diddy Diddy", also co-wrote this 1963 Crystals Top 5 song
    $300 13
In 1974 this "Odessa File" author let loose "The Dogs of War"
    $300 9
He came to L.A. to perform comedy & was soon "Coming to America" with pal Eddie Murphy
    $300 23
A popular calendar is titled "365 Days of" this often gray cloth tape
    $300 19
Wherever he was he'd say, "Don't waste time complaining about" this, "It will soon change"
    $400 28
Parinas Point on Peru's Pacific coast is this geographic extreme of South America
    $400 5
'60s songs turned into films include "Harper Valley P.T.A." & this 1967 Bobbie Gentry hit
    $400 14
He wrote "Spy Story", "Spy Hook", "Spy Line", "Spy Sinker", "Yesterday's Spy" & "Twinkle Twinkle Little Spy"
    $400 10
Once an assistant secretary of HUD, she's currently the secretary of HHS
    $400 24
As its name indicates, it's used especially to cover surfaces during painting
    $400 20
A great reader, Pappy said, "This" is "the only place where success comes before work"
    $500 29
Venezuela has the world's 2 tallest waterfalls, Cuquenan & this one
    $500 6
Like Picasso, this "Polish Prince" went through a blue period, with hits like "Blue on Blue" & "Blue Velvet"
    $500 15
You can name this author in 3 words... "The Icarus Agenda", "The Osterman Weekend", "The Matarese Circle"
    $500 11
This former big wheel of the Cars recently produced Weezer's debut album
    $500 25
Used to insulate electrical wires, it's named for the force that resists sliding objects
    $500 30
Completes Pappy's couplet, "Love many, trust few, but always paddle..."

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Suzanne Derek Jennifer
-$600 -$500 $2,700

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Suzanne Derek Jennifer
-$300 $900 $3,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 18
The 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo made the Rio Grande the border between Mexico & this state
    $200 1
Before marrying Bruce Willis, she was engaged to Emilio Estevez
    $200 12
It's the waterway into the City by the Bay
    $200 9
During a period of hyperinflation in 1944, Greece issued this currency in a denomination of 2,000,000,000
    $200 14
In a corporate failure, holders of the preferred type of this get paid before holders of the common type
    $200 6
A lumberjack can show you how to birl, to stand on & rotate one of these in the water
    $400 19
This Tammany Hall "Boss" died in NYC's Ludlow Street Jail April 12, 1878
    $400 2
Wynonna's younger sister, she's appeared in such films as "Ruby in Paradise", "A Time to Kill" & "Kiss the Girls"
    $400 13
In January 1996 "Party of Five" picked up one of these awards for Best Drama Series
    $400 16
Appropriately, the monetary unit of this west African country is the Leone
    $400 15
Alimony & this payment for offspring are among debts not discharged by personal bankruptcy
    $400 7
"Stygian" describes something gloomy in general or, more specifically, this mythical river
    $600 20
The Treaty of Ghent, which ended this war, stopped the fighting but no territory changed hands
    $600 3
Current biography says her "Film career began & nearly ended, with the 1976 remake of 'King Kong'"
    $600 30
It's a big payment made to a prematurely terminated executive
    $600 17
The Federated States of Micronesia & Palau use this country's currency as their monetary unit
    $600 28
Filing for bankruptcy will stop this agency's collections, but it can still audit you
    $600 8
"Neologism" itself is not a neologism, meaning one of these; it first appeared in print in 1800
    DD: $1,000 21
On Dec. 28, 1835 President Jackson appointed Roger B. Taney to succeed this chief justice
    $800 4
This "Green Card" star's Southern accent was so strong in "Greystoke" that Glenn Close had to dub her voice
    $800 29
Ernest Thompson won a Golden Oscar for this film from his play about the Thayers
    $800 23
The French franc bears this 3-word revolutionary motto
    $800 27
Term for a section of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code; No. 11 deals with business reorganization
    $800 10
"Onymous" is the obvious opposite of this word, used to describe some artists & writers
    $1000 22
In 1892 farm leaders from this new political party nominated James B. Weaver for the presidency
    DD: $500 5
She's the daughter of a Buddhism professor & a Swiss-born psychotherapist:
    $1000 26
Istanbul sits on this inlet
    $1000 24
The islands of Bonaire & Saba in the Netherlands Antilles use this unit of currency
    $1000 25
This "wet" term means selling off a bankrupt person's assets to pay creditors
    $1000 11
This machine for hoisting & moving heavy objects was named for an early 17th century English hangman

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Suzanne Derek Jennifer
$2,200 $4,100 $10,000
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

It can attain a speed of about 40 mph, but has only 2 toes on each of its 2 feet

Final scores:

Suzanne Derek Jennifer
$0 $4,500 $10,000
3rd place: Pair of Franchi-Menotti Sports Watches 2nd place: Trip to Mount Airy Lodge in the Pennsylvania Poconos New champion: $10,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Suzanne Derek Jennifer
$2,700 $4,100 $9,700
11 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
19 R,
8 W
21 R
(including 2 DDs),
0 W

Combined Coryat: $16,500

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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