Suggest correction - #3058 - 1997-12-10

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    $200 5
To be sure, one of his soliloquies begins, "How all occasions do inform against me"

Show #3058 - Wednesday, December 10, 1997


Kevin Forsyth, a computer systems analyst originally from East Lansing, Michigan

Suzanne Hayes, an actress originally from Dallas, Texas

Tim McMullen, a substitute teacher from Coudersport, Pennsylvania (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $12,001)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 14
She remarked on her "Grandmother's" tooth size
    $100 12
They ensnare their prey in silk, then finish them off with poison-dispensing fangs
    $100 6
This murder weapon could also light up the table in the dining room
    $100 18
Transparent, as a blouse
    $100 1
Perhaps this nickname for Alcatraz came from the composition of the island
    $100 4
"A Midsummer Night's Dream" includes the line "The course of" this "never did run smooth"
    $200 15
The English name of this hooded snake is from Portuguese for "snake with a hood"
    $200 13
Types of bear include the brown, black & this one whose name means "streaked with gray"
    $200 7
In the 1985 film based on Clue, this "Rocky Horror" actor played Wadsworth the butler
    $200 19
It completes a tennis or a golf stroke
    $200 2
John Belushi's alter ego Joliet Jake Blues served time in this state's Joliet Pen
    $200 5
To be sure, one of his soliloquies begins, "How all occasions do inform against me"
    $300 20
According to his TV theme, he's "feared by the bad, loved by the good"
    $300 28
To smaller birds, the sharp-shinned type of this predator is as menacing as its name
    $300 9
It's the main claim to fame of Anthony E. Pratt, a fire warden in Leeds, England
    $300 23
A significant advance in science, like the polio vaccine
    $300 3
The New York prison in this town has the singsong name Sing Sing
    $300 8
She persuades her husband to kill Duncan
    $400 26
It's the British term for the hood of a car; hopefully there are no bees in it
    $400 29
This carnivorous member of the sundew family is native only to a small area of the Carolinas
    $400 10
He's the only academic among the 6 suspects
    $400 24
A triple alliterative expression for when someone sticks with you in difficult times
    $400 16
A U.S. Army colonel left this name on a Kansas fort, the town near it & the prison there
    $400 21
In this play Gratiano has the last speech; Portia has the next to last
    $500 27
Hoodman blind is another name for this game
    $500 30
Pigs may be infected with trichinella spiralis, which causes this disease in humans
    $500 11
In the U.S. version, the game of Clue starts when this man is found dead in his mansion
    $500 25
Having undergone a difficult experience, like a wet sock in an old washing machine
    $500 17
American P.O.W.s called North Vietnam's Hoa Lo Prison this after the hotels known for better accommodations
    DD: $1,000 22
The 1995 film of this play includes the following:

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Tim Suzanne Kevin
$500 $600 $1,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Tim Suzanne Kevin
$500 $3,200 $3,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
In 1981 this country formally annexed the Golan Heights, land it had held militarily since 1967
    $200 30
George Martin, often called a fifth member of this group, can be heard playing keyboard on "In My Life"
    $200 2
Texarkana, Texas was incorporated in 1874; Texarkana in this state wasn't incorporated until 1880
    $200 7
His early career was so "Rocky" he had to sweep out the lion cages at the Central Park Zoo
    $200 5
In Germany this beverage is made of malt, hops, yeast & water & nothing else
    $200 4
The 1997 Greater L.A. edition has 17 columns of Smiths & 20 columns of Rodriguezes
    $400 8
Magellan visited these islands in 1521; MacArthur visited them in 1942, then returned in 1944
    $400 10
Known for his "Wall of Sound", he returned like a "ghost" with the 1991 compilation "Back to Mono"
    $400 3
The town of Speedway lies within this Midwest capital
    $400 18
The Fabulous Baker Boys might know she was a supermarket checker before becoming a superstar
    $400 6
This Mexican dish made with mashed avocados can be used as a dip, a sauce or a topping
    $400 21
It can mean an insect or a person who devours volumes
    $600 14
After a 22-year reign, this country's Queen Christina abdicated June 6, 1654
    DD: $2,200 9
He produced the all-time bestselling pop album by a single artist
    $600 19
This California city hosts America's oldest continuously running jazz festival
    $600 20
The perfect comic "foil", this actor who played Young Frankenstein was once a fencing instructor
    $600 13
This dish whose name comes from French for "to puff up" must be served the instant it comes out of the oven
    $600 27
Bob Hoskins' father was a bookkeeper & Peter O'Toole's father had this "racier" profession
    $800 16
The 1842 Treaty of Nanking ended the first of these "drug" wars
    $800 11
Glen Ballard co-wrote as well as produced this smash hit album by Alanis Morissette
    $800 24
Now the second largest, Nashua is predicted to become this New England state's largest city by the year 2000
    DD: $800 22
This late comedian was once a Pentecostal preacher:
    $800 15
Risotto Alla Milanese gets its golden color from this expensive spice
    $800 28
Aimed at women, it's the biggest-selling U.S. magazine that fits the category
    $1000 17
In 1959 a disgruntled Buddhist monk assassinated this country's PM Solomon Bandaranaike
    $1000 12
Appropriately, disco giant Nile Rodgers of Chic produced this man's 1983 album "Let's Dance"
    $1000 25
The playing field for a popular outdoor game gave this Kentucky city its name
    $1000 23
He used to be a cab driver in London; now he's Bond...James Bond
    $1000 26
This English blue cheese is named for a small village in Huntingdonshire where it was first sold
    $1000 29
The 1954 work "Seduction of the Innocent" blamed these publications for corrupting America's youth

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Tim Suzanne Kevin
$5,700 $9,000 $2,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Good subject!)
1 of the 3 women in the only statue that depicts women in the U.S. Capitol Rotunda

Final scores:

Tim Suzanne Kevin
$0 $6,599 $3,600
3rd place: Monorail Desktop PC New champion: $6,599 2nd place: Trip to Couples Resort, Jamaica

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Tim Suzanne Kevin
$5,700 $8,500 $5,000
14 R,
2 W
16 R
(including 2 DDs),
0 W
24 R,
7 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $19,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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