Suggest correction - #3057 - 1997-12-09

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    $300 10
Robert called her "My Little Portuguese" & her poems to him are "Sonnets From the Portuguese"

Show #3057 - Tuesday, December 9, 1997


Glenda Kendrick, a speech writer originally from Rapid City, South Dakota

Tim McMullen, a substitute teacher from Coudersport, Pennsylvania

Michael Noonan, a finance manager from Washington, D.C. (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $16,201)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Obviously our writers are big fans of "The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam", but the clues do not necessarily have anything to do with that great work of literature.)
    $100 8
Whitman's book of Civil War poems "Drum-Taps" later became a part of this larger collection
    $100 18
Part of an apple tree he sat beneath is preserved at the Royal Astronomical Society in London
    $100 6
In the '90s the U.S. banned the once-common use of this metal in the foil over a bottle's neck
    $100 1
This bread made with a "starter" got its start among old-time prospectors
    $100 16
Most of the trails in this national park lead to the High Sierra, a region of jagged peaks & sparkling lakes
    $200 9
When released in 1667, this epic poem by John Milton filled 10 books
    $200 19
Comic strip that occasionally includes the setting seen here:
    $200 7
As well as port & Madeira wines, Portugal produces half the world's supply of this stopper material
    $200 2
It was a German insult meaning dolt or blockhead before it became the name of a dark, German bread
    $200 24
These "Boyz" whose hits include "End Of The Road" began performing together while in high school
    $200 17
Once the sanctuary of the Seminoles, this Florida wilderness is now inhabited by the Miccosukee tribe
    $300 10
Robert called her "My Little Portuguese" & her poems to him are "Sonnets From the Portuguese"
    $300 20
Encarta says "These South American animals spend their entire existence hanging...from...trees"
    $300 13
It's a simple glass vessel for wine, or the glass pot of a drip coffeemaker
    $300 3
A long, narrow loaf of French bread, or a long, narrow-cut diamond
    $300 25
Having lost none of that lovin' feelin', Bill Medley & Bobby Hatfield still perform as this duo
    $300 23
East of the Rocky Moutains are groups of these lower elevations, like the Sand, Red & Black ones
    $400 11
He dedicated his 1885 "A Child's Garden of Verses" to Alison Cunningham, his childhood nurse
    $400 21
In this case it was underneath a bo that Buddha is said to have attained this
    $400 14
Until vintners learned to test sugar levels in the 19th c., half of the bottles of this French wine would explode
    $400 4
Traditionally, challah dough is divided into lengths & formed into these, like some women's hair
    DD: $2,000 26
This group has been making country music together for over 20 years:
    $400 28
Don't get a toothache in this Canadian territory; there are fewer than 20 dentists in its 186,661 sq. mi.
    $500 12
In 1924 "Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair" established this Chilean poet's reputation
    $500 22
In a 1924 Eugene O'Neill play, the Cabot farmhouse sits under the branches of 2 of these trees
    $500 15
This indentation in the bottom strengthens the bottle, which is useful when putting your fourth down
    $500 5
An enriched bread made with wheat germ & soy flour was invented at & named for this Ithaca university
    $500 27
If this folk trio went by their last names, they'd be known as Yarrow, Stookey & Travers

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Michael Tim Glenda
$1,000 $1,100 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Michael Tim Glenda
-$400 $2,500 $2,500

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 11
In describing those who install heating & ventilation, this word follows pipe or steam
    $200 21
In July 1837 this naturalist began writing his notebooks on the transmutation of species
    $200 16
It takes 2 of these to play Monopoly & 5 to play Yahtzee
    $200 1
On Dec. 7, 1944 this Russian & de Gaulle were meeting in Moscow to sign a Franco-Soviet pact
    $200 6
He didn't invent the word beamish, which means radiant, but he did use it in his poem "Jabberwocky"
    $400 12
A "Jeopardy!" category about these doctors who assist surgeons might be called "Numb-er, Please"
    $400 22
We presume that in 1871 Dr. Livingstone was glad to see this man, who later nursed him back to health
    $400 26
He's come a long way since his Sweathog days as Vinnie Barbarino on "Welcome Back, Kotter"
    $400 17
This 4-word motto has appeared on U.S. coins since 1864
    $400 2
In addition to this suicidal air squadron, Japan had the Kaiten, human torpedoes
    $400 7
Mingy is a combination of mean & this; it could well describe Ebenezer Scrooge
    $600 13
It's another term for truck drivers, from the time when their horsepower came from teams of horses
    $600 23
This Boy Scout founder commanded observation balloons during wars in Sudan & Bechuanaland
    $600 18
Of spring tide, neap tide or peptide, the one that's not related
    $600 3
Around 300,000 of these troops were called up beginning in 1940, more than doubling the size of the U.S. Army
    $600 8
The name of an exhibit at the 1939 World's Fair gave us this 8-letter word for a futuristic display-o-rama
    $800 14
Once a carnival performer who bit off chickens' heads, it's slang for an odd or ridiculous person
    $800 24
In 1854 this poet laureate wrote, "Into the valley of death rode the six hundred"
    DD: $3,000 28
(Hi, I'm Rob Schneider. In addition to my TV roles) I've also appeared in 2 Sylvester Stallone films, "Demolition Man" & this futuristic film based on a comic book
    $800 19
In 1997 this chess champ was blue over this defeat in a match by IBM's Deep Blue computer
    $800 4
In December 1943 he was named marshal & became president of a Yugoslavian liberation council
    $800 9
Hey sleepyhead, oneiromancy is a fancy word for foretelling the future by interpreting these
    $1000 15
An arbitrager profits from stock price differences; this similar word means a settler of disputes
    $1000 25
In 1841 this British travel agent arranged his first excursion, a trip to a temperance meeting
    $1000 27
In 1997 Johnny Depp went undercover to infiltrate the Mafia in this film based on a true story
    DD: $900 20
The Roosevelt Memorial Bridge connects Lubec, Maine to this island in New Brunswick, Canada
    $1000 5
After Pearl Harbor he was appointed commander-in-chief of the U.S. Pacific fleet
    $1000 10
A fur used to line robes during the Middle Ages, or a "Mrs." played by Greer Garson

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Michael Tim Glenda
$4,800 $8,700 $6,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

He was buried under a stone that read "Beneath this stone repose the bones of the valiant lion..."

Final scores:

Michael Tim Glenda
$5,400 $12,001 $8,701
3rd place: Panasonic Large-Color LCD Palmcorder New champion: $12,001 2nd place: Zenith 35" Big-Screen TV & Crawford of Jamestown Armoire

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Michael Tim Glenda
$6,800 $6,500 $6,900
20 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
18 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
15 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $20,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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