Suggest correction - #5231 - 2007-05-14

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    $1200 14
An imam

Show #5231 - Monday, May 14, 2007

Andrew Rostan game 3.


Sue Heitzman, a teacher from Fond du Lac, Wisconsin

Justin Cober-Lake, an electronic publishing associate from Charlottesville, Virginia

Andrew Rostan, a student originally from Boardman, Ohio (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $50,300)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: In honor of Mother's Day yesterday.)
    $200 17
It's the "nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep you ever got with a cold... medicine"
    $200 12
Royal mom of Alice, Alfred, Arthur & 6 others: QV
    $200 22
In 2001 Canada's parliament officially added "and Labrador" to this province's name
    $200 1
Spoiler alert:
This March sister dies in "Little Women"
    $200 6
Czech, please! A divorce from her cost $14 mil., plus a Conn. estate & $350K a year until she remarried
    $200 7
This MPAA rating "requires accompanying parent or adult guardian" for those under 17
    $400 18
For stomach pain, this brand now comes in cherry flavor & says, "Pink tastes better than you think!"
    $400 13
Mother to Lourdes & Rocco: M
    $400 23
A valley formed by the Cuyahoga River divides this city into East & West sides
    $400 2
This E.B. White character slept in a tiny bed made of "four clothespins and a cigarette box"
    $400 27
"Here, let me get out my wallet..." A divorce from this alliteratively named lady cost a mere $2 million
    $400 8
(Jon of the Clue Crew holds a guitar.) As a letter before "string" it's kind of racy; as this guitar chord [strums], it's just beautiful
    $600 19
This mouthwash company says there are "millions of reasons to rinse"
    $600 14
Mother to Anna, James, Elliott, John & Franklin: ER
    DD: $3,000 24
The Saami live in this 7-letter region that includes parts of Norway, Sweden, Russia & Finland
    $600 3
In "The Wizard of Oz", Dorothy lived with Aunt Em & this uncle, a farmer
    $600 28
In 2004 the Donald paid $41 mil. for a house (which he gutted) in this Florida co., site of a few election problems in 2000
    $600 9
It's the Roman numeral for 500
    $800 20
For athlete's foot, boom! John Madden recommends "tough actin'" this; boom!
    $800 15
Mom to Yolanda, born in Montgomery in 1955, & 3 others: CSK
    $800 25
Australia's second-largest state in area, it's nearly 5 times the size of Japan
    $800 4
On Oct. 2, 1872 he & his servant leave London in an attempt to go around the world in 80 days
    $800 29
In 1985 Trump signed Doug Flutie to a 5-year, $7 million deal to play for the N.J. Generals of this league
    $800 10
In 1901 the first wireless message sent overseas was just this one letter
    $1000 21
OK, picture the sailor walking around... Now, hear that whistling in the ads for this men's scent?
    $1000 16
Mother to Eve & the Nobel Prize-winning Irene: MC
    $1000 26
In 1982 King Sobhuza of this southern African country died after a 61-year reign
    $1000 5
Playwright Clare Quilty is Humbert's rival for the love of this girl
    $1000 30
In 1990 this Atlantic City Trump site, not the Agra one, cost a cool billion to build
    $1000 11
John Cleese played this letter-perfect role in "Die Another Day"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Andrew Justin Sue
$3,200 $400 $2,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Andrew Justin Sue
$7,000 $2,400 $7,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: You have to identify the department.)
THE 1700s
    $400 26
Donald Rumsfeld,
Robert Gates
    $400 2
(Drew delivers the clue.) In my new movie "Music and Lyrics", Hugh Grant plays my love interest; in "50 First Dates" & "The Wedding Singer", I was paired up with this funny actor
    $400 7
Asked what he did during this French Revolutionary phase that began in 1793, Emmanuel Sieyes said, "I survived"
    $400 17
In 1939 Leo Szilard told Einstein about this type of "reaction" in uranium, & Al said, "I never thought of that!"
    $400 12
Guess who?
    $400 1
In baseball, it's the pitcher & catcher; in war, it's a set of guns or other artillery
    $800 27
Tommy Thompson,
Michael Leavitt
    $800 3
We didn't get to see much of Drew in this Wes Craven flick; she's killed off in the first 15 minutes
    $800 8
In the 1740s purist teacher Muhammad al-Wahhab allied himself with a ruler on this peninsula
    $800 18
Al called Georges Lemaitre's idea, now called the Big Bang, "the most beautiful ...explanation of" this word
    $800 13
A pontiff
    $800 22
Also meaning "abusive criticism", this antiaircraft artillery term comes from the German "Flieger Abwehr Kanone"
    $1200 28
Rod Paige,
onetime "Jeopardy!" contestant Margaret Spellings
    $1200 4
(Another Drew Clue.) Once upon a time, I starred in this fairy tale flick, met a prince, fell in love & we lived happily...well, you know
    $1200 9
John Kay's flying shuttle, a device used in this craft, was an important step toward automating the process
    $1200 19
Here Einstein is welcomed to Los Angeles by Robert Millikan, a top scientist at this school from 1921 to 1945
    $1200 14
An imam
    DD: $1,200 23
From the French for "to go out" comes this term for an aircraft mission
    $1600 29
Paul O'Neill,
John Snow,
Henry Paulson, Jr.
    $1600 5
In this 1999 romantic comedy, Drew went undercover as a high school student to get a news story
    $1600 10
The painting seen here depicts this newsworthy fatality of 1779
    $1600 20
Al's pal Kurt Godel theorized that it was unfeasible to travel here, but maybe you could send a message
    DD: $5,000 15
1943 & 1947:
A military man with a plan
    $1600 24
A muzzle-loading high-angle gun, or something that needs a pestle to be effective
    $2000 30
Gale Norton,
Dirk Kempthorne
    $2000 6
(Again we draw on Drew for the final clue.) This movie in which I portrayed Beverly Donofrio was based on her memoir subtitled "Confessions of a Bad Girl Who Makes Good"
    $2000 11
In the war of this "Succession", the candidate who finally succeeded was Louis XIV's grandson
    $2000 21
The first major physicist to support Albert's ideas, this quantum theory originator was a constant support
    $2000 16
An Ethiopian
    $2000 25
This word refers to a large double-edged Scottish broadsword or to an antipersonnel land mine

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Andrew Justin Sue
$15,800 $1,600 $22,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

This character "believed in the green light, the orgiastic future that year by year recedes before us"

Final scores:

Andrew Justin Sue
$31,600 $3,150 $12,800
3-day champion: $81,900 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Andrew Justin Sue
$13,400 $2,800 $19,400
21 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
5 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
26 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W

Combined Coryat: $35,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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